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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. Indians in the Great War

    Big Bend is a place you really have to be going to to get there. I worked in Big Bend for about 4 months is 1969 as a surveyor for the Forest Service. It is really beautiful country but steep and rugged, which probably explains why there was an Indian Village there. Beard
  2. Non War Bi Planes

    My initial thought was the P6E but then I remembered the Staggerwing, which would get my vote. Beard
  3. I need a favor

    Check the screen shot thread or try this site. http://www.screenshotworld.com I'm sure you will find something that works for you. Beard
  4. Does P4 get it's own name?

    I'm pretty fond of the "Barmy Sods on a Lark" Beard
  5. Lou's OFF Flying Desk Redux

    Is that Overlayed Plywood you used? It is an old sign product and is vastly superior to regular plywood, and of course waterproof. I have bunch of shelves and things made from, some even still have the signs on them ;) Beard
  6. Urgent\help needed from the PC tecchies

    Another thing that can cause it is cold. My computer at the shop will not start unless it is at least 60 F. The power supply fan and the power lights come on but it is to cold for the hard drive to boot. If I am in a hurry I heat up the case with a heat gun on a low temp. By the way the heat gun wont work under about 54 F. I sometimes heat that up with a quartz heater, lol, Beard
  7. For Multiplayer, ROF is still the only game in town. Beard
  8. Hard Landing...

    It an N11 and a JN4. Beard
  9. How Far We've Come

    Now I feel really old having joined the OFF era at the beginning of Phase One, after coming over from Red Baron 3D, which I went to after flying Red Baron (one) for years. Beard
  10. How Far We've Come

    Even at that stage it was the best game in town...... Beard
  11. Not another DM?!

    I think the video you are referring to was from Old Rhinebeck. If'n I remember correctly the fuel fire occurred in a Camel. Beard
  12. Coops? possible?

    We used to play Coops quite often, but the game is so laggy that the enjoyment wasn't really there. The multiplayer side is very buggy and all but dead now from lack of interest. Most of the guys that flew there have moved on to different games. Beard
  13. Track IR help please

    If you are using windows 7, you can bring up the screen by clicking the little up arrow by the time in the lower right hand corner. It shows all the programs that are running, it is not always just at the bottom of the screen. Beard
  14. Albatros production line

    Did you notice the gun locations on that N28. The shelf was empty and the two guns were in either side of the windscreen. Beard
  15. Never heard of this film

    The film is available through Netflix, (if you really want to stick pins in your eyes). Beard
  16. Stupid anti-virus question!

    I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials all of my machines (wife's and mine) they are 32 bit Vista, a 64 bit Vista and a 64 bit Win 7. It is also free and I have not any problems with it. Beard
  17. Pilot Pics in Dossier

    Thanks Pol Beard
  18. Pilot Pics in Dossier

    I've always wondered if there is a way to randomize that picture selection, or at the very least have it progress through the pictures one at a time and not always return to the first unused picture when making a new pilot. I tend to delete pilots after they "retire" so the picture is usually the same. Beard
  19. Who's Albatros was this?

    That's a lance for jousting. The skull and crossbones indicate the Alb belongs to the Black Knight. Beard
  20. I commented there about OFF Beard
  21. I have an Nvdia 260 GTX which is 3D capable and I figured what the heck I would give it a go. Much to my amazement it actually works and is easy to set up. You get a real good 3D feel for the cockpit and the plane in general, outside of the it is fairly normal. Long distances dont give you much depth (as is normal) but there is a feel for it on midrange. I am viewing this the simplest way, using red and cyan flip ups for my normal glasses. There is some loss or distortion of color, but not overly bad. The menus and such are still in 2D and it works with TracIR. There is a fps hit but the game is still easily playable, I did not find it necessary to turn down my graphics settings. Also, it does not seem to make the card run hotter. This also works on Wings of Prey (probably a little better), the color doesn't seem to be as distorted. I haven't tried with any of the more sophisticated methods of achieving 3D. Beard
  22. Fooling around with 3D

    OK, I found out you can't capture the 3D effect in fraps, but it works with the Print Screen button. Anywho, here is a screen capture. I used the SE5A because of the tube site. Unfortunately this screen will not give you the total effect, maybe it was reducing the size, but it aint right. If you have ever been to a 3D movie you will recognize the two separate images. The original screen was a little to large to download. Beard
  23. Fooling around with 3D

    There is no specific link or anything. The later model Nvidia Cards are 3D capable is all. You set it up via the Nvidia Control Panel. They give you the options of a hardware solution (wired or unwired glasses or box or something) and the old fashioned Red and Cyan tinted lens glasses (which I just happened to have a set of). Set up via the control panel was very simple, you just select what you are using (in my case the glasses). Then they showed a screen that asked what you saw with your left and right eye. You click those then proceed to a screen to see if it worked and walla, you have 3D. Really very easy. I know the option wasn't there on my 8800GT, but I have it on the 260GTX. I'll grab a srceen shot later and post it so you guys with reds and blues will be able to see what I am talking about. What really got this whole mess started is my father took a ton of pictures with an old stereoptican camera (has two lenses eye width apart) and I was looking for a way to view the slides on the computer. This required downloading a program that would accept stereo pairs, once I set that up (also easy) I was off to the races. OFF was just a happy by-product of setting up the 3D slides. The cool thing is you can save the double image pictures as a regular jpg or bmp and view them on anything. I downloaded a couple to my Nookcolor and viewed them there. The Nvidia software will convert the images in OFF to stereo pairs automatically in the game, so you do not need any other special software to view that, just the glasses. So if you just want to play in 3D all you need is the Nvidia card. If you want make your own stereo pairs from pictures you need some other software. Beard

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