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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Makes sense the Irianian Airforce is flying those. Would be a good what if Top Gun aggressor. You going to make that available in the dl section? Woudn't be the first time the Navy flew old hand me downs from the Airforce.
  2. Its naive to think that flying a piper cub is as dangerous as flying a Harrier. I take nothing away from your friends. We all know somone in the buis of military aviation that has been hurt or killed. I was simply responding to Mac's statement about the USMC. Its the nature of the buisness. "WAR MACHINES" are different than piper cubs :therfore; Incurre A-LOT more risk. That is all, so I leave it at that. I have compassion for your friends as well. I hope you see and understand my point.
  3. found in my loft !

    This is what I found in mine, better get it back up there before the Darth Michelle gets home.
  4. How Southern are yew?

    Carpet muncher, I think is what you mean right.
  5. How Southern are yew?

    My wife lived in Boone NC for 5 years if that counts. I was never stationed down south long enough to pic up any of the language accents, too busy at schools.
  6. when is this Navy 737 coming and will it have a tail hook? lol
  7. How Southern are yew?

    0% dixie, 100% Yankee, although I hate the baseball team. I am from MA and nothing can change that. when I retire I will be a relocating to the coast of NC,SC,Georgia, or FL. haven't decided yet got 18 more years.
  8. These arn't piper cubs these are war machines built on the ragged edge.
  9. I would go with the A-4 . The SLUFF was that, a great bomb rig not a good dueler. With the A-4 K Kahu and the A/F-4 Fightinghawk that can swing between A-A and A-G. If you want a smaller plane to drop a lot of sh_t take the A-7 (turn in a SLUFF yu go even SLUFFER) if you want to have fun take a Scooter. Scooters are always fun like fat girls just don't let your friends catch you on 1.
  10. I'm Back!

    Back too had no power for 7 days Ice storm that hit central Mass . Power unit shat the bed back up now. l
  11. F-8 Crusader what if?

    Found this surfing the world wide today, thought I would share it w/all of you. Very cool I thought a modern F-8 w/2 engines. Look out Superbugs.
  12. Soft Landing

    I'm sure the pilot in command had to write a pretty interesting IDC on that wonder thought.

    ARMY had a rough game, GO NAVY!!!
  14. New BSG "game"

    I saw it at Best Buy too, its too bad cause there are so many game engines out that could have pumped out an awsome game.
  15. What game is that? and is there a website?
  16. Who needs a F-35 when the Harrier can do it for less and dirtier.
  17. That looks like a good lookin guy lookin at me.
  18. Just dropping by to say hello, i read this stuff.
  19. You tube

    Checkout Sun Kings Pump It, and VAQ-138 on the BOAT. VAW-113 Move Along. RED Checkers, on you tube,or google vid. Let me know what you thunk of them.
  20. Virtual Festival of Aerobatic Teams 2008

    I'll be at the virtual bar getting shatty, oh wait that will be a real bar.
  21. Hellish hairy sea monster cast ashore

    Thought this was about my mother in-law oh well.

    Don't get comfy keep up the good work get E6.

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