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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. A Westland Wyvern nose grafted onto an A-1 Skyraider would work for a quick mod. In reality this would work better for torque. The Skyraider was a TORK Monster anyways with a turbo prop that would only make it worse, so the counter rotating props of the Wyvern would help with the torque. The turbo raider built by Douglas had counter props too.
  2. Not to ridiculous, a lack of wars in our past could have made this plausible, maybe not making it into the 90's, but the early 80's maybe. Here is a pic of a turbo raider that I have posted years before a must see for all Spad fans.
  3. Did the B even have radar?
  4. A very special flight...

    Thanks for sharing.
  5. World Series Champs 2013

    Duck boat time again!
  6. Some of these have been posted in older threads, but good find.
  7. Jarhead A-6 Intruder barricade landing from '91. Not sure if this was posted before. I was catching some waves on the www last night and stumbled across this tasty video and thought I'd share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRURB7FdsII
  8. Cool vid from 1964. "I want your D.O.R. MayOnaise". " I got no where else to go!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l42atcYa94
  9. F-106A Cornfield bomber

    Saw some pics a few years back.
  10. What? This can't be true. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/8072041/Navy-aircraft-carrier-will-be-sold-after-three-years-and-never-carry-jets.html
  11. Tragic loss to the public safety community. 3 crew members killed in medical helicopter crash in Tennessee. http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/22/us/tennessee-medical-helicopter-crash/
  12. Not sure if this was posted already, just wondering how the new digital version is doing, as I remember they have tried to make these computerized for years with no luck. http://www.stripes.com/news/navy/old-school-ouija-board-being-phased-out-on-navy-carriers-1.151711
  13. That is why I asked: What? This can't be true.
  14. Hornet Ball (Fighterdub)

    Great find Buster thnx fo sharing.
  15. Truth About the F-35 RAAF

    Some patterns work, some you look at them and think what were they thinking. The dark grey of the retired RAAF F-111s and Malaysia's F-18s reflect that heavy humid tropical air that hangs low over jungles, that one works.
  16. Tom Clancy Dies at Age 66

    I enjoyed his stories.
  17. NH Troopers shoot woman driver

    Some of the comments are priceless. https://www.facebook.com/7NEWS?hc_location=timeline http://www1.whdh.com/news/articles/local/new-hampshire/10011829219025/woman-killed-after-police-chase-in-manchester-n-h/
  18. Navy Fires Carrier Air Wing CO

    This guy made a super bad career choice. http://www.kpbs.org/news/2013/sep/23/navy-fires-carrier-air-wing-co-jeffrey-winter/
  19. AWACS - Guided Missles?

    He's right AWACS see the big picture with radar ranging depending on the platform 250-400+ miles. They see the known or unknown target aircraft. AWACS vector the friendly planes which I would say on average have about a 60-80 mile radar range, to the area of where the bad guys are. The fighters then use their electronic suits to figure out if they are hostile or not. If the unknown planes are hostile then they would be dealt with appropriately, if time of war shot down if encroaching airspace asked to leave and then escalated from there. The RAF's British Aerospace Nimrod AEW had air to air missiles but those were the short range AIM-9 Sidewinder family, those would have been the woops a few bad guys got through missiles, good luck Nimrod guys. Some P-3s in some other air arms are able to carry Sidewinders, but no long distance stuff.
  20. Active shooter incident reported at Washington Navy Yard at 0820 hrs. Police are still searching for shooter(s). Reported building to be US Navy HQ. http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/23441014/navy-active-shooter-at-washington-navy-yard http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/police-search-for-active-shooter-on-grounds-of-washington-navy-yard-in-southeast-dc/2013/09/16/b1d72b9a-1ecb-11e3-b7d1-7153ad47b549_story.html
  21. I'm just going to repost my statement: I was making a statement, not asking a question. I am prior service I know this already that is why If you read and understood you would see it's a statement what I think the feds should/will do, "I THINK the Feds will be reviewing who and how these contractors get contracted." Always just seems like you picking what I post apart. Go ahead and post all you want I just don't think you ever understand where I'm coming from.
  22. F-22A chases off Iranian F-4s

    Wouldn't expect anything less from a USAF Airman.
  23. Logan International Airport's Massport Fire Rescue apologizes for holding drill at Logan on 9/11 anniversary. http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/23403141/2013/09/11/massport-boston-fire-officials-conduct-drill-at-logan
  24. No it was just a day that was picked because the shitbums had made dry runs, and 9-11-01 weather permitting was just the day they chose because they the shitbums were ready.
  25. Here we go again. I was making a statement, not asking a question. I am prior service I know this already that is why If you read and understood you would see it's a statement what I think the feds should/will do, "I THINK the Feds will be reviewing who and how these contractors get contracted."

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