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Everything posted by Heberth

  1. Silverbolt's Birthday!

    Happy birthday Yuri! have a great one!
  2. Great DACT as always! i agree, the French Mica need some work too, and about the Data.ini, use this one: not finished, but make you black out less and have a little bit more drag= less energy( the only problem is arround 800 km/h, the drag go to almost zero! wth is wrong?!) RafaleC_DATA.rar
  3. you got the SCALP in the correct place? if yes, send to me your Data.ini! mine: Rafale Brazilian Air Force- 2014 (WIP)
  4. Rafale C for SF2

  5. Thanks Wrench! +1 for the help I'm learning how to make those smalls details like this one, from a PM: ''Do you plan to add the IRM/AHM launch rails to the underwing pylons on the Rafale?'' The question is: can i make this in the model, like the fuel tank or i must create a weapon with separated .lod? any help are welcome!!!!!!! Edit: i get a answer about the Rail! i'll be fixing it
  6. RafaleC for Brazilian Air Force there is no limit to What-if buddy! as you can see, here we have one more impossible jet: BRAZILIAN's RAFALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Rafale C for SF2

    Thanks fellas!
  8. File Name: Rafale Template's File Submitter: cadeteBRA File Submitted: 17 April 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins This is the template done by my friend and Skinner: Enoc aka: FLOGGER23 thanks!!!!!!!!! There is 2 templates here: RafaleC.psd: the original one, done to the Squadron "EC 1/7 Provence" and Template RafaleC.psd: This one is the template to create another skins, separated by layers, with a layer called "Wireframe", made to you to see where the UWV mapping was made. don't use this layer when exporting BTW, i'm not that good in the mapping, so any problems are entirely my fault NOW DOWNLOAD IT SKINNER'S! Click here to download this file
  9. That was awesome! i have a problem with the RafaleData.ini, as one guy said in Portuguese to me: " the rafale don't lose energy in turns because it's a good jet or it's a problem?"( and i think you noticed this too) I hope to get the right Drag on it, but only by watching videos of airshows... its really hard. Anyway, great DACT!
  10. Thanks EricJ! about the FM making you black-out a lot: it's because i'm trying to make it a 9G fighter, but due to game-engine limitation, it's hard to get the FM realistic , so, sometimes it don't pass the 8g , you change a unique number in the data.ini and you hit 12 g in the same speed/altitude! this was making me crazy about the HUD, i think WhiteboySamurai fixed it, and IMHO it's a SF2NA-only problem, because i don't had it in my SF2I. Well, was you said, still a Beta, and i hope to fix everything to make this a good mod. PS: now, what about a F/A 18E versus Rafale?
  11. Rafale Template's

    Version 1.0


    This is the template done by my friend and Skinner: Enoc aka: FLOGGER23 thanks!!!!!!!!! There is 2 templates here: RafaleC.psd: the original one, done to the Squadron "EC 1/7 Provence" and Template RafaleC.psd: This one is the template to create another skins, separated by layers, with a layer called "Wireframe", made to you to see where the UWV mapping was made. don't use this layer when exporting BTW, i'm not that good in the mapping, so any problems are entirely my fault NOW DOWNLOAD IT SKINNER'S!
  12. Puxa cara, eu tou meio que sem tempo para outros projetos, pois ainda tenho os outros rafales pra terminar e tenho outros projetos tambem... mas talvez no futuro( não é certeza) eu peço e faço isso ok? Abraços
  13. acho que eu coloquei pouco drag nas curvas, mas vou corrigir isso. eu nao sei de nenhum outro Mirage F1 além do que está sendo feito pelo TK.
  14. Thanks mate, this helps a lot! i'll change the anti-ship loadout and add nuclear weapons to the central pylon
  15. Ohh that's my fault I recommend to everybody who have a complain or a fix to the Rafale to post in this thread: http://combatace.com...fale-c-for-sf2/ ( just to keep the SF2 Screenshots Thread clean ok?) any help is welcome and more pics!
  16. Wow there is a lot of things Whiteboy ! i'll be fixing it soon. i also found a problem in the "CastoringGear", because it's rotating in the wrong axis. Well Whiteboy, you can suggest a missile to replace the Apache? And it's going to be the ARMAT as anti-radiation? it's your call guys! one more question: the Naval version ( RafaleM) use the same loadout or it's different? Thanks to everybody!
  17. Rafale C for SF2

    sorry, this file don't work on any first gen series now. but in the future, i'll add the 1st generation .lod too, but not for now, 'cause i'm busy fixing things. BTW I really recommend to you to buy the SF2, it worth every cent OK?
  18. Guys, download the new version of the Rafale, 'cause i forgot to add the tank and the gun in the first file.. ( DUMB!) and there is a lot of new good stuff on it and remember: and there goes a Flanker...
  19. ------------------------------version 1.2------------------------------------ refeuling boom now showing on cockpit view "useless" pylon removed Thanks Wilches!
  20. OK, i'm fixing it, thanks for the help
  21. A big thanks to Iahn755 and Flogger23 for all the help! uploaded version 1.1, waiting approval. Changelog: Fixed missing tank and gun ( my bad, sorry) fixed stationg group numbers by Ianh755 Hangar image and damage holes added by Ianh755 Decals are now randomic and Loadout image added, by Flogger
  22. Rafale C for SF2

    Valew denilson! Thanks!!!!!
  23. Oh sorry guys, i forgot the gun and tank :( i'll be uploading a new version right now Again thanks! and Sid: SOOOOON
  24. Of course i want! any upgrades are welcome and thanks!!!!!!!

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