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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Both are cool, but true Texans would want their flag.
  2. Simple observation Spinners you are using what looks like a cross between the current Texas flag and the flag from Puerto Rico, or is this Is part of the what if? Is this what the Texas Air Guard use on the tail?
  3. I have been sitting on posting this for about a year at least. Don't know if its been done before. For all the Scooter fans.
  4. The launch bar is down, when the launch bar is down the nose gear is shorter for the cat stroke. Is there a way to get the front gear longer. P.S. is DF what I think it is? Not cool for a legit question if it was.
  5. Is this the SFP 1 moded for SF2? How do you get the front main gear to extend fully down?
  6. Scooters.

    Scooters are like the little cool looking shells found in Australia that sting you to death once you put them in your pocket.
  7. 9-11 Bush National Geographic.

    Anyone else watch this Sunday night?
  8. 9/11 First Responders Not Invited to 9/11 10th Anniversary

    I work in Public Safety now and have a few friends that I have met over the years from both NYPD and FDNY this is just unforgivable.
  9. I belive I am going to download the exp pack this week on my days off.
  10. Why am I dying?

    Are you, like really bad at it and the computer can't calculate your pilot making it out alive?
  11. Hurricane Irene

    Vig I live right next door to you I remember Gloria 1986 I think, I was active duty for Bob though.
  12. Found this surffing the web. I knew about this on the early prototypes, never saw a picture though.
  13. EP-3

    Go to airliners.net and do a search of EP-3.
  14. It's OK you are a fighter pilot at heart. Dropping mud moving gear is hard the 1st time.
  15. PSA Flight 182 crash - 1978

    Wasn't this a 727 and a small civil prop that had mid air?
  16. B-17 crash Another old gal goes down.
  17. This is a plane I always wondered why they didn't get. It only makes sense.
  18. Back story. After the UK deafeated Germany single handedly decided to keep the momentum going and conquered Russia adding them to the British Empire. BABAM!
  19. The flight aspect will be arcade like no doubt, but the high def trailer looks great
  20. Apollo 18 the Blair Witch Project on the Moon

    Wait there was no Apollo 18?
  21. Back story, Germany invaded England and after WW2 once Mother Russia crushed the Germans all that belonged to the Fatherland went to the Motherland, England became another puppet state of USSR, BAM!
  22. China goes to Sea...

    I am not worried about China. On one hand we are their strongest consumer/allies, yet on the military card we may not be best buddies, more like healthy rivals. We both have protected intrests in each other. If the sh!t hits the fan we would help them and I believe they would do the same for us. They will have 1 operational carrier which they will most likely use to protect their intrests in the Pacific Ocean in the Asian hemisphere. I dont think they will park their carrier off the Coast of D.C. or steam up and down the Cali coast with it. I am more worried about Iran, and other rouge/terror states that strive to acquire N.B.C. weapons. People from the United States go to China for holidays likewise for people of China.

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