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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. the need for a concensus?

    A campaign type mission where both sides could be flown would be the way to go, that way you can control the type of aircraft and have AI targets for both teams to go after. Beard
  2. Winston's Early Birds results

    I am really surprised and amazed, I had no idea I did that well, I was just there to fly. Thank you Winston, Beard
  3. rockets and balloons

    Rockets tend to drop pretty fast so it is easier to hit the balloon if you are diving on it (shallow is fine) If you are coming in level to it and fire the rockets they will probably miss (go under) unless you are really close to the balloon, or at least this has been my experience. By the way rockets are really nice for attacking ground targets like airfields, and railroad depots. Yes you can take out a balloon with machine guns, it just takes a little longer. Beard
  4. 26 July, Sunday's Early Birds session

    2pm Beard
  5. Suggested Graphics Settings

    Try adding offmanager.exe, that is what I used. Beard
  6. destroying trains

    If available I use rockets. Beard
  7. Reason for screen name....

    I have had mine for the last 27 or 28 years. I shoot black powder guns and attend our local Rendezvous.... Burning Beard came about on a very rainy day, after vassssst quantities of beer and an up close and personal experience involving a fire in a tipi. Beard
  8. OFF BH&H

    I think you will find that most of us run CFS3 on XP. I too am using xp pro on a dual core with no problems at all. Beard
  9. 2pm NY time, 8am Hawaii. Beard
  10. I was wondering if we were going to use the new DM also. Beard
  11. Fortiesboys' Hardcore Damage Model

    I've been using it in campaign and haven't had any issues yet. Beard
  12. What nationality are you?

    'Bout 30 miles north of Macklroy in Upstate California. Beard
  13. Widowmaker is coming....

    Red Bluff, I'm a native. Graduated in the class of '68. Beard
  14. Widowmaker is coming....

    Or, you could wander a little further north in California, in Tehama County we boast the highest salmon runs in the world and an active volcano. Beard
  15. Bloody April - Optional British skin

    Thanks Vasco, I have it in now. Beard
  16. All invited to MP on Sunday, 5 July

    I'm in Upstate California too, I picked up my Headphone/Mic at either Wal-Mart or Staples and am very pleased with them. I doubt I popped more than 20 bucks for them. Beard
  17. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    This works neat, just tried it. Admittedly there wasn't anybody else there when I was flying, but it surely seemed to work, no fuss, no muss. Thanks, Beard
  18. Pretty sure I will be there, that is iff'n we don't burn the house down on the 4th. Beard
  19. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    That sounds like fun and pretty sure I can make. Beard
  20. 28 June Sunday Early Birds success!

    It was great fun, but I was hoping it was "Early Birds" you know like 1915/1916, lol. I look forward to more sessions. Beard
  21. P4 warp suggestion

    I almost agree with the 4nm number. If you watch on the 8mn screen you will see that the planes disappear shortly after the get out of the 4nm range. As soon as they disappear you can warp. I usually set the screen at 4nm and will hit x just after the the planes leave the TAC. It might take a couple of tries but you will warp. Beard
  22. Balloon Victories?

    There is a Pfalz DXII hanging in the Smithsonian NASM. Beard
  23. How do YOU write your claim form?

    They usually don't live long enough to worry about it. My current pilot has 8+ hours and has one confirmed kill for 11 claims, but he has only been active for 3 days. I have noticed in earlier campaigns that confirmations come rather piecemeal. If this pilot survives long enough I expect to see maybe 3 or 4 confirmations at a time, kind of like a normal bureaucracy works. Heck, in phase two I just made up names of witnesses and got confirmed kills, at least in phase three I try to remember my wingman's name, lol. Beard
  24. Scratches and weathering

    My father was a bomber pilot in WW2 (B29's) and pointed out to me when I was making models as a kid, the military planes did not shine because the reflection of light made them visible from a long distance. That aside I would think the shine would be limited to the type of finish that was available at the time. Dope tends to be shiny, but the upkeep time would be prohibitive on undeveloped runways in a constant combat situation. It would be hard enough to keep the maintenance up without having to haul buckets out to wash off crates that tended to spend most of the time out of hangers. Beard
  25. How do YOU write your claim form?

    I dont do any of it. I put in type and how many and the name of wingman, if I remember it. No description of what happened at all. Beard

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