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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Naval Phantoms Question...

    I would say that most of the "J" models, because of Vietnam had all the good used out of them. Airframes timed out and trapped out. Between all of the US air arms there where over 1400 F-4 Phantoms lost during Vietnam. Most being USAF models, but a good chunk being Navy "Js". The US Navy is dealing with frames being timed and trapped out right now. Its known wars speed up the wear and tear on war machines, this problem is felt among all the branches and their equipment. Many aircraft got timed out from the Vietnam Conflict. Late model F-8 where due for an upgrade, but they timed and or trapped out. The USAF Thunderchiefs some analysts feel because of the heavy loss/work load that the Thuds had mantained those planes lost 20 years from the airframes. More than half of the Thuds ever built were lost during the war, that ment double time work for the plane. Pilots of the USAF only had to do 100 missions, the planes possibly did thousands. The Navy with 6-8 month deployments with the potenttial of doing double the USAF 100 mission requirment, somtimes more. "WAR IS BAD" for your "WAR MACHINES". Hope it now makes a little more sense.
  2. Blue Angles TV show early 60's

    Thank God TV isn't like this anymore.
  3. Blue Angles TV show early 60's

    Thank God for HBO, Show, and FX and the many other networks, cause I don't watch "Cheesy" shows. As for reality shows the only one to watch is Jearsy Shore baby! M.V.P. Gym Tan Laundry.
  4. Blue Angles F-11 Tiger.
  5. I have often thought of the same thing. That plane could have been a great little attack jet.
  6. I didn't even think of the Sea Harrier, that could be great. Look at the Spanish Navy w/ the De Daldo.
  7. Some fast movers for a little boat, That Norwegian Navy S-3's starboard side roundal is backwards. Very cool though. Same time frame the Ausies had S-2 Trackers and A-4 Skyhawks.
  8. 12 12 2012

    Sorry to debunk your whole 12-12(21)-12 thing. This is about 6 months old too.
  9. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    She ACE'd herself ?! Wow, I didn't think it was that bad of a prank, at least not to off herself, this just gets worse. The poor woman.
  10. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    Don't blame the UN they castrated themselves years ago. The game of politics/RED TAPE has woven her twisted web on all that is important in this world. People are more apt to look away then help. I believe most of us here would like some type of intervention after all genocide is homocide. What pisses me off is if people realized how much more they are like each other than different on this mud ball, think of what could be accomplished in just the medical field alone.
  11. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    It wasn't nukes the US and UN where looking for, it was chemical weapons several hundred tons is what was reported he/Iraq had, and he did have them, he used them on his own people in 1988. He was able to hide/bury/destroy them before the arrival of inspectors. If you remeber Saddam wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country and when he did they where escourted. Saddam may not have been the brightest bulb, but he knew he had to get rid of them before the inevitable happened. The Iraq nuke program was sqaushed by the Israeli Air Force.
  12. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    Oh man this ain't good.
  13. Thinking of Buying a Puppy for Christmas?

    Rgr that!
  14. The gun laws in the UK are very strict and make it difficult for the average citizen to obtain a firearm legally. With that said just like the United States the the UK Govt. can create laws with the red tape effect to curb the purchase of guns legally, but if somebody wants a gun they will get one. Gun laws keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. If more legal citizens had guns there would be less violent crime. http://www.usnews.co...ry-deters-crime
  15. Sometimes it pays to transition to a new plane. These guys are VAQool. Who can guess what type 1st. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiA0nMiw1ho&feature=watch-vrec
  16. New USMC Squadron

    VMFA-121 History http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VMFA(AW)-121
  17. Israel strikes Gaza

    Here we go guys, I hope this is over soon. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/as-hamas-rockets-fly-israel-moves-toward-ground-invasion-of-gaza-strip/2012/11/17/a90a66d4-307f-11e2-a30e-5ca76eeec857_story.html
  18. Nothing morbid about that, looks like a quick clean kill, those guys were coking and joking and then .............................They didn't suffer or feel a thing unlike what they do.
  19. The mans a fracking production line.
  20. E=Mc2

    Better yet Under Siege 3!
  21. Remembering The Fallen

  22. Best punch scene

    skip to 2:50

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