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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. This is what i have and it dont show up [RightChin] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=18 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.654,3.783,-0.529 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=100 AllowedWeaponClass=DLP,HTS,HTSPOD,LP,EP,DLP AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=HTSPylon PylonMass= PylonDragArea=0.02 DiameterLimit=0.4 LengthLimit=2.6 [HTS_mount] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=19 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.684,4.134,-0.559 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=85 AllowedWeaponClass=DLP,DP,HTS,EP AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=HTSPylon PylonMass= PylonDragArea=0.02 DiameterLimit=0.3 LengthLimit=1.5
  2. hey how did u get it to work im havin the same problem and i fallowed fast cargos sayin but nothin
  3. sorry for askin but theirs not 06 weapons editor i look on the editors
  4. Yea i gt that one but everytime i import weapons the game crashes then i have to get the july 06 weapons pack installed to work it
  5. the 2\20\2008 weapons editor
  6. Yes i got a question i got some paint schemes that on planes there are parts of the body that is see through is their any way to fix that
  7. Here the see through body look very closely
  8. Oh and i installed every weapons editor but when i import a weapon and start the game it crashes i tried every weapon editor but it still crashes
  9. Which is a more realistic terrian and environmental for wings over europe for example the terrain and environment ussed for nato fighters 1-4
  10. Does anyone know if i can get my game from the thrird wire store after i purched it its first egles gold edition
  11. I have to get it again then cuz i just have the recipt not the code thing
  12. id like to thank migbuster for his help on infoormation and the rest of u not lets get down to the chase i have wings Over Europe Wings Over Isreal WIngs Over Vietnam i guess thats all the wings series and first eagles gold which flight sim would be good to get on the third wire store I meant now not tot sorry guys forgive me
  13. I didnt know they had a plane vanilla Strike Fighters ima get it
  14. yes i have falcon 4.0 allied force when i install the game it works but when the process reachs toward the end it freezes any help thanks
  15. Yes i was wondering if anyone knows the meaning of this phraise im flyin the cammander air group bird and i found this sayin on it
  16. Whats the difination for this

    Thanks Vampyre
  17. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    Thanks Mig Buster Ur a good friend thanks for ur help
  18. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    Thanks mig buster for u help but its no use any more i cant get it to work i need step by step coodination in order to understand im sorry
  19. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    thanks mig buster did u see my nose arts
  20. I currently reinstalled wings over erope with the 2008 patch but it comes out as 4-23-06 patch any help thanks
  21. These are nose arts from a book that are from operation desert storm hope u like them

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