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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Pres. Debate

    got the debate on the main, pic in pic is the uconn lville game, main screen go to H-channel USS Enterprise fire
  2. Pres. Debate

    Gotta love Pic in Pic
  3. Laser Cat

    Were do I get a Laser Cat?
  4. Laser Cat

    Its only the most powerful weapon in the universe
  5. Turboprop Skyraider

    Well we will have to PM her so she can check this out when she gets back I'm sure she will dig it.
  6. Laser Cat

    Laser Cat (it was an SNL skit) M-1
  7. Laser Cat

    You know what I'm talkin bout
  8. Where did I take this photo

    The story goes somthing like this. Im on a vacation trip w/ the wife kids and outlaws. I tell the boss wake me up before this state so I can take a pic of the plane cause we missed it on the way down. So I get some down time thinking all will be good, I'll get a nudge or somthing letting me know to get ready. Well I wake up in a panic evreyone is sleeping, but the wife, she's driving. I ask her "Did we pass the plane" she says "What plane" I said "What plane, the one I told you I wanted to take a picture of." she says "I don't know" I said "You don't know" just then my mother in law, she's cool, pipes up out of cat nap mode and says "That plane." I grabbed the cam, powered it up, didn't enven look through the viewer, pointed, and bam got this pic. Now where did I take this Pic?
  9. Turboprop Skyraider

    Welcome to the town called "Tail Dragger's With Big Engines. " Love it when people complain, you would piss your pants if som1 let you climb in and fly that rig for real. The nose is to long, the prop is to big the wheels are out front, the wheel in back is to small, the seat is to low. etc. etc. the list for complainers goes on.
  10. where to get Dolphin

    No I think you just have to ask them via e-mail, and promise not to missuse and only for your use only.
  11. Do not go below 400 Knots, Delta wings love airflow do not starv them of such. Use speed and raw power which you have copeouse amounts of, out climb, do not turn w/the MIG, If gunning turn until he pulls out ahead cause he can turn better than you. When he starts to pull above gunsight run out get more speed. You try to turn w/mig once you get below 400 knots you start loosing speed fast when you whip the ponies. DO NOT TURN W/MIG! You start whipping the ponies in a mirage in a dog fight before you know it you'll be walking home.
  12. Turboprop Skyraider

    the real turboraider (Skyshark) is heavily modified, but the what if looks like it would probably work also if it had some strengthing were the engine and chasis mounts. Eitherway they would have been cool. My Uncle flew the A-1 in 'Nam for the Navy he said that plane was the best, and most fun plane he ever flew. He hayted to trans to the A-7, but then he said when u sit in a brand new plane w/only test hours on it, he said that was pretty cool too.
  13. The reason why I ask this is because the US Navy loved the A-1 Skyraider so much they began a turboprop variant which if not for political B.S. may have actually made it to frontline service.
  14. Very cool plane why did it not last in the fleet air arm was it to costly to maintain or was it the jets were coming on line quick. I believe it only lasted 1 or 2 deployments w/HM fleet.
  15. I would hope so they are next gen stealth. You can use parts of the F-117 landing gear for the f-15, theres a use.
  16. Did both needed new DX. was still choppy. did a scandiskdefrag, much smoother. drive was a mess cause of the wife;s games.
  17. Where did I take this photo

    JimmyBib bingo.
  18. Thought for sure this would be great topic for pics and stories.
  19. Where did I take this photo

    Ghost is close
  20. OMG! F-13s outperform F-35s!

    Of course an F-16 will outperform an f-35 the F-35 has software that keeps the pilot from over stresssing the airframe so yes an F-16 in a true dogfight could out turn and pull more G, but the F-35 has stealth on its side so it would have the upperhand before it went to an ACM fight.
  21. Jets vs Chargers...

    No pun intended but the Jets are getting shot down. P.S. I would take a Farve over a Cassel any day.
  22. OMG! F-13s outperform F-35s!

    Stormy way to funny. Did they forget the F-35 is stealth and the F-13 (MIG-21) will be dead before the pilot could say. To quote ICE "T" from the movie Stealth Fighter '99 (not Stealth w/the hot ass pilot, no not the dudes the chick. I could already see that coming from all you clowns) mono tone "Ah s**t I'm hit".
  23. Let us know when this fairy tale is over.
  24. Jarhead1 who the hell is this guy on the bumper? Plus 1 more photo. I know who he is.

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