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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NYu5S8opA4&feature=related
  2. I wish they would

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwZ9-M_x44Y UK_Widowmaker here is a link to youtube videos for this show there is quite a lot.
  3. Do fighters really need afterburners to take-off?

    Once a phantom phan always a phantom phan.
  4. this one has sound you can hear the turbine spinning down all chewed up. Saw this yesterday on the ocal FOX Boston station. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT9N_KxJSJ0&feature=related
  5. AT-6B Booted from LAS Contest

    Didn't the Beechcraft Co. watch the A-29 Videos, Embraer’s Super Tucano is a proven combat platform the work is done.
  6. This is true Derk. I'm afraid everynation is a target from Terrorists. FBI most wanted terrorists Hornet fixer painted up an F-18 and an F-16 in the olive drab w/black markings for Wings Over gen 1 series.
  7. Thats not just pilot. That aircraft is a team effort to fly. There is a crew member that is talking the pilot down on the back ramp. Another great Team Chinook rescue.
  8. I declare this day 12 November 2011 an International Holiday on COMBATACE in dedication to Modders, Staff,& Members, it only makes sense to follow the coat tails of the US Veterans day. All in favour say I. "I" Most nations have a Veterans/War members day. What's your countries day to remember your true national hero's? I am sure we all at CombatACE would like to hear from our CombatACE extended family about your countries.
  9. I say this a lot, the A-4K "KAHU"hawk was a true wolf in sheeps clothing. Had the radar and war computers of the F-16. A real life M.I.B. noisy cricket. Supersonic life what the New Zealand government does'nt want you to see. I have searched the web for this DVD havn't found it yet, they must have done a good job squashing it.
  10. I remember reading this in Airpower or Air & Space about 10,11 years ago they were pumped to be getting the F-16s. From what I understand this was a done deal, some of the aircraft were being prepared and pulled out of moth balls, when Madam Clark pulled the rug hard out from the RNZAF's feet.
  11. Apache article Article Military.com
  12. I am sure this has some serious onboard computer upgrades w/the more power and efficient power plants. Look at all the purpose built mud moving aircraft non are pretty. Look at the A-10, A-1, AH-1, A-7, SU-25, and the many other down in the dirt stuff. All vey ugly yet still look cool.
  13. Sick as a Dog....

    The whiskey helped
  14. Sick as a Dog....

    Drink plenty of whiskey.
  15. [Super Tucano Jobs for FL Cdr Flatley's input There is about a dozen videos for this aircraft looks good. I always liked the Tucano.
  16. Scroll in on cockpit view with the mouse wheel. Thats all I got.
  17. New Guy!

    Bruce it is!
  18. F-15C down north of vegas

    Good news, only the plane lost.
  19. Change your altitude and heading every 15 to 20 seconds, once in the A.O. every 5 seconds while not on a bomb/straffing run, and yes the lower the better: however; you are more likely to get hit by AAA heavy MG fire than the flak or SAM threat. So its a lesser of 2 evils when you stay low. No Flak and SAMs but more bullits.

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