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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. Nose Arts From A book i have Plz Comment

    More but the last two are the canada distrbute RAF Distrubte Italy Distrubte
  2. Im downloading it to C:\Users\AARON\Desktop\Wings Over Europe thats where i download the game
  3. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    I installed it in games didnt work and then i made a folder called jet games and then i installed the game their and it didnt work and when i set up the game i put the cd in then two options come up like run setup and files on cd then i run setup then i choose setup then it says custome or install the original software then i choose costume then i choose
  4. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    Tried Different places to but still stoped
  5. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    Mig Buster it still stops at the same spot on pix two
  6. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    Ok thanks Mig Buster
  7. Got the b-1 and put a cockpit ini in their but i still cant fly it how do u guys fly the plane as flyable in single player
  8. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    This is where thee intallation process stops and this is the thing that comes out
  9. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    How would i run it in admin mod or xp mode
  10. If any one has Falcon 4.0 allied force

    how could i put it ok i run the installation and i click where i wanna save it ok and then i go to next and the installation process begins the process is ok until i reaches a poin in the process and the process will stop completly sayin retry or cancel i have windows 7 by the way
  11. Can u take off from carriers on Wings Over Europe
  12. USN Radio COMM

    How do u use this do u put it under an aircraft name or whata
  13. Ok i extracted all 3 ods and then i applied the woe 2008 and when i start the game freezes and it wont take me to the main screen
  14. Ok first i did was update the game then i unistalled the game then i reinstalled the game and it frooze
  15. img00067.JPG

    how do u add planes like that thats sick
  16. img00044.png

    This looks sick and nice how did u do this
  17. Ok and about the patch i tried last time to put a patch no one answered it but i tried the 0 8 patch and i came to be the 4 23 06 patch
  18. Try an F-14 Tomcat or F-16 or even the F-22 the F-22 Has the greatest missle the Aim-9X Sidwinder Better missle then the aim-9b

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