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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. New Teamspeak server

    Is this the server we will use for the regular Sunday session? Beard
  2. 94th Aero Online Campaign

    Great briefing Vasco, I am surprised and pleased to see that I have achieved Ace status, which just goes to show plodding along and trying not to steal others kills will allow you to stay alive long enough to be an ace. Beard
  3. If you liked the RB DH2 you'll love the one in OFF, its one of my favorite birds. Welcome, Beard
  4. File Name: Spad XIII US94 John Jeffers File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 27 Sep 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Post War Spad XIII "Rising Sun" flown by Lt. John Jeffers Click here to download this file
  5. Here's another one for the Ricketycrate Hanger Beard
  6. Spad XIII US94 John Jeffers



    Post War Spad XIII "Rising Sun" flown by Lt. John Jeffers
  7. Good job Red Dog, this skinning is fun :), I don't get shot down as often, lol Beard
  8. File Name: Spad XIII US94 Lt. Cook File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 24 Sep 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Spad XIII flown by LT. Cook, US94, post WWI Click here to download this file
  9. Spad XIII US94 Lt. Cook



    Spad XIII flown by LT. Cook, US94, post WWI
  10. I have uploaded the "Bolt" but haven't seen it yet, if it doesn't show up by morning I will try again. Beard
  11. Here's another one for the Ricketycrate hanger. The next one on my list is the "Rising Sun". Beard
  12. Thanks for the screenies Ricketycrate, I'm glad you are enjoying the skin. I am currently working on Lt. Cooks "Lightning Bolt". With any luck I will have it out in a couple of days. Beard
  13. Spad XIII US94 Ken Dawson



    Spad XIII flown post war by Lt. Ken Dawson of the US 94th.
  14. This Spad XIII was flown by Lt. Ken Dawson of the US94th in the post war period.\ Download file here Beard
  15. File Name: Spad XIII US94 Ken Dawson File Submitter: Burning Beard File Submitted: 20 Sep 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Spad XIII flown post war by Lt. Ken Dawson of the US 94th. Click here to download this file
  16. Here is a post war US94 Skin I just completed. Beard
  17. Count me in if my connection doesn't go south again this week. Beard
  18. It's Time To Play,"What's My Plane" !

    I believe Nr 38 is a Nieuport 17, Country: France Manufacturer: Societe Anonyme des Etablissements Nieuport Type: Fighter First Introduced: March 1916 Number Built: Engine(s): Le Rhône 9J, 9 cylinder, rotary, 110 hp Wing Span: 26 ft 11 in (8.22 m) Length: 18 ft 10 in (5.74 m) Height: 7 ft 10 in Empty Weight: 827 lb (376 kg) Gross Weight: 1246 lb (565 kg) Max Speed: 110 mph (177 km/h) Ceiling: 17,388 ft (5,300 m) Endurance: 2 hours Crew: 1 Armament: 1 Lewis .303 machine gun and/or 1 Vickers .303 machine gun This one obviously has the Vickers gun, and I think it is Belgian from the photograph, but I could be wrong, though the rudder surfaces do not look like red, white and blue. Beard
  19. Subdividing the Skins Database

    I voted for generic model type, that should get you close enough. Modelers should identify the plane by Jasta, or Squadron or whatever to aid in searches of the database. Beard
  20. Sorry I couldn't make it, it wasn't for not trying. My connection has been going in and out all morning, and by the time I could connect, no one was there. Beard
  21. I have found, in a request from Sitting Duck, that the following planes have mirrors or gauges that reflect an image; Allies, F2b, N17 and N17 Lewis (both mirrors and gauges), BE2, RE8, Sopwith Strutter (both models), and the Sopwith Pup Central, Alb DV (mirror only), DRI, Halb DII, Pfalz DIII (Mirror only), Roland These are from the N17 Beard
  22. New NVidia Drivers 190.62

    I have reinstalled the drivers and had the game initially not load the flight and go back to the campaign page. Anyhoo, I didn't panic this time and changed the graphic setting in config until I finally got it to work, since then I have carefully upped the anti to having the card running on max setting in the Nvidia Control panel (manage 3d settings) 16x, supersampling, 16xQ etc.... I have also gone back to Rabu's settings and all is working quite well. Beard
  23. Help with RAR files

    I have used Zipgenius for years, it is freeware and handles all sorts of files, rar included. Just google it and you will find links for downloading the program. Beard
  24. mp?

    My problem is the time zone, being a left coaster the earliest I can get on (and still remain married) is 10 or 10:30est. Beard

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