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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Resizing/Editing may help, theses crazy big pics are rediculous, they don't fit my screen need to scroll left/right up/down.
  2. MA election

    I voted for Lt. Col Brown Mass Army National Guard. A true leader.
  3. I rember my copy of popular Mechanices it had a pic of this plane in US Navy Colors turning hard on a MIG.
  4. Ferry flight to New Zealand July 1984. SAD to see them go, but we had no more Carrier.
  5. Any you guys hear about the F-104 Demo Team The STAR FIGHTERS. They signed a deal with NASA to be based out of the Kennady Space Center, and provide some testing support.
  6. Tragedy in Haiti

    The US Navy is sending their Hospital ship. I think they put most of their eggs in that basket along with security and rescue personel, the ship left 2 or 3 days ago it should be there soon.
  7. Tragedy in Haiti

    After she goes down there come to the east coast we have a nurse shortage.
  8. Tragedy in Haiti

    I have mixed thoughts, It's a terrible tragedy. A family from the town I live has a daughter missing still 6 days into this. Her name is Britney Gengel a 19 year old Lynn (FL) University student was there only 1 day when this hit. The news channels with their sat trucks all over the center of town and their front yard. They were told she was found about 4 days ago, but when they got off the plane in FL they were told they got bad news it wasn't their daughter they found. There is 6 people from Lynn U missing still at the Hotel. Here is were I get upset. As a father, I would never let my daughter travel to the poorest nation on this side of our mud ball.
  9. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    Here is were I get upset. As a father, I would never let my daughter travel to the poorest nation on this side of our mud ball.
  10. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    I have mixed thoughts, It's a terrible tragedy. A family from the town I live has a daughter missing still 6 days into this. Her name is Britney Gengel a 19 year old Lynn (FL) University student was there only 1 day when this hit. The news channels with their sat trucks all over the center of town and their front yard. They were told she was found about 4 days ago, but when they got off the plane in FL they were told they got bad news it wasn't their daughter they found. There is 6 Lynn U people missing still at the Hotel
  11. My Pats

    My Pats shat the bed today. The Baltimore Crows came to play the Pats with their A game, and the Pats were in their Monday morning practice mode except for Kevin Faulk, if half of the Pats played as hard as he did today they would have won, but they didn't. I was at the game and less than 1 minute in I knew the Pats were in for an up hill battle. I think the Pats are gonna have a cleaning house party this off season. None of the draft picks or money players they got this year didn't produce what was expected of them. I'm done venting. The Baltimore Crows are the true AFC East Champs now and they need to bring their A+ game and then some for when they play the Colts. 32 Passing yards won't do well against them. Good luck Crows, another East Coast team that I can pull for.
  12. The Final Countdown

    One of the Simpson's episode deals with time travel, probably one of the funniest. Raining donuts and the family has lizard toungues at the end Homer says "Close enough".
  13. The Final Countdown

    Dude your dating yourself.
  14. Your NFL Teams Best Cheerleader

    Here Is the NE Pats Best Cheerleader. A very Beautiful Woman. Asia is her name. Post your teams.
  15. My wingman got wacked pretty hard he made it back.
  16. Hey, Boss I thought we were fighter pilots?
  17. Wouldn't it be the US that Iran would be fighting in this "Conflict". Iraqi troops lead by the US and Coalitioan the air strikes would be US and other Coalitian aircraft.
  18. Toast

  19. Toast

  20. Brett Farve

    I'm a Pats fan, but Brett Farve and his vikings are a serious contender when they get to the playoffs.
  21. Lost a wingman today. Went up North on Ironhand. We were off the Oriskany, VA-164. Well I'll keep it short we pounded the hell out of the NVA AAA sites. Here's to Ens. Foster Flynn. I put him in for a Navy cross. He was later awarded the M.O.H.
  22. You tube this USS Oriskany-1970 at the flight deck-part 1/3. Very cool.
  23. I was workin PADDLES here is a photo of Flynn after 1 of his missions he grabbed the #3, he was that good.
  24. Ens Flynn. A young vibrant soul. He will be missed. Here is a candid photo after his 1st mission, he was so excited to write his girl back in Boston Mass about his 1st mission, they were to mary when he got back home. 1 more of him about 20 mikes after wheels up on the mission before his last (this was his 21st mission he was KIA on his 22nd).
  25. F-35 Production to be Cut

    It makes sense they are cutting everything else. The funny thing is they cut military defense, yet the Obama administration keeps "SURGING" more troops to Afghanistan/Iraq. Go figure.

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