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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Contract worker behind Navy Yard shooting rampage was a former Navy member. Gunman has record of mental illness. Apparently he was a contract worker who had access to most of the facilities with his Govt. issued ID. I think the Feds will be reviewing who and how these contractors get contracted. http://www1.whdh.com/news/articles/national/10011705705897/gunman-in-navy-yard-shooting-was-in-navy-reserves/
  2. DC police: At least 12 killed in Navy Yard shooting, FBI handling investigation. http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/23441014/navy-active-shooter-at-washington-navy-yard
  3. Police say 2 or 3 shooters have killed 4-6 , and injured 8-10 people on grounds of Washington Navy Yard. Latest at least 1 shooter subdued, police still searching for 1 maybe 2 other shooters.
  4. Battletech/Mechwarrior RPG?

    Don't forget amazon. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/189-4074539-2030731?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Mechwarrior%20rpg
  5. CombatACE New Theme Music

    Mad the mistake of watching this with the kids in the room, they can't get enough.
  6. Just picked these up a few weeks ago. I really haven't read them yet just looked through and reviewed them. Looks like a lot of changes from the 2nd and 3rd editions that I played about 15+ years ago. I have gone to a few WH 40K meets over the past couple months just to get a visual and see how much the game/game play has changed. It is definitely more involved now. I can remember making up cheat sheets for quick reference during game play and only periodically checking the rule books back when I was playing with my military buddies. I went to 2 different places and saw 5 matches. I know the rule books are only a year old, but these guys and gals where referring to the books a lot more than I remember. Come mid November I will start into them then make the trek to my parents house to hopefully find what's left from my Space Marines and see what will still be compatible. I know for a fact most of the minis have been updated. I should be receiving the ROBOTECH RPG Tactics tabletop mini game about the same time from Palladium Books. Would love to start into these, but I am in the process for studying for promotions coming up in mid November, so this will have to wait for now. Are any of the members of CA current or former players?
  7. My 9-11 2cents here we go agian.

    WARNING ADULT LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADULT LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry but, Don't ever FVCKING forget what those dirt bags have done to us and our allies abroad. Remember the fallen of 9-11 and the service members who gave everything so you can just have. Hug those close to you and tell your younglings their story, for they did not die in vain. They live on in our stories and memories, they gave for us, for our AMERICA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x-kTEE19BU
  8. CombatACE New Theme Music

    My brain aches.
  9. Voyager leaves solar system

    Its about Gawd Damn time.
  10. Draken Intl now has 5 of the 8 Skyhawks assembled.
  11. John "GREMLIN" Doe During World War II allied airman would talk of the mysterious un-fairy type folk that were interested in sabotaging allied war machines with particular attention to aircraft.
  12. PC down.

    How old is your system, how often and how do you use it, have you tried to start it in safe mode, have you had the blue or black screen of death that states your pc will or is in hard drive failure?
  13. From Jose Ramos's aviation photography. FB page https://www.facebook.com/RamosAviationPhotography Draken's first operational A-4K, N145EM, formerly Royal New Zealand Air Force NZ-6215 also traces its history back to the Royal Australian Navy as an A-4G 871, BuNo is 155052. Under the centerline station is a D-704 refueling store or buddy pod. Draken successfully tested the D-704 refueling system and performed "practice plugs" with TA-4K N141EM on 24 July 2013. Draken International is unique in having this capability in the world of Commercial Air Service companies. http://www.airventure.org/news/2013/130724_draken-to-display-ex-fighter-jets.html
  14. I would say no, you would run into a similar problem I had with the wingtip missile rail as an experiment I did on the SF1 version of the A-4K . A-4 Skyhawk ailerons extend to the wingtip. I did it but it looked sloppy and not right.
  15. A-4K Super Kahu Stratos it's your sim world. I would like to see some pics of your souped up old school scooter.
  16. On 2 September 1945 Japan's unconditional surrender was signed on board USS Missouri in Tokyo bay. The USS Missouri at Pearl Harbor on Permanent Overwatch of USS Arizona.
  17. The Harvard gun control study

    As a former member of the armed forces and now working in public safety for several years. I'm a fence sitter when it comes to this heated topic of "GUN CONTROL". There are pro and con arguments on both sides. I do feel a law abiding citizen a reasonable and prudent person should not have to jump through hoops to legally own a firearm. There should be serious penalties for those that use firearms unlawfully. There are criminals who have used firearms in commission of a crime and are back on the streets within weeks to months. A failure of our legal system, our government? Remember the US Boarder Officer that was killed via a rifle from the ATF's "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, some government we have, eh. What's the point of having stricter laws for the legal owners when the scales of justice are grossly and unequally tipped. The laws on both sides must match. If the laws are to make it harder to own a firearm, well then the laws that punish must be equally strict or even harsher. If evil people want to hurt the innocent they will find a way, firearms are just one choice. A car was used to kill a woman and hurt several others in Cali recently, the Boston Bombers used fireworks to create the pressure cooker bomb killing 3 people and injuring 260+, Timothy McVeigh part of the Oklahoma City bombing the attack that killed 168 people and injured over 600, used a box truck fertilizer and fuel oil. Where there's a will, there will always be a way to hurt and kill. Here is the article on the Harvard study on gun control. When reading this remember that people from different countries have different histories so beliefs and values differ. So to say if a majority of the people of one country say the U.S. has legal firearms would murder/suicide be reduced? That would be a tough question to answer. Well, lets just say this country has a lot of guns already, thankfully most are legally owned. http://usfinancepost.com/harvard-gun-control-does-not-reduce-crime-6179.html
  18. I am not making this stuff up JediMaster, Fact! I was in Florida this past April spoke to 2 members of the RNZAF, now that I think of it the younger guy was a Draken employee that was former NASA. Well anyways the RNZAF 25+ years of service who was detailed to Draken Intl, the new owners of quite a few A-4K KAHU Skyhawks. I asked him about weapons, pretty much what ever an F-16 could carry they could carry just less of it. His words "The plane may only be a Skyhawk, but they have a lot of onboard stuff that the US State Dept doesn't want to flaunt to the public, It is a fully capable modern combat plane, Its pretty much a mini F-16". I talked to the NZ guy for awhile. I have spent years doing research on the A-4 Skyhawk and all It's users and versions. I told him that the KAHU is a wolf in sheep's clothing, he laughed and agreed that is the best description he's ever heard of the KAHU Hawk. It is a mean little plane that if given a chance could give some bad guys a run for their money, Fact!
  19. I see nothing I stated that says you are incorrect. Well yeah the F-16 is faster and can carry more gear. However, for somebody to say the A-4K KAHU Skyhawk does not have some of the same tactical capabilities as the F-16 and is not a scary little plane would be ludicrous. Wouldn't you agree? I try to stay away from wiki, I use it as more of a cross reference. Oh now I see what you meant. I forgot the question mark. Not entirely true?, but very close. I use this site a lot, you may already know about it. http://www.f-16.net/
  20. Not entirely true?, but very close. The RNZAF fit as much stuff from an F-16 as they could into the little frame of the A-4K. The A-4K KAHU Skyhawk is a wolf in sheep's clothing and in the late 80's and early 90's was a very capable little plane. To quote the people that flew and maintained them , people from other air arms would often say It's just a Skyhawk. "Only a Skyhawk?? That's a KAHU buddy! Don't you ever forget it!"
  21. I said nothing of the 60's to Stratos, I only showed and explained what I did to my A-4K Skyhawk. My version I added a afterburner, and some medium range air 2 air missles. I added the burner not for speed, but to help keep air speed up around 400-450 mph when whipping the ponies doing mud moving missions. In the SF2 world the A-4 has some built in hidden DNA that will not let it go faster than MACH 1.09. Dude go look up the RNZAF's A-4K Skyhawk upgrade program called "Project KAHU" started in 1986. The A-4K KAHU Hawk is an F-16 w/an A-4 Body. Turn that F-16 nose 90 degrees and the cross sections are very similar. The dish is smaller about half as big, the range would still be about 100 miles.Would it be harder to find those targets beyond 70+ miles? Or would one need help from a command and control/patrol aircraft. Then look up the RSAF's upgrade by ST Aerospace for A-4SU Super Skyhawk started in 1985 a lot of upgrades similar to the KAHU Hawk along with the installation of the General electric F404 turbofan. I'm not making this sh!t up! Fact! http://a4-alley.x90x.net/A4-Alley/index.html http://a4-alley.x90x.net/models/Walkarounds/Skyhawk-Walkaround-1.html http://redkiwi.weebly.com/project-kahu.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDV9xhDL-kI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekgNfZELRws Not your typical Skyhawk cockpit.
  22. Come on then..................

    Just like the old Central Ahtarie In Boston. Just don't stand there get one up!
  23. Come on then..................

    That was annoying I was waiting for them to taxi out too.
  24. Drones are used to spot some arty and airstrikes now. I had school in both calling arty and air strikes that was almost 20 years ago, so much has changed on the battle field since then. You could youtube it, see if there is any online I can only Imagine (uh oh used my Imagination watch out for the SIM NARC reality police) in the future there will only be more drones or autonomous machines that will handle most of the work. I just hope a flesh and blood human is there to give the final OK before the weapons are sent. I also hope there is no war that far into the future, hopefully we will all be muslim by then.
  25. SIM COP. blah blah blah engine buppah buppah bah A-4 blah blah blah blah blah. HOT AIR! You bet your ass it looks good! Dude Its a SIM, and in reality the A-4K KAHU hawk is a true wolf in sheeps clothing. It has HOTAS, an AN/APG-66 radar and many of the onboard war computers of the F-16 (which also has a small nose cone) and with a few software tweaks can guide AIM-7s, Skyflash and could have successfully illuminated a target for AIM 120 AMRAAM. Now for the engine, Singapore's A-4SU Super Skyhawk had several computer upgrades similar to the A-4K and yes they installed a non after burning version of the GE F 404 turbofan used in my A-4K and the real F/A-18. I just haven't gotten around to adding an extension to the tailpipe similar to the IAF's A-4H Skyhawk, which would in theory relieve the real world heat issue. I'm sure to your surprise I also altered the gun to be a General Dynamics rotary 50 cal. GAU-19 with a rate of fire of 1300 rounds per minute to fire out the port side and ammo to be kept in the emptied starboard side with 600 rounds. True story a BOAC 707 airliner crashed near Mt. Fuji Japan. Guess what plane was sent out to look for the crash site, yup an A-4 Skyhawk from VMA-224. The winds on Mt. Fuji's leeward side are known to be crazy high the average 60-70 mph throughout the year and have been known to gust to 100 mph+. Anyways the Skyhawk came back the pilot reported he was tossed around like a rag doll. The plane was reported to have been subjected to 9+ G's and -3 G's undamaged, the limit of the gauges ability to record. So who knows what the actual forces were that were applied to the little tuff plane. In reality this plane is very tough and robust plane and would be able to handle the upgrades. It has built in stealth from it's size, a Cessna Skyhawk has a greater radar signature than a clean A-4 Skyhawk. It can carry almost It's own weight in mud moving gear. If I was a small country like Argentina, Brazil this is the plane I would try to get. Small cheap to maintain and it sips jet fuel compared to a Phantom, Hornet, or Falcon. Now quit narc'n my stuff, go mess with other peoples what ifs and home grown modes. You of all members must know there are some way more radical stuff out there then my little souped up rig, which if you think about it or "READ" up on it (before you comment). The Skyhawk's chassis is way over engineered. Not sure if you researched this plane like I have (I'm going to say,... No). My mods and what if really isn't to far fetched, is it? Next you'll tell me there is no Santa or Easter Bunny, and my puppy will live forever.

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