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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. R.I.P. Marco Simoncelli

    Its been a bad week for race fans.
  2. RIP Dan Wheldon

    Was watching this race and the Pats Dallas game, came back to the fire and torn cars 1/2 way through the wreck. Dan June 22, 1978 to October 16, 2011.
  3. Anyone else, Pre-ordered to ensure I get the code for that F-4E. I love these series they are great arcade style games that have great eye candy graphics. Just wish they had an A-4K KAHU Skyhawk.
  4. Pre-ordered Ace Combat Assault Horizon Today

    Picked it up Tuesday. Just as I thought a great looking arcade shooter. I am satisfied.
  5. "TINMAN" : "EDI is a Warplane. EDI must have targets."
  6. they won't have to worry 'bout scandles.
  7. Try genie missile, that may overcome the deflector shields, love the imagination on this site.
  8. Steve Jobs

    It was only about 6-8 weeks ago he stepped down from CEO of Apple. Thanks Steve, your memory will rock on every time I listen to my i-pod!
  9. V8 SUPERCARS Coming to the US

    V8 Supercar Series coming to Austin in 2013 I'll be looking forward to this. A true motorsports fan, I have been following this series for about 12 years and I am strongly considering making the trip to TEXAS to see this event. True Tin Top or real stock cars no C.O.T. NASCAR stuff, however; I am a NASCAR fan still.
  10. V8 SUPERCARS Coming to the US

    If you buy I'll fly, Supreme Commander Michelle needs a new flagship a refit won't cut it. Thats why I plan on the 2013 trip to Texas little more affordable. However for 2014 Its either Australia for a week then New Zealand for another week, or Ireland, Scotland, England for 2 weeks.
  11. JediMasters right, PAN AM actually made another appearance out of Pease Air National Guard Base/Portsmouth International Airport at Pease, NH. They flew 3 or 4 Boeing 727-200 series and had a few turbo props. late '99 to about mid 2002 or 2003. They flew from Peas New Hampshire, Worcester Massachusetts, Sanford/Orlando Airport Florida and San Juan Puerto Rico. They actually provided an O.K. service, but the airline miss managed what they had.
  12. Blackburn Buccaneer Released for SF2

    I love "Ye Ole Battle Wagon" I am sure Spinners will spin some gold from this fine bird. Love the British ladies right up until they smile.
  13. I have male parts, so I won't be watching this.
  14. Ready on Arrival

    Been sitting on these 2 for a while too.
  15. Crap forgot to ask is there a key or combo keys that would activate such system?
  16. Pre-ordered Ace Combat Assault Horizon Today

    Love the haters. I think its gonna be a great arcade shooter, grab a 12 pack, zero thought and pretty to watch.
  17. Model Airport

    Somone posted this about 2 months ago. Very impressed he has it all figured out. The crash crews lining up for the plane in trouble are the best.
  18. In reality I say give them a damn carrier and let them defend themselves from N.K. No need to 911 the White House when N.K. acts up. Just my thoughts on the Global War On Terror, and the Axis' Of Evil. They already have rotor wing carriers, give em AV-8Bs BAM. I think the AIM-120 would work better than a re-made AIM-54. If your gonna do it do it right.
  19. So, anyone using Windows 8 yet?

    Unless I buy new and the O.S. is already installed proving to be pretty reliable. I use the latest trusted for as long as possible. Not much for BETA testing when my PC is used for gaming and financing, love to hear the new stuff that is planed and coming down the pipe though.
  20. Wrench I love your stuff, but thank GOD the NAVY never got these. I'm A-6 family biased.
  21. My Personal 9/11 Connection

    I had a friend Linda George a buyer for TJX Corp. on Flight 11 that perished on 9-11. Another family friends daughter who worked in the same building as your sister. She talkes about how she knew she had to get out because somthing wasn't right, she worked lower in the building and witnessed the second plane hit. The wave of emotions that rip through ones body, are still undescribable.
  22. The lifting body program. WIKI NASA Lifting Body They created lift by the crazy shape of the aircraft.
  23. My 9-11 2 cents

    9-11 tribute Good tribute show ADULT LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry but, Don't ever FVCKING forget what those dirt bags have done to us and our allies abroad. Remember the fallen of 9-11 and the service members who gave everything so you can just have. Hug those close to you and tell your younglings their story, for they did not die in vain. They live on in our stories and memories, they gave for us, for our AMERICA.

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