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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Skyhawks. Wheres the ship?, Hard trap, and Checking wingman after he was peppered.
  2. Favorite Aviation Music Videos

    Red Checkers RNZAF.
  3. The Man Cave...

    Here are some more photos of the BAR room.
  4. So we got any Bikers out there....

    Here are photos of my bike not 1 like mine.
  5. Favorite Aviation Music Videos

    Blue Angles Taking Care Of Buisness, VAQ-138 on the boat creed.
  6. Star Wars Project.........

    will he build me a Mellenium Falcon bed? cause thats what I want
  7. I was wrong about American beer

    Its also like 100 plus bucks a bottle
  8. Who are the 2 SH_T Heads that think we should have UAVs replace human pilots?
  9. Deal of the century. The Peacemaker. For 40 million I can get 5 of these online to protect your country. Whaddya say is it a deal.
  10. RIP F-22

    The Su-27 is a good looking target.
  11. RIP F-22

    pc you don't have to think about flankers in us paint, it will never happen.
  12. RIP F-22

    More like 100+ miles out
  13. RIP F-22

    I wouldn't mind taking a member of the SU-27 family up, but I want Western designed and built aircraft defending such.
  14. I put that in there for Future ref. for when we have the tech.
  15. RIP F-22

    10-4 that Erwin_Hans my friend.
  16. RIP F-22

    You thought wrong.
  17. Thats a story I'm talking reality.
  18. NO! Dave's right that day will be here soon. I don't mind UAVs flying around with weapon systems, but I don't want a computer/robot making a decision to end life. A human should call it. UAVs fly pre-programed and fluid flight paths now right, with a human pilot and ground crew overseeing the info sent back. Isaac Asimov's 3 laws of robotics look them up.
  19. RIP F-22

    Where have you been we havn't been number 1 for a while. Forgot to add this China has most of our debt.
  20. RIP F-22

    I'll buy that for a dollar.
  21. RIP F-22

    What if this what if that , What if an asteroid wacked the earth. You can speculate and what ifs all you want. I'm not worried about China, no US buying goods there is no China. Not worried about N. Korea either, Japan has a very capable self defense force, and they will self defend N. Korea into the stone age. I think the world really sees how dependent they are on the US econemy doing well.
  22. RIP F-22

    I am fully confident that the remaining F-22s, F-15s, F-16s, F-18s,F-18 supers can all do the job well, I am not a Dem or a Rep. 1 F-22 can do the job of 6 of the other aircraft. The threat from our enemies has changed since the inception of the F-22 and the stealth family. Yes it sucks but, its politics. Early reports show 30 hrs maint. per 1 flight hour, probably teething issues with the maint crews taking it slow on purpouse (probably not) to make sure things are done right. Remember the F-35 is coming soon, not to mention the new F-15s which we should be conidering also.
  23. Light Sabers

    Who owns a Light Saber. Send picks if you made your own or purchased it. . Jedi Master's got at least 1 maybe 2.

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