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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Sablatnig S-19 triplane/seaplane...

    There are some flying model kits out there of the SF4 which looks very similar, but unfortunately I couldn't find a 3 view. Beard
  2. Where is everyone?

    I check in everyday, but I'm not much of a poster. Beard
  3. Settng Affinities in Windows 7 64

    There is an easy way to do this. Hit Ctrl, Alt, Delete and go to the task manager. Once there, go to the Processes tab, right click on the program you want to set the affinity for and pick Set Affinity from the drop down menu. Beard
  4. A Bike for the "Red Baron"

    There are some Smart Cars out there with tracks , if you want to see them Google is your friend, lol. Beard
  5. Caudron G4 model

    When looking at the pictures closely, apparently the plane did not have counter rotating engines (or propellers). However, it looks like the 3D model does. I too would like to see this one in the game. Beard
  6. I am a constant reader, just pick something up and read it, doesn't really matter what it is. Anyhoo, my wife got a Nook for me about 5 years ago or so. I don't think I have read a conventional book since then. A lot of the books available for download you can load onto "e-readers" and you can have them at your fingertips anytime you want to read them. I have a bunch of aviation books downloaded and they are available whenever I desire, however I love mysteries and fictions so I haven't really read them. I usually read free stuff, very rarely buy an e-book, but then again it meets my reading habits. I like to read new authors, for the new point of view or twist on an old plot. So I guess what I meant to say is, I don't read books on the computer but do on e-readers. Beard
  7. WOW!

    I have installed those drivers with no luck, as far as I now the FlightFX and Sweetfx are installed correctly (I think that is where you lose the dog) but nothing works when I put in the Shader Files, dll and ini. I install these with JSGME so I can take them out easily when the dreaded Game Prematurely Terminated box comes up. And yes, I have tried putting them directly into the game without using JSGME. Beard
  8. WOW!

    I'm with Anroth, just spent two days fooling with the mod and cant get it to work. I have tried just about everything, installed new drivers, in and out of JSGME. Not sure where anything goes. Haven't found the JSGME ready download. Just confused and frustrated. Every time I try it, I get a box that says the Game Prematurely Terminated. I also don't have the dog at the start anymore. Beard
  9. WOFF FM Thread

    The problem I saw with Red Baron really doesn't exist here. People tried to use the modified FM/DM's online. And, of course some modified them to dern near F15 characteristics. Since there really isn't an online game, the different FM's are just academic in that they only affect the individual user. Beard
  10. Need Joystick help

    Yep, that's exactly where I put it. Funny you mention that jiggly thing, mine does the same thing when I open the key assignments page. I just ignored it and proceeded on. I haven't seen a bind to axis for the trim control. Beard
  11. Need Joystick help

    I finally got WOFF yesterday, and spent the evening setting things up. I have X52 and Saitek rudder pedals, and managed to get most things working without too much trouble (even without looking at the above guide). The trick seems to be to set some things up and go fly and see if they work. I did overcome the toe brake problem and got the mixture set also. Still haven't figured out how to set trim up to slider like I did of OFF. Anyhoo, having great fun. Beard
  12. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Looks like they painted that lozenge on with a spatula to edges like that, lol. Beard
  13. Guess the Height Contest

    I see 7 also. Beard
  14. Where is everybody ?

    I cruise through at least once a day. Beard
  15. rudder problem

    I found this when I did a search. Pause > drop down menu > Controls > then select the drop down menu under Saitek x-52 FCS joystick. That gives you the Saitek rudder pedals control system. Then, to make it easier, select the "control surfaces" drop down menu...that limits the number of choices available. You'll see there's a choice "x axis", a "y axis", and (I think) "rudder axis". You delete the x axis and the y axis and then save that profile as "Mine" and voila! No toe brake function. (BTW you don't need toe brakes in this sim. There are no brakes on WW1 aircraft. You have to cut your engine off). I think this is what I did and it worked fine. Beard
  16. rudder problem

    That was a known problem with the Saitek pedals, and there are instructions somewhere to fix those. I do not have WOFF yet, however I think what you did in OFF was to go to the controller commands (the CFS3 pull down menu) select your devise and assign/unassign it there. Remember to save you choices as something (Mine is "Mine"). Beard
  17. CS3 DVD

    I just got the DVD also. What I did was install it right over the top of the old CFS3, same folder and everything. I then took the CFS3.exe from the new install and copied it to the OFF folder. Now it boots no problem without the disk in the drive. Beard
  18. WOFF Website is up!

    I have just read through it and it looks great. This will be a whole new level of WWI (or any war) flight sim. The AI look like they will be brilliant and the damage model looks really great. Can't wait to get it in my hot little hands ;) Beard
  19. I think you need the 3.1a patch, which is additional aircraft. There is a no crack patch somewhere, but do not use it. It will screw up some of the game files. Beard
  20. I am running Win7(64bit)pro. It seems when I did an update one time I had some similar issue, what I had done was left out a patch, I think it was the minipatch V1.32. Anyhoo after I carefully re-installed everything, it worked without a hitch. The best way I have found to check it is to run a mission after each section of the install, that way if it goes south on you you will know when it happened. Good Luck, Beard
  21. There are two of those (that I know of). I believe that one is called Jazzbo, and it is the fanciest. The other is call Flying Fish and they were used is France as training planes very early on, I think 1917. They are unarmed and I believe they were used as assembly ships, ie; something bright and easy to see that other flyers could form up on. There is a card model of the Flying Fish (which I have built). Sorry about the photo quality. This is upscaled from 1/48 to 1/33 and the colors aren't very brilliant. The Flying Fish is also a painted N17 on ROF. I tried to paint one for OFF but could never get the 3D faces to line up properly and did not know the colors (if anyone does). Notice the "Star and Ball" on these long before they were the official US marking, Beard
  22. use of rockets on aircraft

    Wasn't it Eric Hartman in WWII that said something like, Get as close as you can before shooting, then get closer? Beard
  23. use of rockets on aircraft

    I use them on ground targets also, they are much more effective the wasting all the ammo in the one gun you have. I have shot down a plane using them out of desperation once,I was really surprised that I hit the dern thing. Beard
  24. Aircraft Nicknames

    I've heard the JU52's referred to as "Iron Annies" Beard

    I'm gonna toss in with November 11 for obvious reasons, sorry if someone else also picked the obvious. Beard

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