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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Christian Bale (A$$hole)

    The guy he was chewing out sounded scared. I could care less that he's an actor, I know I would have laughed in his face, and if he kept it up I would have told him to F.O.

    You Guys ready for the Super Bowl. I'm pullin for the Cardinals

    A much closer game than I thought I was pulling for Arizona, but what a battle great game, an edge of the seat game the last quarter.
  4. GI Joe Trailer

    Land of the Lost w/Will Ferral looks funny.

    Looks like the Cards want it bad.
  6. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    Babbalon 5 is a bunch of babbaling.

    My Fav is #4 the Flag theme, whats yours?
  8. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    It was a rainy spring night the wife upstairs prego in bed, I was drinking a couple of beers. I was Surfing/Stumbling the web, and fell onto it, and was like, "Hey I play that game" you can add planes to the game? I was like "shat sign me up."
  9. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    Me I like Star Wars, yet I have a special place in my heart for Star Trek my mom is a big scifi fan and Star Trek fan, introduced me to it when I was little. My mom is not a geek she was captain of her high school cheer squad and was for many years a cheer coach for a few high schools in the area who won many tournemants, and went to FL Disney World a few times and placed 1st or 2nd every time they went.
  10. F-15 ? swing fighter

    Was 1 ever made? I cant find a photo only stats.

    Typical Lady they like the colors. lol Same here
  12. Joining U.S. Navy as a foreigner

    Yes you can, many have done this. Look up Dieter Dengler a German born National came to the US became a USN Attack pilot. I had friend from Poland you never knew he was Polish he was 3 when he came to the States, enlisted in the Navy got his degree and citizenship, got a comission went to school and flew choppers in the USMC. Last I heard it was like 27 or 28 for the NAVY and the ARMY is like 32 or 34. To fly is a minimum of 8 years, or thats what it was when I was in.
  13. were is the plane that camo works well.

    I am not a PA fan if you search my posts you'll see why. Kurt W. all the way. Would rather see an NFC team win than Pitts. Only reason why I am rooting out of my AFC. 20 JAN 09 post Ravens out.
  15. Airliners.net

    Toast for a comrade, a great contributer to flight
  16. RNZAF 75 Squad forward deployed to RAAF base Pierce in Perth, AU, sometime '99. RAAF F-111C and RNZAF A-4K lined up on runway 36.
  17. Something unexpected

    There is a privately owned MIG-21 out of the Brattleboro, VT Airport. He makes it to a few of the North East area airshows for static display.
  18. Fav cooking/chef show

    I watch Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares, Hells Kitchen, Andrew Zimern's Bizarre Foods, and Anthony Bourdain's No reservation.
  19. We finally made it!

    Riding the turret in the cupola when it comes off like that can't be a fun ride.
  20. Iranian Air Space

    Be carefull they have F-4 Phantoms.
  21. ROLEX 24 Hours @ DAYTONA

    1530 E.S.T. Rolex Sports Cars 24 Hours at Daytona USA. The national racing season in America Starts. Check your local FOX and SPEED TV channels.
  22. Have any of you guys and gals seen these teams. They have a Mig-17 and a L-39 Demo teams www.patriotsjetteam.com
  23. Fav cooking/chef show

    I have been online looking for No Reservations SWAG can't find any. He has to have a cool t-shirt out there somwhere.
  24. Fruit Helmets

    Some firefighter helmets are made of cow hide

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