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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. New Enterprise Revealed

    Agree nic, it looks good.
  2. Accident aboard Russian submarine kills 20

    Imagine all the accidents that dont make it to the public
  3. any other WW2 online sim?

    Besides Ace's High, Fighter Ace, and Battleground Europe is another WW2 flight sim out there that anybody knows about?
  4. The white part of the roundals were hand painted navy blue as well.
  5. Chows on me boys HAROOGA,HAROOGA,HAROOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. 2 Planes the A-4K, a wolf in sheep's clothing. It has the toyish chasis of the the Scooter but the guts a an F-16 Fighting Falcon. And of course the F-4. In the words of the great Santini, "Castro, you bearded F***T (NATO name for the MIG-15) I I'd like to chase down the Main Street of Havana in my F-4."
  7. Nightshade that little 339 looks busy.
  8. F-8 Crusader what if?

    I am glad to se some of you are using your Imagination thats all I wanted you guys to do.
  9. F-8 Crusader what if?

    Guys it's a plane based on the F-8 enjoy it as art, you guys are looking way too deep not like Vought is gonna start up the line on a new F-8. Stratos that was the site I got it marked now thnx cause there was some other scifi stuff there. Did you find w/that Google search?
  10. F-8 Crusader what if?

    Its a what if artist's version thats all it is. Dont disect it, its a drawing of a scifi"ish" plane. Just like a lot of the stuff in Star Wars. It makes no sense but it looks cool. This plane has an intake similar. It was real and was to have a jet engine if the war went on.
  11. F-8 Crusader what if?

    stratos I earased all that i was literaly surfing the web and saved I have no clue I did a google search F-8 crusader. Good luck.
  12. A tail dragger is a plane that has its main gear forward of the center of gravity w/a smaller gear in the rear. Example the F8F is a tail dragger the P-39's tricycle is cosidered conventional (now).
  13. BattleBritain I think his helmet has shrapnel or bullit holes, man that would sting.
  14. Really good air race pilot

    Yup, I laughed may ass off .
  15. Its late in the UK, shouldn't you be sleeping Nic.
  16. A dumb question?

    Hey it was worth a try to sneak it in
  17. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    Nice pic of that missing man having an affair formation, FastCargo.
  18. A dumb question?

    No, no, no....none of that politic stuff there Mako...you know better.
  19. F-1 this Week end

    I was pulling for Massa, I am not an Italian Horse fan just pulling for the #2 driver out driving the their #1 driver Kimi.
  20. I can't belive glock slowed up on the last turn and let Hamilton by. Congrats Hamilton and GB's Champion.
  21. Does the naval version have 2 engines?

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