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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Expansion Patch

    I'll be there. Beard

    If we had copies of the original files those of us with HIR could possibly put them into the game using the Jones Soft Mod Enabler. With it we should be able to easily remove them after the game. I alas have already upgraded to HIR and therefore don't have the original files. Beard
  3. Loading Issue

    Okay, here's a good question. Do these guys that just get OFF need to install the the previous updates before installing the expansion pack? Beard
  4. Question about download

    I think it did that to me also, the first time if downloaded it in came out way to small and I had an invalid index er sumpin. Downloaded it a second time and got the whole thing without a problem. Good Luck Beard
  5. HIR

    When I got on with you guys last night I didn't have the FPS problem. Beard

    The next to the last section of the OFF forums tells you how to make skins. However, it is not really easy and takes some work and special programs to open and view the skins that are already made (basically you need a program that will view dds files, like Irfan view, which is free). To paint skins you will need a dds to bmp converter like DXTbmp which is also free and there should be a link in the other section of the forum. The skins are located in the skins folder which is found in C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins If you go to the download section of this forum you will be able to find custom skins for all of the 94th Showbird Spads that were used after the war. It is a little early yet to find custom skins for the N28s. Beard
  7. Silly pics of yourself

    Here are Mrs. Beard and I, preparing for a Halloween Party many moons ago. Beard

    Cool, I'll be there, hope I don't have that Gotha mismatch this week. Beard
  9. widescreen support?

    If you go to the Config screen in workshops you may already have 1600 x 900 in there. I have it in mine, but it is using Nvdia drivers, and I can select it. When I experimented with (in search of faster FPS) it came up with black bands on the top and bottom (my native resolution is 1680 X 1050). So it should work for people with the 16 x 9 configuration without the black bands. Beard
  10. File Name: Spad XIII US94 Lt. William Palmer File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 05 Dec 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins SPAD XIII "Diamond Dick" flown by Lt. William Palmer post WWI Click here to download this file
  11. I think Ricketycrate's Hanger is pretty full now Beard
  12. Spad XIII US94 Lt. William Palmer



    SPAD XIII "Diamond Dick" flown by Lt. William Palmer post WWI
  13. Screenshot Utility

    You can make short videos with the free version, but it says FRAPS in red in the center at the top. Beard
  14. Version


    SPAD XIII flown by Lt. Dudley "Red" Outcault, Barber PoleUS94th, Post WWI
  15. File Name: Spad XIII US94 Lt. Dudley "Red" Outcault File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 03 Dec 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins SPAD XIII flown by Lt. Dudley "Red" Outcault, Barber PoleUS94th, Post WWI Click here to download this file
  16. Here's a Christmas Candy Cane to decorate Ricketycrate's Hanger Beard
  17. That was neat Rickety, thanks for the pics. Beard
  18. Jasta 4 Campaign - 29 Nov 09

    I'll be there, hope I have the right TS channel. I can log onto the Black Haze server, but there was mumbling a week ago about things being changed. Beard
  19. LOL, I still have IL2 on mine and have even added all the latest mods, but I don,t fly it. Heck I have even forgotten what the buttons on my joystick do in that game. Beard
  20. File Name: Spad XIII US94 Lt. Ben Jones File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 29 Nov 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is a Showbird that was flown Post WWI Click here to download this file
  21. Here is another one for the Ricketycrate Hanger. Beard
  22. Spad XIII US94 Lt. Ben Jones



    This is a Showbird that was flown Post WWI
  23. warping

    Actually it is more like 4 miles, you can usually warp right after the EA disappears off the of the 4 mile TAC. Beard
  24. Map idea

    I think that is exactly the way it was set up for online play in RB3D. It made it very easy to keep track of your location because the terrain was so simple. After you flew it a few times you could recognize the area by what the target looked like. Also you could count on the roads and rivers to match up with the map. Beard

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