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Everything posted by DEVIL11

  1. Ur welcome anytime siddley if u have anymore questions just messege me k
  2. Yes thier is go to wings over europe vietnam go to sound mod then go to the very last page and ull find the sound ur lookin of
  3. I did have operation desert storm i donwloaded all three and everytime i tried campain it freezes soo i have to only play the single ,missions
  4. Is their anything i should change to make the B-52 and B-1 Flyable
  5. And i dont have sfp2 i have wings over europe
  6. Ok thanks but with the read to make ai planes fly able it doesnt show u step by step like something easy instead of confusin
  7. Actually i got wings over europe not sfp1 or 2
  8. Can u show me exactly what to put cuz i put the A-6 copit didnt work soo can u give me the things to edit
  9. In the game options what are the misc keys
  10. Hello Frank D arent u suppose to set them ur self though cuz they are blank
  11. ok i got the avenger replament sounds i choosed one and i used the gun editor and i changed it to his is this right cuz in the game it has no sound what am i doin wrong [GunData025] TypeName=30MM_GAU8/A FullName=30mm GAU-8/A Avenger Caliber=30.000000 ROF=4200.000000 MuzzleVel=1030.000000 AmmoWt=0.360000 WarheadWt=0.036000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=50.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=Gau8FireEffect GunFireSound=Avenger EffectClassName=30mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE
  12. Yes i did i put the avenger sound i wanted in sounds the i put the soundlist in flight thats what the read me said soo i did that and i changed cannon to avenger
  13. Hello my name is aaron yes im having diffuclt with the avenger sound i read the readme and it says this Use the thirdwire gun editor and edit the sound name for the GAU-8 30mm from 'Vulcan' to 'Avenger' and you're done. U guys told me to get the weapons editor WeaponEditor_v11_08_04 can u guys tell me what to do cuz i am confused this would be the first time editing a gun
  14. i did everything the readme said but in the game it stall comes out gau\8 cannon
  15. Ok i re programmed my computer and i cant dowload my wings over europe i downloaded wings over vietnam just fine i got the disks for both and it wont let me down laod wings over europe thanks for those who help
  16. Ok the game play is good its full got that workin finally thanks guys but does the menue always stay like the attacment pix i have on the first page
  17. I tried every single one and it still did it
  18. Ok what u mean start up theirs two 1start up startupenglish its a note pad
  19. [startup] StartupScreen=MainScreen IntroMovieList=IntroMovies.ini [Debug] OutputLevel=0 [Window] WindowMode=FALSE WindowPosX=0 WindowPosY=0 WindowWidth=1024 WindowHeight=768 [Directory] SystemDirectory=System MenuDirectory=Menu MissionControlDirectory=Flight FlightDirectory=Flight ObjectDirectory=Objects TerrainDirectory=Terrain SoundDirectory=Sounds SpeechDirectory=Speech ControlDirectory=Controls ScreenShotsDirectory=ScreenShots MissionsDirectory=Missions CampaignsDirectory=Campaigns PilotDataDirectory=PilotData CacheDirectory=NetCache NetCacheDirectory=NetCache [system] InputManagerDLL=DirectInput.dll SoundManagerDLL=DirectSound.dll DisplayManagerDLL=DirectDraw.dll TextManagerDLL=TextUSEnglish.dll MenuSystemDLL=MenuSystem.dll GraphicsEngineDLL=GraphicsEngine.dll TerrainEngineDLL=TerrainEngine.dll FlightEngineDLL=FlightEngine.dll ObjectManagerDLL=ObjectManager.dll ViewManagerDLL=ViewManager.dll ControlMapDLL=ControlMap.dll ParticleSystemDLL=ParticleSystem.dll EnvironmentSystemDLL=EnvironmentSystem.dll WorldManagerDLL=WorldManager.dll MessageSystemDLL=MessageSystem.dll SpeechSystemDLL=SpeechSystem.dll MissionManagerDLL=MissionManager.dll FaderDLL=Fader.dll NetworkLayerDLL=DirectPlay.dll ExporterDLL= [Options] OptionsFile=Options.ini [MenuSystem] InitFile=MenuSystem.ini DataFile=MenuData.cat TextFile=MenuText.cat [FlightEngine] InitFile=FlightEngine.ini DataFile=FlightData.cat TextFile=FlightText.cat [Objects] InitFile=ObjectList.ini DataFile=ObjectData.cat [MissionManager] InitFile=MissionControlList.ini DataFile=MissionData.cat TextFile=MissionText.cat PilotListFile=PilotList.ini [speech] DataFile=Speech.cat TextFile=SpeechText.cat [NetLaunch] GameType0Screen=MpDogfightScreen GameType1Screen=MpMissionScreen ConnectionTimeout=60 should i change anything i added those lines u told me to and this is how it looks like
  20. I did what u told me and it still looks like the pix i posted

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