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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Help

    You need to change the view.xml in the Documents File not the one in the game. This is where mine is C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Application Data\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields I did the same thing this morning. Beard
  2. Enhaced reality settings

    I just did a quick test and found that the totally transparent is 0x1f0000FF. I put that in for friendly labels and they disappeared. Beard
  3. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    I've been reading through all of the posts and am torn on what is best. We all have a preferences and the way we like to fly, so what is fair to all. Mac and others don't have track IR so padlock should not be disabled (I have Track IR and I use padlock all the time) so I can see his point. I personally hate the compass on the DH2, so I would like to use the F5 compass. TAC is almost manditory because of the graphic limitations of the game. Eyes detect motion a lot better than a monitor at distance. As it is now I am hard pressed to see a plane at 2NM let alone the 4NM that the tack uses. Quite often the planes have to be into the 1NM range for me to see them (unless against a contrasting background like the sky or a cloud). External views are nice if you like eye candy but they are an unrealistic way to identify aircraft at a long distance. Now Labels.... The big plus for labels is identification of your wingman/confirmation of kills. You just cant be sure if Joe shot that thing down if you aren't sure it was Joe going after it. This could be eliminated if everyone flew with radically different custom skins and you are close enough to see them (see monitor limitations). So the big thing is the fun factor. Some guys get off on Full Realism, some guys want to fly with no cockpit and F5. I as probably everyone else fall somewhere in between. I will fly a Full Real game but probably not a Full Arcade but at least on the latter you can set your end of the game up to your own preferences, you are just stuck on Full Real. Quite often in dogfights I will turn off labels in an effort to eliminate the shuddering (doesn't seem to help but I feel pro-active), but once the dogfight is over I go back to labels to form up. The answer is ultimately up to whoever hosts. I'm gonna fly whenever possible no matter the limitations. Beard
  4. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    I'm already patched up also. Beard
  5. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    I prefer Tac on no labels. This aids in navigation and tells you where everybody is but not necessarily who they are. Also with Tac on you can direct the AI to attack. I don't know if it is needed to tell your gunner who to shoot at. As an aside, I have noticed a problem with the compass in the DH2. In campaign mode it seems to be 50 to 90 degrees off the compass you see with the F5 view, or at least it does on my machine. Beard
  6. Big thanks to Vasco

    Yes, it truely was a good time even if we did have to fly for the Dastardly Huns. I made many of the sessions and it was great fun. Vasco is very patient with the new fliers so make sure to join us on the upcoming early war RAF 24 campaign. It aught to be a real challenge, Spinning Incinerators and Feebs. Beard
  7. Fashion Tip Advice Needed

    I use a baseball cap because I only use headphones when I fly online. My hat has a piece of braid on it the contours the top of the bill next to the crown. I have just slipped the clip under that and it stays put. The same thing could be accomplished with a couple of quick stitches of thread and be easily removed at a later date. Beard
  8. HiTR new planes

    OK, I did it. The DH5 climbs a little faster and is a little faster on auto level. But the DH2 handles a lot better. If I were given the choice of the two I would take the DH2. I could recover from a spin quite easily with both but preferred the DH2 where essentially all you have to do is let loose of the stick and throttle back and it will correct itself. This is under 2500' which was my test altitude. You have to be careful not to over correct which will cause you to lose wings or exacerbate the spin. Also the DH2 has the best sights of all the planes, they are just there in front of you, you dont have to move your head, hit F6 or anything, just line up and shoot. The DH5 in its defense will dive like crazy and do a nice yo-yo, and is very stable if you dont try to do anything silly like extended climbing turns. I can see how it would be a nice ground assault ship if it had the DH2's flying cover. Beard
  9. You have lots of choices with a little better armament. Try the Spad XIII or the SE5 or the Viper (lots of macho there). If you want a little more finesse try the N17 Bis or the N28. But for great fun fly the N11, N17, or the DH2. And if you want a challenge go for the Bristol Scout. Beard
  10. HiTR new planes

    I have flown the DH2 a bit since HiTR came out and it seems to be a little touchier than it was before, but it always seemed a little to stable for its reputation. Now it feels right. I flew it online last Sunday with the Vasco gang, using no tac, or labels and it made a very intense mission. I managed to pull out of a couple of spins on that mission but it was tense. I have flown the DH5 very little and do not have an informed opinion for you. The biggest problem I had with it was the location of the top wing, it was really confusing looking for enemy aircraft. For some reason when I would see the leading edge of the top wing I would assume it was the trailing edge and really get turned around. I know that make no sense at all but that is how it felt. Beard
  11. The Prize for Vasco's next campaign.

    I will definitely be joining the next campaign, though I may miss the the 3rd Sunday of each month depending on the local weather. Those are the days my black powder club shoot. Beard
  12. Changing Personal skin in campaign

    Just tried a mission with the 13th Aero and had the same anomaly, so it may be Spad XIII's. I haven't tried a French Squadron yet. Beard
  13. Changing Personal skin in campaign

    I have had the same problem with the 94th. Beard
  14. Vasco's Volunteers

    Still flying the German campaign until the the 2nd week in January because of the two lost weeks when Vasco was away. Beard
  15. Vasco's Volunteers

    I think its on Von Baur, or it least that is the impression I got last Sunday. Beard
  16. Merry Crhistmas!

    Cheers and Merry Christmas TBlaster, look forward to flying with you again. Beard
  17. Is is possible to trim a Feee

    I'm not sure if I mapped them or if they are default but I use the Arrow keys to trim elevator and ailerons. Beard
  18. Next Campaign?

    I kind of like the idea of the DH2s or the N11's, but then again I have been accused of pounding my head against the wall just for the fun of it... Beard
  19. Out of action

    Sorry to hear it Mac, but I understand the problem. Beard Good Luck
  20. What is currently needed for MP?

    It'll be nice to see you flying again Winston. Beard
  21. Next Campaign?

    We flew two missions n' I dint even git kilt once. It was normal time normal place. Beard
  22. My 2 cents. I have been flying a lot of campaign with a little QC to check the new aircraft. What I have found is the AI act a lot more like real pilots in that they try to maintain an altitude advantage. I am constantly trying to get up co-alt and they keep climbing away with an occasional boom and zoom, which feels pretty accurate and is very frustrating. I give this a thumbs up. They seem to be reluctant to engage unless they have a real numerical advantage, and even then you will find that they leave someone high that can always dive in. This also feels real. Unfortunately once you do get them engaged they tend fly stupidly, like in straight lines without trying to turn back on you. Another thing I have noticed is your wingman AI are a lot more aggressive, you don't seem to have to point out targets to attack. All you have to do is hit "A" and they're on it. Unfortunately I have now been shot by my wingman on occasion and the bastage keeps vulching my kills. Beard
  23. Re skinned stand alons

    Actually sometimes the AI will fly the skin you are using. I had it happen the other day in Campaign mode, I was flying my Rising Sun Spad in a very large flight of Spads and sure enough there were about 3 more Rising Suns in the flight mixed in with normal US94th stock skins. Beard
  24. couple of questions

    I use it off and on, it certainly make your own aircraft look better from inside the cockpit. Beard
  25. aircraft labels, who uses em?

    I only use them when flying online, that way I can separate my wingman from the AI. I do use the tac though. Beard

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