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Burning Beard

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Everything posted by Burning Beard

  1. What films U would like to see made

    There was a P47 movie made called Fighter Squadron, starring Robert Stack and Edmond O'Brien made in 1948. Beard
  2. Who's Sopwith Snipe was this?

    Looks like a good skinnin' project. Reproducing that Indian would be fun. Beard
  3. Finally Saw It...

    That was some dress she was wearing in that scene..... Kept trying to see around the edges Beard
  4. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    I was with the Ringers for a couple of years up to the end of the squadron. I think at the end we only had about five pilots, and it was harder and harder to get the big online wars running, especially with the limitations of the game and the hacking that was rampant. Beard
  5. Lack of Ideas

    When it comes to politically incorrect, Greg 'Pappy" Boyington pretty much covered all the bases all by himself. When you read his autobiography you find he didn't even like himself. But, with that said he was a larger than life individual and I think if nothing else the television series down played his exploits. I knew an old Marine F4U pilot that trained with Boyington and my have even run across him in the Pacific that had nothing good to say about him. Would I have liked to meet him, you bet. The series was called Baa Baa Black Sheep. It is available through Netflix. Beard
  6. OT Beautiful Comeback

    Guys, some time its just fun to smack up 'long side the head. Yes I was and Army NCO. Beard
  7. What did you do in the War Dad?

    My father was a B29 Pilot with the 676th of the 444th of the 20th Air Force, Army Air Corp. He was with the group that initially took the B29's to India, Flying across the Atlantic to Morocco then on to Egypt, from there to India. He flew the China Burma India route and was then moved on to Tinian from which he participated in the fire bombing of Japan (flown a 10,000' at night). He had some scary stories which he didn't tell me until after I returned from Viet Nam. Beard
  8. British Summertime

    Personally I'm pretty depressed we have only gone over 100F a couple of time this year. We usually have nice warm weather starting in the end of May. Temperature will commonly be over 110F starting in July. We have been suffering in 80 to 95 degree weather for weeks, I'm not sure if Summer will ever start. Beard
  9. British Summertime

    My daughter (onliest child) was born when I was 36, and I think that is very good age to have children. You don't sweat the small stuff so much. She grew up well, though a little pig headed, lol, but all in all a credit to my wife and me. Beard
  10. Yes it is unfortunate. Al, for all his foibles has always been a number 1 fanboy for OFF. He could be prickly and maybe a little put-offish but he was never really inconsistent. His tips and cheats were a great asset for the new people and will be missed. By the way, from his writing I believe he came out of Viet Nam in one piece and lost his leg in a motorcycle accident (I think). Wont make excuses for him, but will miss his input here.... though he still posts on another forum I frequent. Beard
  11. wierd flight routes

    Sometime, especially if you use warp, your pilot just gets lost. If you use the tac screen, make sure you are following the blue line. I have been lost over Paris, almost to Berlin, one time I swear my pilot was going to Scotland. Beard
  12. Saitek X52 Pro Flight Control System

    I have used the X52 for 3 years are so. Somewhere along the line I blew the pinky switch, but if you are flying OFF its no big deal. The sloppiness can be corrected by putting a spacer on top of the spring, between the spring and the handle. I made mine out of the top of a plastic 35mm film can. Just cut it to look like the letter C and slip it over the shaft. It makes the stick feel much firmer. Pair this with a set of Rudder Pedals and you are good to go. Never liked the feel of twisty sticks and you can lock the X52. Beard
  13. Attacking airfields mission question

    I usually load up with rockets if available ('cause they're just fun OK) fire them at whatever, usually airplanes but buildings are nice too. I make just one pass and beat feet for home. Beard
  14. Never seen that one before

    Olham, when I loaded the black and white it came up Pfalz D111's, and the it was obvious that the paint schemes where field modification because the proportions and stripes around the crosses were quite often wrong, like it was done by untrained maintenance personnel. I figured if anyone would see it, it had to be a sign guy. Beard
  15. Will OFF run on W7 64BIT

    If you are flying offline only you don't need that file, and unfortunately there is really not MP going on now. Beard
  16. Will OFF run on W7 64BIT

    Make sure you installed OFF correctly. Been flying it for years and got the insane idea I would try to reinstall to see if it would work without a CFS 3 disk. Long story short it was the wrong CFS 3 version..... Anyhoo, took the time to reinstall CFS3, then 3.1 update. Then installed OFF and got a list of aint gonna works. Did it again carefully flying CFS3 after every install. Installed OFF and ran CFS3. Then ran 1.32 update, ran CFS3, ran 1.32g patch and ran CFS3. Then installed HiTR and took a chance and updated 1.46 and 1.47 (I think those are the correct numbers) and everything ran fine. So, it can be done, sometimes it is just harder..... Point is, we all been there. Beard
  17. Will OFF run on W7 64BIT

    Same here Beard
  18. Website P4 Screenshots updated

    Geeze how many new ones did you put up? I really like the gunner on the B2C (or whatever it is). Sighting down the gun looks great. That will add a lot to flying her. But maybe you could make his face dirty Beard
  19. Home-Made Rudder Bar

    Wasn't that what I said Beard
  20. OT - children, gotta love 'em

    I think that same conversation took place in my house years ago, but it was the first Red Baron and my daughter liked to fly Sco-pilot. Times sure fly when you're having fun. Beard

    On the next release have his name on a brass plate somewhere on the control panel Beard
  22. Phase 4 - the DH4 Petition

    Wow Lou, the Air Force had bumper stickers, the Army never gave me one (not even an Air Force one). But then I just analysed the dits, I never chased 'em. Beard
  23. Home-Made Rudder Bar

    Give the guy a break, some people just gotsta invent. Beard
  24. Now THAT'S what I call...

    Alas poor Olham, people are human...... Beard
  25. sight circle problem

    That giant hand need chewed fingernails, Beard

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