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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Break up of United States?

    Can't wait, I got my AR and if needed I'll climb back in an EA-6 and work one of the EMCO magic stations again. Do not pay attentoin to the man behind the curtain.
  2. I think silverbolt is on a harrier fix, and nicky is on a classic kick with all those limey slick bombers, and stick's pictures are still blurry before I've had a few (too many). Spinners keeps spinnin gold. I wish he would release that polish thud cause that is way to frackin cool, I said it FRACKIN, what you moderators gonna do about that colorfull word.
  3. The Person Below Me

    Of course I can, after getting kicked in the jimmy. the person below me likes running through the sprinkler in the summer time wishing nicky was there.
  4. 2 members of the US Navy Blue Angels are facing military court, and possible discharge for an inappropriate relationship. For the remainder of the season they will fly only a 5 ship demo. Military Times reports that 1 of the involved is an aviator.
  5. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    If you go to the Blue Angel Official website then check out the Blue Angel Alumni website you can figure out who got shatcanned(past tense).
  6. Strange clouds yesterday,help me!

    Your still here now dont be scared of the clouds. Its the lightning, and hail that will get you.
  7. That game is ridiculous. In order to play that game you need to go to school for like 4 years. Join an organization that gives you structure, and giudance and assist you in learning this trade. In other words this game is very close to the real thing. You need to dedicate many hours if you are single go for it if not good luck. When the kids came I stopped playing that one.
  8. You gotta be kidding me, land on that. Oh boy.
  9. The plane you sat in

    Most of the planes I sat in were older than me. FC might be able to state that.
  10. God Father

    Any watch the marathon. Love these movies.
  11. Star Trek Movie Trailer number 2.

    all i gotta say is can't wait for the movie
  12. National geo channel

    Whats up w/ the crystal cave. and the people are wearing space suits .heard them say that the skin was sensative to the cave enviroment.
  13. If you have both MOV and WOE and they are fused, you can get anti-ship missions by starting out in WOE and go to single mission antiship and use the Vietnam Map. Thats what I do. Quick and easy no messing w/time consuming ini scripts.
  14. Wrench now was the 110 ment to be a single seater, or is that a what if, cause I know early on the USAF gave the F-4 that 110 # but soon after went along w/ the US Navy designation.
  15. The Man Cave...

    Glad to see the Sammy's Dave.
  16. any mig 21 or beagle's comming, or some 104's like jordan had in the 60's
  17. Fires Near Santa Barbara

    And what do they do, keep rebuilding there. Its got to be a major ass pain to keep loosing and rebuilding your house. I am surprised Ins. companies allow them to rebuild there. Very stuborn people.
  18. Or they saying who ever pulls the eject cord first is a wuse.
  19. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    I like them all they are great arcade style games, the later 4 up look great the 1 on 360 is gorgoues. The stories on the last 3 or 4 are cool and make it more interesting.
  20. Nigeria has a satellite?

    Maybe M.A.S.A. helped them out (Southpark watchers know this one) Si fly.
  21. Very cool Spinners. You gonna share that?
  22. Friday Again...WOOT

    SSKAHH! just tapped into another beer.
  23. Aw shuks thats nothin, I call this one "Troubled Shooting". To maintain level flight needed almost full left aleron, and constant input of left rudder, and came in about 30 kts faster than normal. I had the flight model on hard I got the pig down.
  24. obviously its a recruiting prop

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