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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. E=Mc2

    What would it cost? The Navy/US Govt. wants to scrap it. Who or what private venture is going to pay for the Enterprise's reactors and or spent fuel. The US Govt would never allow those reactors into private hands, they would remove the 8 reactors the cheapest way possible and that would be cutting the ship up to rip them out. How much to buy the ship then restore it? No private or commercial group has the money for a 50+ year old naval warship with 8 reactors that will need a lot of work to even be safe to tour. I think this one may end up like the Oriskany if they don't cut it up after the reactors are pulled. I thought they would use her as a training/reserve vessel for a few years before this happened, after all she is a nuclear aircraft carrier. Whoever takes her it would be a museum with a lot of big holes, thats all.
  2. RAF Lightning Jet fighter promo 60s
  3. 50 years ago this week

    Ballistic missle tech was better on Russa's side that early in the game. The Jupiters may have reached their target 1 out of 10 times and that was on a good day, they were a stop gap until something better came along the BOOMER!. As for the the US version of the Soviet/Eastern Block brainwashing, it was more like propaganda, because people could get their news from several sources, not just the Govt. I grew up in the 70's and 80's, at least were I a grew up I wasn't brainwashed. I could have cared less about the Cold War. I'll I wanted to do was play with my GI JOE (Action Force for you Brits) guys and blow the sh!t out of the Commie terrorist military group COBRA, those bastards . HAHAHAHA, seriously though I could have cared less all I wanted to do was, play baseball, football, and when I got older drink beer and hang with the chicks. P.S. ROCKY IV Rocks! DRAGOOOOOH!
  4. Able Archer 1983 the brink

    For all of you that didn't know about this. Great to know you can find all parts on youtube.
  5. Able Archer 1983 the brink

    Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov deserves the Medal Of Honor.
  6. 50 years ago this week

    The Jupiter C missiles in Turkey were pieces of sh!t the us was going to remove them anyway Hahaha brainwashed.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BunQvx4YsM
  8. 50 years ago this week

    We were closer than you have ever thought http://combatace.com/topic/75500-able-archer-1983-the-brink/
  9. P.O. Arthur Lopez L.O.D.D.

    Nassau County Police officer shot and killed along with carjacking victim. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/video/#!/on-air/as-seen-on/Man-Kills-Police-Officer--Motorist-in-Queens--Officials/175510891
  10. 50 years ago this week

    Oh yeah Sierra Hotel!
  11. Altitude/atmospheric pressure and humidity help make that cone look good.
  12. English class in spain

    English speaking Americans are horrible.
  13. Not a bad guess for 1977

    Fire Fox its only 30 years ago glad they finally caught up!

    As a Red Sox fan, I am so Fah'kin happy the Yanks are not going "GO TIGERS"
  15. That old cat Yeager broke the sound barrier again. CNN link http://www.charter.net/video/play/746614/channels/cnn/us
  16. 2 half-wings

    And the crew were usually issued a pair of bent wings to wear.
  17. The Making of Top Gun - Part 1

    Strap in and have fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCNzRSaDKAw&feature=related
  18. Mechwarrior Online

    I too like big robots but, the Mechwarrior bots are not sexy looking like their Japanese cousins.
  19. Not good, drug dealers have already been let out because of this. http://www.myfoxbost...-arrest-warrant
  20. Who watched it and what did you think. I didn't watch it all, was at work and we were busy. From what I saw It looked pretty decent. I am gonna watch it now heres a link.http://abc.go.com/wa...5232274/captain
  21. MA State drug chemist botched 1000s of cases

    I am not an elephant nor a donkey, that would be too extreme.
  22. Computer C, "Users" folder, the folder that you named your computer/ profile, Saved games folder, Third Wire folder, Strike fighters folder, Sounds folder, jetstart sound bite. or File search "Thirdwire" should bring you right to them.
  23. Go into your Strike Fighters folders, Sound folder and remove jetstart sound bite. You'll have to do this for all versions.
  24. Fairey Battle NF big, Blenhiem NF.1 big, Turbinelite version Bostons big and were junk. No small nimble planes there all multi crew planes most multi engine.

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