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Everything posted by Heberth


    su-50 fenrir ahora en serio: Su-50 "Firkin"
  2. i'm changing to windows seven NOW!
  3. this skin was edited by me, to look like this su-35bm skin: http://www.sukhoi.org/img/gallery/wallpaper/new_su35/7_04_09_778.JPG more appropriated to snow.
  4. breaking some windows! someone will get very angry today
  5. copy that Stary! i'm going to Poland too! I am gathering my money.... ok guys it's off topic so I stop here....

    yo puede ayudar con el modelo de vuelo, si lo desea.
  7. ROTFLOL! first you need to join in the Russian army lol OR right click in the image, choice "save image as..." and have fun!
  8. Russian beauties 2! FOX TWO! that's a kill another kill Another beautiful... I'm going to Russia someday...
  9. http://www.insky.cn/bbs/ i don't remeber exacly where i found that, so you need to do an search... ps: here guys http://www.insky.cn/bbs/read.php?tid-50747-fpage-4.html (this is an BETA) i want say a BIG "thank you" to the InSky, for this and others awesome models.
  10. Russian beauties noooooo! my precious! payback time! one S-37 lost, 2 Raptors down...
  11. well, i cannot extract that .cat too, i don't know why.
  12. this do the aircraft stealth BaseRCSModifier=-0.0001 but i dont know if this can be negative...
  13. Final of MMRCA

    well, what can i say? both aircrafts are great masterpieces, they are very powerfull and deadly. basically the same design,( delta canard, unstable aircraft, low RCS, multi-role), just an few diferences. so, im going be "neutral". if rafale or ef-2000 win, who really win is india, for the great improvement in the defensive/attack capacibility. ps: this is only mine opinion. ps number 2: the Rafale is more sexy
  14. Try and get the cursor on his nose...

    i did it!
  15. NATF

    I agree
  16. Ace, mine buddy, what about the Alt-D? yours screenshots are so sweet man!

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