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Everything posted by Heberth

  1. man, you can post screenshots here, no pictures... btw amazing pic!
  2. can you upload this beautiful skin, EricJ?
  3. I will not post my screenshots anymore! because I can not compete against these realistic pictures...
  4. Wow.

    too close, i guess...

    estará listo cuando esté listo ... Ten paciencia. que están haciendo su mejor esfuerzo.
  6. I think...

  7. i am using the efects from the XB-70 package, and they work great to me. try it
  8. Old Dinnerjacket is being mad again...

    WHAT THE F***?
  9. Wlecome to the family!
  10. hahahaha i know, but we get almost 6000 ,7000 points for it! (if you don't go killed in the blast...)
  11. Dancing in the Skies

    you are right. rules are made to be broken!
  12. 6 RAF Harriers intercepting an lonely mig-21: - you are being intercepted!
  13. Dancing in the Skies

    I love this plane. how this plane never enter into a spin with many degrees of angle of attack? simply broke all the rules of aerodynamics.

    Sigo sin aliento por la risa! http://www.youtube.c...player_embedded
  15. man, it is an sidewinder in this sukhoi??(close to the number "5")
  16. Perfect 'crash?' landing?

    Who needs the landing gear?
  17. WOOOOOOW! ace888, these F-5 are so beautiful!!!

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