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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Oman has 12 MK 203 Hawks delivered in 1994 single seat , Malaysia has 10 MK 208 delived in 1990 single seat.
  2. Fav cooking/chef show

    Good Eats, yes thats a great one too.
  3. BSG

    Season opener on 2200 hrs E.S.T.
  4. BSG

    Just sassing him a little I don't think I hurt him If I did I truly am sorry.
  5. BSG

    I rest my case.
  6. BSG

    I guess so thats when I started watching it, it was 2003 when the miniseries started, because I wasn't moved in to my house yet. So the miniseries for me would be season 1. All the seasons are short and spread out anyway. You dissect too much, I swear you type to just to see your own comments some time. "I have no idea what your talking about" the show sucked when they went on the holy crusades when the fleet split some stayed w/Adama the other half went with Roslin. Do you have an Idea what I am talking about now. Re-watch them. The season when they were on New Caprica and would flash back to Caprica Sucked too. Its was like the wrighters had a great short story then when the show took off because it got popular they lost steam. Not all the episodes sucked, just most in that middle B.S. now it is starting to get better and they are going to pull the plug. Done.
  7. Digging A New Beer...

    Try a black and blue, blueberry ale w/Guinness. In the North east we got tons of blueberry beers. Another fav Harpoon Winter Warmer by itself(its got cinnamon and nutmeg), or 50/50 it with your fav hard cider......... apple pie baby. Shipyard's Pumkinhead Ale is great too. Been drinking those and the addictive Budlight lime. I swear they put crack in that b.l.lime.
  8. Feeling good is good enough Sgt. Eliase. "PLATOON"
  9. Fatal crash

    Not good, I have said it before these War Machines can turn and bite their owners. It won't be the last, these people that fly defending our countries train hard, and when you train hard things like this happen. Fight like you train, train like you fight. Thoughts and prayers for all involved.
  10. how bout a what if USAF Thundrerbird Scheme, it would make Fat Albert look like a Tin Lizzy at an airshow.
  11. Any board gamers here?

    I love chutes and ladders, and candy land, OH and Hungry Hungry Hippos....is that a board game? great times.....I mean my daughter likes them when I play these with her. Now the wife we got this "BOARD" game,........ well you know.
  12. AC-130 replacement

    The E/AC-6C Gunship "POUNCER" that would be cool.
  13. BSG

    You probably caught some of the crazy episodes. I dont blame you if I hadn't been watching it from the get go and came across it when they were on the holy crusades or the seasons after I would have kept on flipped past that show on the tube too.
  14. Ravens out

    Well I am not a fan of any PA team, so I gotta go w/the Cardnals. I have season tickets for the NE Pats so I have been to several games at Gillette, the old Suilivan stadiums, and the Superbowl w/Eagles in Jacksonville. You try to have fun, you could not be nice enough. There was a Patriots fan w/ his son who was about 12. A group of Eagle fans grabbed the kids hat and passed it around some were swearing at the poor kid, the father looked scared, they ripped the hat up. Only 1 guy got kicked they should have kicked the whole section. Most PA fans I have come across are total asses (not all) if your are a PA fan and your not well thanks for being a fan of the game. I sat in a sea of green at the Superbowl and only 1 man w/his older autistic son was polite. It was a pleasure to talk to that man and his son who was rambling off stats from not only the Eagles, but all the teams that season. Another game with the Stealers at Gillette, there was this Gang of girls from a bachelertte party that would not leave us alone, they would grope you as you walked buy when you went to go get more beer. I felt violated, some of them and their "Terrible Towels" got ejected, I think 1 of them was the bride.
  15. BSG

    I wish they could have done better w/the story the past few seasons it seemed like they are trying to hurry up and end the series just as it was starting to get good again. After the crazy religouse crusade 3 or 4 seasons ago. I am not alone I wanted to see more battles.
  16. College advice

    Bridgewater State and Wentworth Tech both in Massachusettes
  17. BSG

    Words of wisdom add this on to anything it works well, "and drink plenty of whiskey" It works for Tigh.
  18. Paint still wet, a new F/A-4K Fighting Hawk of VF-1 deployed aboard USS A. Lincoln 2011. Off the Coast of North Korea. Som1 had to buy the RNZAF Skyhawks.
  19. Cockpits...

    I saw 1 in here about 2 months ago it was killer, I would be living in my garage if I set 1 of those up. Although I do have a cablejack and a porta heater in there .hmmm!
  20. Patriots out

    Gotta go for the Ravens now. My Pats got screwed out of a wild card run.
  21. Patriots out

    The Colts are out thank the gods.
  22. Gone whaling. should have been the statement. Weve all done it.
  23. OOOOHHHHH I ran ! Gett'n ready. For what you ask? George W. Has 2 weeks left maybe. And I ran.... I ran so far away is your home, but in my heart you'll stay. Love this skin thunder, many thnx.
  24. Patriots out

    Oh thats right well they gotta get some good draft pics outta that fiasco.

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