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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Is it me is this dirty girl way to much fun to fly. How bout that Spinners and his Royal United States Airforce Lightning Loving SF2 been 2 weeks now. Getting the exp. pack for SF2E and SF2 Vietnam next. Gotta get and A-4 in for SF2 is there any around or do you need the Merge factor/Vietnam SF2 to get it?
  2. "That said, the plane is fantastic and the work done is simply awesome. I was impressed by the FM model, this flies like no other. Try some zoom climbs up to 100.000 ft, possibly it can go even to 130.000 ft. Now in combat, is a different story. I lose my orientation, and co-operation with more conventional jets (e.g. F-100, Lightning) is difficult." I don't think plane was meant to mix it up and fly around for fun. It was a "SCRAMBLE, SCRAMBLE, SCRAMBLE"! get the Frack in the sky and to alt as fast as possible to intercept the Russians. Dont turn, run in and out at ludicrous speed. P.S. Good shot Spinners.
  3. OM"F"G this is a crazy bird!Love this Shat. FC this is DA BOMB good work It should be the F-103 Dirty Bird it's so cleanWIKI XF-103 By the way I'm a choice member now.
  4. Its only a What if guys, its not like we woke up and the Govt. handed the keys to the US back to the UK.
  5. Hey everyone I have checked the knowledge base couldn't find this security catalog (CAT)file. The Objects and all other folders are locked is there a way to convert these? Many thanks, later be safe all WKW.
  6. OK on that message, up and running w/new addons many thanks all.
  7. Now I get it thanks for that insight the users thing was looking at that the other night didn't even occur to try that route, however were the frack do the sound, effects, decal etc. folders go?
  8. Now I get it thanks for that insight the users thing was looking at that the other night didn't even occur to try that route, however were the frack do the sound, effects, decal etc. folders go?

    Thats somthing a chick would say.
  10. Snowpocalypse 2011

    Joe Cantore funny guy. It was about 8-9 years ago I was watching the weather channel. He was in a Hurricane down in FL. You could tell he was worried as all kinds of crap was flying by. He said " This is a really bad storm, if you were here you would say this is a really bad storm" in his joe cool voice elevated a few octaves I still laugh about this.

    If you are a Bruin ( Pats fan most likely too) fan you must pull for Greenbay. The 3 Superbowl win would be matched by the Pits that can't happen.
  12. I guess I am trying to say I want to import SF2 airplanes into SF2 and its not as simple as drag and drop.
  13. I know how to install aircraft etc. in the legacy wings over series, but the Strike Fighters 2 Europe does not have the folders that I am a custom to. All the object folders are locked w/some type of security (CAT) folders. Normally I would have my R2 unit crack the code, but he's at the local Astromech dealer getting worked on.
  14. Very moving, only 2 years ago fighting in Afghanistan was still hard core. Hats off to all the soldiers. I miss it. Wish I could go back in. My cousin is a SF West Pointer who has had many tours in the Stan, Rock on Maj.
  15. Snowpocalypse 2011

    I'm in the Mass belt of snow,worked today, tonight and tomorrow, 34 hours straight.
  16. New Ace combat

    Looks like a great shooter.
  17. New Ace combat

  18. No I don't feel threatened by China and their people if you read it's who China considers allies I am worried about. This has to be an early pre production model w/a lot more work to go. It looks like it needs a lot of cleaning up those turkey feathers make a lot of radar noise, and the canards not what I would be going for in a stealth plane, maybe it handles like a tractor trailer with out them, there are another set of stabilizes/horizontal stabs in the back and do those move a frack load the whole vert stab/rudder rotate. A bunch of huge control surfaces moving and flashing potential angles that radar looks for. I think China is so happy about this monster they couldn't wait to show it off. I'll bet the Superbug has less of a radar sig than this Yeti. I double doubt it.
  19. Major Dick Winters dies

  20. Major Dick Winters dies

  21. Home Cockpit Sim.

    The guy did a behind the scene of how it works and he has like 5 or 6 computers that that run various aspects of the sim. He bought all the avionics and consols but built the mock cockpit himself.
  22. I don't think we should feel threatened by this J-20, it is likely a prototype that needs years of R.& D. Look at the F-35 that should have been in service 5 years ago. I wouldn't feel threatened by the JSF program. Now in 10-15 years when the J-20 or its final versions are ready for production, and China decides to sell them, then I get worried. If Iran, and or N. Korea have't used their Nuke's yet (these 2 Axis's are working very hard together sharing info do the research look it up), which should be ready about the same time this plane is ready for production. We shouldn't feel threatened China needs the U.S.' economy as crappy as it is. China holds a lot of our debt, w/out us they are up sh!ts creek w/out a paddle. Thank the Govt. for letting this happen 25-30 years ago. If we were to try and start to manufacture like we were back then we would need 10 years of hard work and we wouldn't even come close to the amount that China produces now let alone 10 years from now. Some of China's companies that ship goods in cargo boxes don't want them shipped back they just use new ones. I guess what I am saying don't feel threatened by the Chinese people, they are working hard like us with less reward. It's who China considers allies that I am truly worried about.
  23. ATAC in New Port News, ATSI in AZ. Whats the name of the one that has the SU-27, MIG-17,19 and Hawkers in the Mid West?

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