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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. December 7th, 1941

    USS Missouri BB-63, on permanent over watch of the USS Arizona BB-39. 7 December 1941 Pearl Harbor is where WWII started for the United States and the deck of the USS Missouri is where it ended with the Japanese Empire signing the document called The Instrument of Surrender on 2 September 1945.
  2. GoPro MiG-31s

    They still are MIGs and MIGs are meant to be pounded.
  3. GoPro MiG-31s

    The MIG-31 is a big beast in the world of stealth.
  4. Nelson Mandela has Died.

    Props and respect for that man, may his soul rest in peace knowing he made our little mud ball a better place while he was on it.
  5. Tragic UK Police Helicopter Crash into busy pub in Glasgow Scotland at least 8 people killed. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/30/glasgow-pub-helicopter-crash-police-pilot
  6. With all aircraft incidents, I'm afraid we will have to wait for the official word from the investigators.
  7. Recent Seven-G Video

    This going to be a new sim.
  8. Behind Enemy Lines Buck Rogers

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78JI1nkqVVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B8u_XzbSuQ
  9. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    The plane was designed as the Gen X apex fighter plane, but the people behind it's design realized it would be a better sell if someday if Air Force and Defense officials wanted to it could carry air to ground munitions. It was designed with 4 hard points, so someday in the future it may carry munitions both in the inventory now and those not yet designed. The F-22 in testing has dropped some air to ground munitions. But the Raptor is a fighter, and the JSF-35 was designed from the get go as a strike fighter. Both are stealthy though, and I think that's all that matters they both will both do the missions that they were designed for very well. With stealth there are compromises that have to made. Is the JSF-35 going to be able to dog fight an SU family fighter? Yes, maybe, but not as well as the F-22, but that's why they have stealth so that fight doesn't happen. With the ever expanding budget issues with programs being retailored and or just cut, I think you may see an F-22 carry out airstrikes someday.
  10. VFA-151 The Vigilantes at Worcester Reg. Airport ORH
  11. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    This is a little off topic, but this whole thread has been wandering. I remembered reading an article years ago in "Air and Space" or similar publication. Well before the F-35 JSF the F-22 was designed with longevity in mind, with plans to expand it's war load in the future if so decided. When the F-22 was still in its early test phase they stated the plane was designed with extra software cabinets and if needed computers installed and mud moving gear could be added to it's war load and if needed once determined air superiority is gained weapons could be hung from the wings.
  12. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Kopp's writings are ludicrous these two planes are apples and oranges. The F-35 will have a much larger chunk of responsibility on the battlefield then the F-105 ever did and do it better than it ever could. More than half of all F-105s ever made were lost in Vietnam to AAA and SAMS. His statement about the F-35 will have similar results to the F-105 over North Vietnam is wicked awesome, the reason why the United States developed stealth was because of the mass loss of hardware over the skies of Vietnam. As for his statement on F-111C those are either pulled apart for scrap or buried in a grave in Australia. Crazyhorse and women. That's right, the Apaches did fire the 1st shots of the Iraq War.
  13. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    The F-105 was a great bomb truck and definitely not stealthy, hence more than half were lost over the skies in Vietnam either from AAA or SAMs. Enjoy it for what it is and was. A great war bird.
  14. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Oh this is good can't wait till I put the kids to bed and read all these awesome posts!
  15. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Roger that CH. I've had similar discussions with other aircraft from the past compared to current gen 4/5 fighters strike aircraft. The planes may share similar numbers on a board, but in reality the difference between an F-105 and an F-35 is one is like throwing a bullet, and the other shooting a high powered rifle. As for the SU-27 and the F-22 close in dogfight It would come down to the skill of the Jake on the stick in a furball between those planes. The F-22 can sustain it self longer in a tight thrust vectored turn, the SU-27 will eventually fall out. As for the "COBRA Maneuver" which for the lack of a better term is gay, and has no use in a real dog fight, It's just a crowd pleaser. the reason for vectored thrust is to turn the aircraft in an unconventional axis at speed. I say let the SU 27 and the rest of the Sukhois flop around the sky at a near stalling speed, the pilot will eventually screw up. Now going back to the reason why the F-22/F-35 are stealthy is so that kind of fight doesn't happen. War is hell and the modern armies and air arms need to cheat, war is not fair and it shouldn't be. Stealth is what makes these planes apex predators. The key term on and above the "Modern" Battlefield from the soldier holding the line to the plane in the sky supporting them, and all the other war machines in the middle, is "Stealth". That my friends will always be a winner in any book.
  16. Saw this bird at Lakeland's Sun N Fun. This aircraft is for sale now, the owner/pilot has passed away recently.
  17. Veterans Day United States

    I would like to thank my fellow Veterans of the Past, Present, and the Future Veterans to come, who will step up to the plate to protect this nation of great people. I would also like to extend a thanks to all of America's allies and their Veterans who have fought alongside our guys and gals of the United States Armed Forces in current and past wars.
  18. Reminds me of the drone from Deal Of the Century, The Peacemaker. This sled would look so much better if it had a vert. stab(s). I remember the cockpit layout, it was horrible. The full size mock ups were cool though. The show was O.K. right up until the pilots were no longer pilots, but a squad of Marine infantry officers, that spent more time fighting with rifles than using their fighters. That's when I lost interest. The Govt isn't going to spend millions on a combat pilot just to have them snuffed in a infantry ground battle. No offense ground pounders, but an infantry soldier does not cost as much to train as a combat pilot. However, both are very vital to the battlefield outcome.
  19. Those MIG-21s are the B.I.S. variant. Rocket ships with a war computer and radar upgrade. They will not make it to a rich guy who wants a jet. These planes are under strict control and watchful eyes of the US State Dept. I was in FL last April I saw 1 TA-4K assembled and my guide said the MIGS (25) were in parts still. I spoke to a Draken pilot he said that the planes were great condition and that they are still very capable platforms.
  20. Need books to read! Know of any good titles?

    Try this one, Its all true. If this guy was an American he may have received the CMO. A German ex-pat that came to America after WW2. After a short stint in the USAF and getting his 2 year degree he entered the NAVCAD program and went to war flying the A-1 Skyraider for the US Navy. The movie "Rescue Dawn" was based on this story. http://www.amazon.com/Hero-Found-Greatest-Escape-Vietnam/dp/0061571377
  21. Come Aboard the USS Gerald R Ford

    Don't worry guys there is another Enterprise coming in about 10 years.
  22. Not sure, some of the resident modders and builders would know if its possible.

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