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Posts posted by Heberth

  1. Me: Rafale C Beta 1.2 version, gun, 2 x MICA IR and 4 x MICA EM

    Opposition: MiG-21bis with gun, 4 x Atoll


    As a beta the Rafale C isn't very bad, just a few more tweaks here and there and it'll be much better looking as some cockpit symbology needs some cleaning up. Other than that the major problem you will have is the ability in SF2NA at least is blacking out a lot. The suggestion is to take it easy on the stick but pull firmly, not hard on it to get around. The engines give it a lot of thrust and that's a problem as you'll expend more energy trying to maneuver the plane around. And out of sheer luck I managed to avoid pancaking on the ground. But don't take this as a defect, more than likely it's more "realistic" due to the engine power. When I managed to get into a good firing position my first MICA IR went real stoopid (or flares distracted it) and after a little maneuvering the second one connected, downing the MiG.


    As a beta it's a good plane and that's what you should take away from this report. It's not bad, still needs to be tweaked but otherwise the main emphasis is not to turn and burn too much or you'll A) Overshoot B) And when you pull hard you'll black out. The old adage "Lose sight, lose the fight" applies to this aircraft as such but is a nifty little jet and still worth the download. And after some HUD tweaking it'll be better. So I can't really say it's bad but after some more tweaks and fixes it'll be a good plane.


    Thanks EricJ!

    about the FM making you black-out a lot:

    it's because i'm trying to make it a 9G fighter, but due to game-engine limitation, it's hard to get the FM realistic , so, sometimes it don't pass the 8g , you change a unique number in the data.ini and you hit 12 g in the same speed/altitude! this was making me crazy

    about the HUD, i think WhiteboySamurai fixed it, and IMHO it's a SF2NA-only problem, because i don't had it in my SF2I.

    Well, was you said, still a Beta, and i hope to fix everything to make this a good mod.


    PS: now, what about a F/A 18E versus Rafale? cool.gif





  2. Rafale Template's

    View File

    This is the template done by my friend and Skinner: Enoc aka: FLOGGER23Salute.gif thanks!!!!!!!!!


    There is 2 templates here:

    RafaleC.psd: the original one, done to the Squadron "EC 1/7 Provence"


    and Template RafaleC.psd:

    This one is the template to create another skins, separated by layers, with a layer called "Wireframe", made to you to see where the UWV mapping was made. don't use this layer when exporting lol.gif

    BTW, i'm not that good in the mapping, so any problems are entirely my fault this.gif






  3. E aí Brazucas!!! CadeteBRA, vou te pedir na nossa lingua porque tem neguinho aqui chato praca. Dizem que eu só peço e reclamo... Será que dá pra tu consertar nariz e a deriva do Jaguar e fazer um frances? É pouco trabalho mas a maior dificuldade é contatar o dono do 3D original e pedir a autorização. Como eu disse, aqui é a capital mundial do ego! Abração!

    Puxa cara, eu tou meio que sem tempo para outros projetos, pois ainda tenho os outros rafales pra terminar e tenho outros projetos tambem... mas talvez no futuro( não é certeza) eu peço e faço isso ok?




  4. O modelo é incrível !!!! Mas ele não esta perdendo energia nas manobras , o rafale é tão bom assim ? Eu gostaria de ajudar mas infelizmente o trabalha e a esposa não deixa, rsrs (te amo meu amor!) ... Meu amigo sabe sobre algum modelo de mirage F-1 ? O que exite é muito ruin. abraço !


    acho que eu coloquei pouco drag nas curvas, mas vou corrigir isso. grin.gif

    eu nao sei de nenhum outro Mirage F1 além do que está sendo feito pelo TK.

  5. Wow there is a lot of things Whiteboy ! lol.gifblink.gif i'll be fixing it soon. i also found a problem in the "CastoringGear", because it's rotating in the wrong axis.

    Well Whiteboy, you can suggest a missile to replace the Apache? grin.gif

    And it's going to be the ARMAT as anti-radiation? it's your call guys!

    one more question: the Naval version ( RafaleM) use the same loadout or it's different?


    Thanks to everybody!

  6. I'm really liking this but one thing I found in the data.ini is the weapon groups don't work using the in-game loadout screen as they go higher than 6. I changed mine like this


    Centreline = Group 1

    Ventral L/R = Group 2

    Pod L/R = Group 3

    InnerStation L/R = Group 4

    MidStation L/R = Group 5

    Wingtips L/R = Group 6


    and I've made the Centreline carry any Pods rather than the two front pylons (which are now normal weapons) which is how they carry stuff in real life.


    I can send you a modified ini if you'd like?


    Cheers for the great plane..............................IanH


    Of course i want! any upgrades are welcome drinks.gifgood.gif and thanks!!!!!!!

  7. Rafale C for SF2

    -------------------------------------------------RafaleC BETA 1.3-------------------------------------

    By CadeteBRA (Heberth Thaylon)




    Any bugs, PM me...


    I'm using the typhoon pit for now, in the future a correct Rafale pit.


    ------------------------------ Credits----------------------------------


    CadeteBRA ( me) for the model/FM

    FLOGGER23 (Enoc) for the skin THANKS!!!!!!!!!

    Craig for the SUPERB AND AWESOME EF-2000 Cockpit!

    JAT, The Mirage Factory and 331KillerBee for the decals and/or weapons. thank you guys!

    (if i forgot someone, please PM me and i'll fix it)

    Loading image taken from here:


    if you know the guy who take this picture, say: "THANK YOU" for me, please? :D


    And thanks to Ianh755 for the important help! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, thanks to WhiteboySamurai! great help!




    1: unzip into a temporary folder

    2: cut/copy or move to your mod folder

    3: if asked, overwrite some files

    4: play!



    NOW DOWNLOAD IT! :rofl:



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