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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. WTF is going on! http://www.usnews.com/news/newsgram/articles/2013/05/22/london-terror-attack-apparent-soldier-butchered-with-machete
  2. Good news for the Cap Coddahs http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130528/NEWS11/130529711
  3. Main role of the F-15E?

    "She can shoot down planes, She may not get around on the dance floor pretty, but if she's got to protect herself and sisters she can." Of course she can't fight like the C, if she's got speed on her side she can whip the ponies a couple times to press for an advantage. Have you seen an F-15E fly? They are still a pretty nimble bird, not as flippy as a F-15A/C, but they can still make a couple good turns.
  4. Main role of the F-15E?

    The Hens out of Royal Air Force Station Lakenheath carry Aim-9 "WISH" series air to air misssles and AMRAAM missles. She can shoot down planes She may not get around on the dance floor pretty, but if she's got to protect herself and sisters she can. With most ground weapon stores having a 4G to a 5.5G load, I believe she could turn if she had to, would the pilot want to, better question, would the crew chief and his crew want the pilot to, NO! They hate it when you bring back a bent bird, but if she had to she could! After all she's is an F-15 Eagle.The F-15E is what all fighter planes want to be when they grow up.
  5. Main role of the F-15E?

    The F-15E Strike Eagle also refered to as "THE MUD HEN" is a fully capable in both air to ground and air to air. She can dog fight her way in drop her mud moving gear and dog fight her way out, she's got all the war computers needed to complete her missions.
  6. Do you have plans to share these sea legged KIWIs with the rest of us?
  7. Is your game settings for landing on hard. Check that 1st. If you try to put a heavily loaded plane w/full fuel + stores you could be landing to heavy, and if your trying to hard to land on a short field you could mashing the landing gear through the plane. Try to lighten the load half fuel and no weapon stores.
  8. My fellow Americans

    I live in Massachusetts, about 40 minutes from Bean Town (Boston) I have served my country as a member of our armed forces. Now I work in public safety. To all the dirt bags out there that want to hurt my fellow Americans and our friends abroad, good luck my Al-Qaeda (Arabic translation: "The Base") Is way F\_/CKING bigger than yours. Good luck, and keep checking your 6, cause we are not far behind! I will be in Bean Town next week to attend a BO SOX game, no dirt bag will ever deter me. https://secure.onefundboston.org/page/-/donate7.html
  9. My fellow Americans

    Tell me about it, the 2 dirt bags from my state were on state welfare, hers a link. Are Gov. is the biggest flat tire evah. http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_politics/2013/04/gov_patrick_refuses_to_open_welfare_books_on_tsarnaevs
  10. Table Top RPG gamers

    ROBOTECH/ MACROSS Stratagies & Tactics. Having played WH 40K and other table top games in the past. I am super stoked for this one I already purchased on Kickstarter. The link below has many pictures a promo video, game demo video and many pics of a lot of the minis coming this December. http://www.kickstart...h-rpg-tacticstm
  11. Some pics I took at Lakeland Linder Reg. Airport's annual Sun N Fun. The last pic of Draken's TA-4K came off the web. It was on the ramp the day before I got to the show. The A-4C had just flown in and was still warm so the guys handling the plane were carfull to warn people all the shinny things are still hot to the touch. it was great to see a skyhawk up close that wreaked of both raw and burnt jet fuel.
  12. Sun N Fun Fly In/Airshow

    Here's a couple links explaining http://drakenintl.com/ http://photorecon.ne...n-international
  13. the Iranian threat...........

    Don't forget your trucker hat!
  14. Brain32 Domestic terrorism has been in the United States since It's inception.
  15. Under Mass General Laws, no, however; since this was an act of terrorism and the Feds have laws since 9/11 the person(s) when found could be tried in Federal Court which has the Death Penalty.
  16. Third Wire DLC A-4K Skyhawk upgrade/ Enhancement for SF2

    Dude, where's the Draken skin you teased me with the other night?
  17. 3-4 explosions reported, 2 Bombs on the run to the finish line, 1 explosion/fire in an electrical/mechanical vault at the John F. Kennedy Library and,1 controlled by Mass State and Boston Police. This is bull sh!t show no mercy for those F\_/CKERS when we get them! I'm in S. Carolina wish I was back home in Mass!
  18. I went to the Sun "N" Fun Fly In/Air Show at Lakeland Airport Florida today. I saw the only Skyhawk from NZ that has been assembled so far and 2 MBs. The plane flew last week for the first time, its a TA-4K(T-Bird) its still olive drab with all the Kiwi markings on the fuselage, the DRAKEN logo has been added to the plane about half way down the plane after the air intakes, I was about 250 feet away, but it looks like they added the Black Diamond Demo team logo or something similar to the tail fin about 3 feet high by 2 and a half feet wide close to the leading edge mid height. I spoke to a few people from Draken International. It sounds as if the U.S. State Dept. has put some serious restrictions on the A-4Ks that Draken Intl. purchased. Draken's owner and his chief pilots inquired about having the TA-4K to be on static display and they were shot down on their request. The 2 people I spoke to stated that the US Govt' isn't ready for them to display the aircraft, explanation: "The plane may only be a Skyhawk, but they have a lot of onboard stuff that the US State Dept doesn't want them to flaunt to the public, It is a fully capable modern combat plane". For those of you that don't know the A-4K KAKU Hawk has the onboard radar and systems of the F-16. I talked to a NZ guy for about 30 minutes (I must say he was impressed with my knowledge of the RNZAF Skyhawks)I told him that the KAHU is a wolf in sheep's clothing he laughed and agreed that is the best description he's ever heard of the KAHU Hawk. As for pictures I was asked not to take any because of the US State Dept. restrictions. Did some hard core deep searching got some photos. Time for you skinners to get busy.
  19. DRAKEN Intl and RNZAF A-4Ks

    Great find STORM ! Rgr that I did get hosed, those photos were taken on New Zealand heritage day I bet. The ones on the flight line were probably people that were allowed close up me, a civie now I was brought close, but asked not to photo.
  20. DRAKEN Intl and RNZAF A-4Ks

    Does this answer your question?http://www.wfla.com/story/21932209/gov-scott-announced-aviation-company-expanding-into-lakeland
  21. DRAKEN Intl and RNZAF A-4Ks

    I will be checking the DL section in anticipation!
  22. We display our aircraft freely at air shows. It isn't very hard for a Chinese tourist/aircraft engineer to walk up and photo and see for themselves what ideas can be copied.
  23. DRAKEN Intl and RNZAF A-4Ks

    I Hope you plan on sharing that skin Bro! By the way what is the emblem on the tail?
  24. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    Baroness Thatcher was a ROCK STAR! Her balls were bigger than most! GOD SAVE THE QUENN, Thanks be to Maggie!

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