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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. T-38 spanks F-22

    In a conventional dogfight it would come down to the pilots. The T-38 is very agile in the right set of hands. It would come down to who F'd up 1st. Now B.V.R. I would say the T-38 hasn't a chance, thats the purpose behind stealth so that this type of encounter does not happen often.
  2. 10-4 that I dont want my tax money at risk.
  3. Do you fly the planes loaded or clean. If it is realistic mode military aircraft are designed to takeoff w/ a war load and come home clean. Also the planes u mentioned do not have computers controling them like most 4th and 5th gen rigs. The Century fighters a squrily especially the F-100 she doesnt like quick input on the stick when she is slow or fast for that matter. Try flying both on rollout w/no flaps. FC probably knows this trick if you got a heavy bird you may have to bounce the plane into the air, nice steady firm push (not quick) forward at speed uses the nose gear as a pogo.
  4. What about the Super Bug everybody else seems to be getting them.
  5. This is able 2 to able 1, i have your wing. over. A-4B's in SF2 Yeah I am going to need that back able 2.
  6. Looks like the Super hornet and Raptor had a kid.
  7. Iraq AF to order F-16s

    It was about a year ago they started talks on buying those. It looks like its more than talk then, good for them I am sure they can't wait to get their hands on that nimble little slerd fighter. Also I hate to say it, but we are going to have a presence of some sort their. Just like Japan, S.Korea, Germany, and Cuba. We have established bases in Iraq, and we will probably keep established bases their for many decades to come. I just hope the day comes when it won't be combat duty and will just be an overseas station.
  8. Lay Offs

    Any1 get walkin papers or have pink slips pending. Me I am facing a lay off , but I am high enough, I will get called back relativly soon if I get a furlogh. excuse my spelling had a few Jim and D Coke's
  9. Lay Offs

    Well got the word they laid off 17 people the city didn't go as deep as they said they were gonna go dodged that flak burst. Still sucks loosing guys, but they will get called back as retirments happen.
  10. H.A.W.X.

    Downloaded the freebee fom 360 dashboard about 2 weeks ago, looked "S H I T H O T" other than looks I thought it sucked. I'll leave it at that
  11. True, they also had an arm embargo placed on them during the years you are setting this campaign, a little thing called Aparthied. They couldn't get planes for themself let alone parting with them. I would say that any SAAF aircraft used would be former/retired prop stuff from WWII, or Korean War. P/F-51, F-86.
  12. B.S.G. Season Series End.

    Its tonight 2100 hrs e.s.t. Are you ready for it. Caught up today got some beers and Ambrosia ready to go.
  13. Lay Offs

    To a fellow Sottsman good luck.
  14. Fighter Ace WWII air combat

    Any1 play this game? I fly under the name _RUM_RUNNER
  15. 40K Players

    Paint it flat black. Flat black looks good on anything. Put flat black on a HOT ROD looks cool. Put a skinny chick in a flat black dress "HOT" put a fat chick in a flat black dress "WELL" take 1 for the team.
  16. 40K Players

    Warriors come out and playay!.
  17. 40K Players

    Does that motha fu__er have a fu__n afro cause that is one mean gangsta lookin M.F.
  18. Lay Offs

    If I get lay off I may go back to school and get an additional degree in US history have the Govt. pay for it.
  19. 40K Players

    What ever happened to the seperate thread that was gonna start about WH 40K. Played it the other night ( I get out and play it every 3-5 weeks the wife loves holding my hair after a night of WAR HAMMER 40 K) it always starts out good, but about 2-3 hours Derek's or Rick's wife show up W/"JELLO" shots and or San Gria, it goes down hill from there.
  20. It has happened to most of us I am not Irish, but on St patty's day in MASS every body is Irish.
  21. Is there a weapon in any of the packs that have green sh_t for the alien laser?
  22. Taking Chance

    I was on vacation in Orlando Fl. It was a went to the pool and got wore out day chasing the 3 and 1 year old. So the Wife, father in law and I decided to eat in, then watch a movie. That was the one we watched, it was wierd. We just put the kids to bed sat down turned on the tube. I didnt know the channels on the local cable punched in a number and it was just coming on we decided to watch it. We were all very emotional. My wife was not with me when I was in the service so she doesn't understad that part of my life very well, and how big it is a part of me, and how it influenced on who I became. I think this movie helped explain to her how important military service is for those that gave time, or those that gave it all. Be safe all, later.. out.
  23. The Buc has a face only a mother and a true lover of naval aviation could love. Looking forward to getting my greasy skinners on that bad byatch.

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