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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Read and comprehend before you comment. I stated nothing about ground based radar instillations. "unless you are driving a big plane you can't have radar". That early in the war if you were going to have airborne radar the plane, needed to be a big.
  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, radar its WW2 unless you are driving a big plane you can't have radar.
  3. Found surfing the web thought I would share.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18919934
  4. Identify this Aircraft

    Doing what if or could have beens.
  5. Speak Korean? Please help!

    Is there Korean charecters/writting on it. Take pics if so and post.
  6. Hey morteza1374 weren't those Iraq's. Welcome to CA by the way.
  7. Rgr that, its a light sim so a lot of the guts of the modded/custom planes use all the guts from the origonal planes.
  8. ABC's "LAST RESORT" Nuke sub boomer show

    Link to the Anime Network Silent Service. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=733
  9. Go to thirdwires website and download the manual.
  10. Meanwhile in Texas....

    Kid you should have lied, Network Switching Systems Operator-Maintainer tell that to a chick in the bar. Good luck with that. On a serious note enjoy your time. You will make friends for life. Wear your skid lid and stay lower than the guy next to you and you should be good. Be safe and enjoy the ride.
  11. KwikPit Gaming Platform

    Cool pit, is there an option for the stick to be centered? Also could you post a video of you explaining how you have yours set up and maybe a demo. I am very interested in this and I bet my boss will let me get 1 for my Nameday or X-mass.
  12. ABC's "LAST RESORT" Nuke sub boomer show

    Dude sorry to hear that, I would definitely not try a website like justintv.
  13. flight suit

    Dude clean your room.
  14. Freakin' Hilraious!

    I think It's a great club song. Heres a parody
  15. My Dear American Friends.....

    Rgr that, Thats what I ment
  16. My Dear American Friends.....

    Welcome to the Jungle.
  17. US Embassy in Lybia attacked 3 killed. http://www.nytimes.c...?pagewanted=all US Embassy in Egypt attacked http://www.cnn.com/2...bassy-protests/ Why the KCUF do we help these people.
  18. OT but this is Racing... Isle of Man Style...

    Love this race, I plan on stopping off here on my British Isle and Europe trip in a few years.
  19. Middle East problem fix

    motivational poster.
  20. 36 Years ago today

    To bad she never flew in orbit. http://www.history.c...huttle-unveiled
  21. Middle East problem fix

    I don't think that island would be habitable for about oh I'd say 30,000+ years give or take a few thousand.
  22. Middle East problem fix

    Jug I was just surfing the web. I don't know if it's a real poster or just an online motivational poster.
  23. RNZAF tA-4K

    On the way to Florida?
  24. These planes started as gliders being pulled by 3 Me-110s. They were constructed of wood and fabric.

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