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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    I like this one "You don't s**t were you eat"
  2. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    The problem is they got caught, they know the rules they gambled and will loose it all most likely.
  3. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    In the words of Salt n Peppa "None your Buisness" I think its BS dont hate the playa hate the game. It BS because the NAVY has to be knee deep in your s**t. I say who gives a s**t live and let live. I am glad I'm out too JUG.
  4. BLUE ANGELS down 1 plane

    I think the problem is that both parties are married, when I was in adultry among service members ofcrs or ncos was a deff. no no too Daffy.
  5. And waiting on spinners to spin more gold in the what ifs, and share.
  6. What is your Favorite midnight snack?

    Boxed lunch at the Y.
  7. Talk nice about the old Girl.
  8. Hang over cures....Whats yours?

    What is your hang over cure? Mine is a banana and 50% water 50% Gatoraide.
  9. You gotta get the rest of the WO series cause they all have great stuff to bring to the party, the WOV missions are cool, the WO Euro is even better, and the WOI is fantastic.
  10. Just surprised to see they still fly that plane, I am sure they are maintained well. Think they would upgrade to a Hawk or something similar. Nesher is there talk of trans to another aircraft?
  11. Looks like a magister, its a safe plane, but I am sure its old. Thoughts and prayers for the family and service members involved.
  12. Any other shooters here?

    A friend of mine who was is an airline pilot from the UK ewas a hunter he said in his county or town I forgot. the weopon had to be pullled apart when travelling and he had a window placard that he had to put in his rear window so that the police knew he was transporting a hunting rifle.
  13. What do you think oh H&K's new 416 weapon system?
  14. X RAY were did you snap that photo of those 4 Massachusettes State Troopers?
  15. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    Jarhead whats the M-4 that has 7.62 I saw that on future weapons a while ago it was going to be for special ops.
  16. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    The weapon can be turned into a sniper assualt rifle w/a barrel change, close in quarters sub machine sized rifle, or an assault rifle. 416, 417 both based on the M-16 chasis.
  17. Got the same tumbl after landing and turning plane on deck, only the scooter has the problem I have tested all Naval planes. Still only scooter.
  18. I think its safe to say the Airforce got a great tactical bomber and the Navy got a great fleet defender out of the F-111B fiasco. I sure would'nt want an F-111B protecting me.
  19. Just flew 3 traps each of A-6,F-8, F-4 and A-4. A-4 only 1 bouncing and burning last trap of A-4 brought in straght like the old days it worked, If your gonna land on a carrier w/an A-4 you gotta fly straight in avoiding the angled deck marks. The DATA conflict has to be in the A-4 DATA file.
  20. Ok Nascar fans here's one for you!

    Think NASCAR has to test him for roids, looks like Carl has a little case of the ROID RAGE.
  21. Same problem here Smokey. We are talking bout the A-4 problem here not asking about technique we all got that down its the data conflict somwhere that makes the A-4 bounce and explode once landed on the ship. You guys talking F-8, A-7, RA-5 try landing an A-4 see if you get the same problem after the new patch.
  22. I was talking about this w/a buddy of mine about 12 years ago when I was still in, be a great job for a grounded pilot.

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