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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. What I read from the quick blurb is it is actually transmitting two separate images that are picked up by your individual eyes, like the old stereopticon viewers work. I think they were talking about a dual web cam type thing on the top of the screen that would focus on each eye. Each eye would see from a slightly different view point. The microsoft page had two different people looking at a single screen seeing entirely different images (like one was picture and the other was a spread sheet). It would be like a TrackIR where the view changes from where you are inputting the signal. Beard
  2. The RFC and the Senussi Campaign, Egypt

    http://www.sim-outho...ead.php?t=34077 Maybe you can get Lou to post the install instructions again to get all the planes working Here ya go Beard
  3. The RFC and the Senussi Campaign, Egypt

    Here ya go Beard
  4. WOW! What a difference...

    Okay, since we're talking joysticks and such..... I found out lately that you can use the throttle quadrant of an X52 with just about anything as a joystick. It works with other joysticks plugged into a usb port, just like rudder pedals. I have tried this with Saitek 290 and an old Logitec 3D pro (so old it uses the gameport to usb jack). This probably works with other hotas setups but this is the only one I have. So you could probably connect that logitec 3D FFB pro with a throttle off of another stick. You can program the buttons through the CFS3 controls menu and it all works. I know, you are saying why bother. I like the way the throttle quadrant buttons are set up but the spring on the X52 joystick can be weak (there are fixes) or you may just wear it or not like the general feel. You may want that FFB and not want to spend the big buck for the new set up. This just gives you another option. By the way, I cant override the hat on the joystick (any of them) to zoom in or out. Beard
  5. What happened here?

    I don't know about the other guys , but I read for content. I rarely notice/care what the skin is. I probably logged on three times before I really notice the background wasn't the same. I think the big tip off was the date of the last post was correct. Don't get me wrong, I like the OFF skin but to tell you the truth, it comes up and I am rolling down the page to see the new posts. Now you have to realize I do graphics for a living and realize content is more important. Take your time Eric, and get to it when you can, I aint gonna lose any sleep over the skin. Beard
  6. What happened here?

    Ditto Beard
  7. Air Show

    Now this may just be a stupid question, but why did they put Triplanes on the poster and no Zeppelins? There are no Biplanes in sight. Beard
  8. OK, here is what is going on..... After re-installing CFS3, and Phase 3 I am experiencing random joystick twitching. I am using my trusty on X52 and now it is throwing the planes all over the sky in both CFS3 and OFF. When the mission starts quite often the stick (in game) is in the hard left position without my touching the controls. Then after (or during) take of the stick will twitch to left radically when the controls are held straight forward. I have gone as far as getting it flying straight and level with hands off the stick and watched the stick on the monitor moves radically left (usually) and occasionally right. Thinking it might be the old stick I installed a new ST90 Saitek to test it and by golly it does the same thing. I'm thinking there must be a software command to counteract this (Calibration in game doesn't seem to work) but I dont know where to look. Any ideas guys? Seems odd after all this time flying with out real trouble to have a couple crop up in just a week. Beard
  9. Joystick Calibration problems after Re-install

    Thanks Duce, that did it. I left a few stogies and a bottle of scotch for you at the O club. Beard
  10. Uninstall procedure?

    I believe you also need to go to Application Data\Microsoft\WWIOverFlandersFields and uninstall that. Here is a trick.... If you are going to reinstall, save the ConfigurationOveride.xml and Mine.xca, found in the above Applications folder (I'm doing this from memory but these should be close) to someplace. This will allow you can put them back in with out having to go through the hassle of setting up you CFS3 Config (video preferences) and your joy stick if you have assigned keys to it. I just fought this out last weekend so I speak from recent experience. Also, if you are reinstalling up through HiTR, after you load Phase 3 you will need to load the patches 1.32 and 1.32g (available at the official website), before installing HiTR. After that patch up to 1.47. Good Luck, Beard
  11. After spending two days recovering my OFF install due to a new vid card driver, I am now missing some airplanes. What I did was install the the new Nvidia drivers (197.77) and it made OFF, CFS3, and MTO unloadable. The games came back saying the my configuration overide xml file was out of date and I needed to rerun CFS3. Well to fix that I unistalled all of the above and started from scratch, though now I realize I didn't need to do all that. If it happens to you and you are using a LCD monitor, connect the monitor to the VHS cable and run CFS3 in analog mode and you should get an updated config overide file. Anyhoo..... after much frustration I reinstall the whole Maryanne and got it running. However after installing OFF, BHandH, and patched up to 147 I now do not have some planes in campaign or quick combat mode. The onliest ones I am sure of at the moment are the N11 and N16, but obviously I haven't tried them all. The interesting thing is if you use the old CFS3 quick combat in Workshop, it will not let you select those planes. You can however select another plane click the old quick combat ribbon and select them from the pop out menu and fly them. So I know they are there I just can't fly them where I want to, like campaign. Any ideas how to fix this easily guys? Beard
  12. Alright.....who stole my airplanes

    You were right Al, I uninstalled and reinstalled Phase 3, the 1.32 and 1.32g patches. Then installed the HITR upgraded and patched through to 1.47, and every thing is now sunshine and roses. By the way, when reinstalling Phase 3, the Configuration Overide.xml went missing again in both CFS3 and Phase 3, but I had saved a copy and put it back in (it is located in Application Data stuff) and it worked fine. Beard
  13. Alright.....who stole my airplanes

    Thanks Al, I went straight from OFF to BH&H and didn't install the OFF upgrades, afer that put in the HTR. that is probably it. Beard
  14. Unofficial OFF advertisement Video

    Quit being negative Al, its a good ad for Phase 3 and people that don't have it, need it. The development team doesnt need people waiting for Phase 4, they need new interest in Phase 3 and HiTR. Nobody that flew CFS3 ever expected to see that many planes in the sky at one time, it looks like "Hell's Angels" except in color. Beard
  15. Aren't first impressions great, when I first glanced at that elevator I though it said Dentist.....Now that would strike fear in anyone. Beard
  16. I did a quick check Olham, I use Firefox so I googled Albatros D III just like you did and the images showed up. Beard
  17. Warp Question

    Actually, the way it is set now is 4nml. Basically if you can see it on the 4 mile ring it will kick warp off. When I fly I set the "radar" ring to 4 miles, I agree 8 is a little far out for our purposes. As soon as the contact leaves the 4 mile circle you can start hitting x and you will warp unless the guy is hanging just outside of the ring. Beard
  18. Welp, I got it all loaded up and patched, (and amazed at the interiors of some of their planes) and I noticed something right off the bat. The guns on these old birds are now like the ones in First Eagles. I mean just a couple of shots and you blow the enemy apart. Set at the normal setting they would make a N11 the killer of the skies with the paltry number of bullet they get. A DVII or a SE5 could easily take out a Gotha at long range without working up a sweat. It is a lot of fun, and the change of scenery is rather entertaining. It will be interesting to see missions written for this platform. Oh, by the way I have the vid setting at all 5 and it runs smoothly with a high frame rate. Beard
  19. Saturdays still a go

    I'd love to fly Winston but I've been plowed under with work and honeydooes. And, manyana I have to work on the the old '66 Ford. I replaced the tube shifter and now I have no brake lights or rear turn signals, lol. Aint spring in California wonderful... Beard
  20. Redo of, THE BLUE MAX!

    I would like to see the movie end like the book.... Beard Oh, I do like to what Katherine Zeta-Jones walk
  21. Vote: Best Field Modification

    I think there was a Russian pilot that had a Nieuport equipped with a rope and grappling hook for ripping the top wing off of enemy planes.... but then again I could be wrong. Beard
  22. save phase 4

    If you want to fly "full realistic" you need to fly safe. I learned this flying team play in the "Over Flanders Fields" online war in the Red Baron 3D. In that campaign if you were shot down, killed, or just plain did not land at a friendly base you were out for the night. Online squadrons often do not have another pilot to take you place. Red Baron wars often had a limit on the number of pilots that could fly at one time or how many planes a side could put up in a session. So if you did something stupid like get killed you let down your whole squad. So if you have high realistic settings, fly like your life depends on it, because your virtual life does. By the way, the original Red Baron game also did not have a save. Good Luck, Beard
  23. When working with paint schemes it is sometimes very difficult to get the lines to warp from one face to another. Quite often they do not line up, I took a tip from Olham long ago and make a grid on the surfaces so you know exactly where to place a line from one surface to another. The Spad is not to bad, though there are some rough spots around the guns and cabane struts, and seems that the cowling has some issues lining up also. If you are using a regular camo pattern or a "sand" paint it isn't really difficult. The Nieuport 17,17bis and 24 etal are a real problem, nothing lines up gracefully on them, so it you are new at this approach them with great trepidation. I am sure all of the planes have anomalies that require special attention, seems to me there are some problems on the Pup tailplane, I also noticed that some attention was needed lining the EV/D8 tailplane (lots of stuff you don't need there from the DVII). Another thing you will notice is sometimes thing are reversed on the final product, just mirror that image. Anyhoo, the idea is just to take your time and work in layers so you don't have to paint the whole plane each time. You can always make that grid layer into its own layer and just don't show it when you print it out. For weathering, I tend to paint on a layer over the top of the finished "pristine" aircraft and add dirt, grease, soot wherever it would seem to occur naturally. Beard

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