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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    Posted 31 July 2011Didn't we talk about this.
  2. Bingo STORM, the Tucano was ready years ago, the texan won't be ready for 2-3. USAF needs this plane last year. The perfect light strike/FAC/CAS plane where air supiority is already owned by coalition forces. Comonality would have been nice, but I'm all about getting stuff for the troops ASAP.
  3. For Everyone Who's Ever Hit a Deer...

    I've hit 3
  4. New this would happen the Tucano is a much more capable and proven platform than thr AT-6 Texan II. CA post back in October The Super Tucano is Ready to Fly out of the Box. Minor tweak for our avionics suit and done no extensive testing that would have been needed for the AT-6.
  5. Bring It Iran

    Not worried about China & Russia, It's Iran, N. Korea and other rouge Terror supporting nations I worry about. China and Russia are not dumb enough to come to the "Rescue" of Iran, they would let Iran sink before they help. To much U.S. $ is involved w/China.
  6. Bring It Iran

    I don't know how many times I've posted this Iran's Govt is bad news, no good will come from this. Innocent people will get hurt if this escalates. On a serious note the major cities of Iran are actually very western friendly and open to western Ideologys, however; it's the radical Gov't that is the problem. The poor country folk are truley hurt in this because of their lack of access to the media. Ahmadinejad visits a lot of these farming communities spewing radical B.S. on behalf of the supreme leader the puppet master of Iran the Ayatollah about the United States and the rest of the Western World. The people of Iran are a proud, just, and beautiful people, who are under a sandstone fist. I say this all the time and post it all the time. The sooner we realize we are more alike than different on this "MUD BALL" called Earth the sooner we can get along. I am prior service. I hate war, war sucks, it should be a last resort. The best career of a soldier is a career of training and never using his weapon system(s)on another people. I hope common sense/better judgement prevails and nothing actually happens. Iran is a beautiful country, the Govt is so thick headed they could make hundreds of millons, maybe billons on the western world. Iran has some of the best ski resort locations on the planet, let alone the rest of outdoor sports. The site seeing must be great, this country was Persia for frack sake thats got to be worth a few hundgmill in sightseeing alone. Sorry for getting to winded.
  7. Bring It Iran

    I'm afraid this can't happen, cause all the Arab nations will gang up on little Izzy in the Mizzy Eazzy foh shizzle, my nizzles.
  8. Get her while she's still active she's due to be decommissioned scheduled for 2013.
  9. Bring It Iran

    HAHAHAAHA. Who is this Ahmadinejad?
  10. Bring It Iran

    Iran has greatest airforce! How many of you knew Iran has a demo team painted like the Blues.
  11. Bring It Iran

    Voice of Borat. "Iran's phantom are most powerfull fighter in all of Middle East."
  12. Supreme Commander Michelle's new flagship

    Thats Supreme Commander Michelle
  13. Bring It Iran

    I knew this Sh!t would happen. I see them becoming a giant zit on the ass of the world that is gonna have to get popped by somebody.
  14. Peabody MA Fireman LODD 12-23-11

    Another MASS line of duty death. FF James Rice while fighting a multifamily dwelling on Hancock St. in Peabody Mass became trapped low on breathing tank air was forced to breath in uncombusted toxic gasses and smoke while waiting for his brother fireman to get to him. That month of december is a bad month for fireman. To quote a friend on FDNY " Sometimes we just keep getting kicked in the teeth" FF James Ryan Died 12-23-11 I love working for my Fire Dept. The camaraderie is 2nd to non the people who have served in the military know this type of brotherhood/bond. The good days out weigh the bad ones, but when we have bad days they are really "BAD" days. The guys down in Stamford CT Fire Dept. with the loss of life w/their Christmas morning fire of 2 grandparents and their 3 grand daughters, The Stamford guys must be a mess too.
  15. Peabody MA Fireman LODD 12-23-11

    LIVE STREAMING OF FUNERAL http://www.thebostonchannel.com/video/30102466/detail.html
  16. Republic of Wadiya The Dictator

    Spinners what do you think could you get some skins for some MIG-21s and MIG-29s for the Wadiya Airforce? HIS EXCELLENCY ADMIRAL GENERAL ALADEEN - SUPREME LEADER, ALL TRIUMPHANT GENERAL AND CHIEF OPTHAMOLOGIST OF PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF WADIYA
  17. USAF Museum

    OK now I see them.
  18. Republic of Wadiya The Dictator

    One must laugh at themselves before they laugh at others (which Cohen has certainly done). The sooner people figure out we are more like each other than different on this mud ball called "Earth" the sooner we can get along.
  19. Do you like Christmas?

    BahhhHumbug, (I enjoy my kids reaction, but the over commercialization bull is way over the top).
  20. bf 109 , needs a little body work

    They are always pulling planes, tanks out of Russian Rivers and lakes.
  21. Lost a Member of my fire dept this morning. FF Jon Davies Rescue 1, 17 year veteran of the WFD.Worcester News paper
  22. Iran displays captured UAV

    Iran has a very capable military, thanks to the US, China, N.Korea. They are a very capable country.
  23. Iran displays captured UAV

    Don't these god damn things have a self destruct system?
  24. COD MW3 just finished.

    Great ending. It took a couple of weeks tuff to get on the 360 with family duties to perform.

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