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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Yes, who else is gonna provide "CLOSE" airsupport for the Army, not the Airforce, .....lol I kid I kid. All branches of service would be used and needed in an all out war in Europe, in the "COLD WAR GONE HOT" scenerio. At the height of the Cold War there was a carrier no more than a 2 or 3 days away, and a lot of US Airforce and Allied Air Force units already stationed and all would be extremly valuable.
  2. How bout the A-6F Intuder II program that was cancelled. State of the art cockpit and electronics, new more powerful smokeless engines, new radar and jammimg technology, new composite wings, and oh yeah it would have been able to defend it self w/the AMRAAM-120. That would have been a great battle bird.
  3. Here are some photos of just a few of the beauties that were at the 3rd Annual New England RC Jet Rally. Very talented flyers things happen a lot faster w/turbine RC than Prop RC aircraft. The smell of jet fuel was in the air, all was good.
  4. 3rd Annual New England RC Jet Rally Photos

    Yes it was 16 and 17 Aug
  5. 3rd Annual New England RC Jet Rally Photos

    City of Gardner MA about 20 min north of City of Worcester or 50 min west north west of Boston
  6. USS Cabot question

    Stratos hows this project going?
  7. 3rd Annual New England RC Jet Rally Photos

    They have those very colorfull paint schemes so they can spot them quick . The people that have the Camo and Grey combo schemes are very brave because they get very hard to see and tell wheather its coming or going.
  8. "Airbrakes.............. your gonna do what!" Who needs them lol
  9. Everyday driver '02 Toyota Pickup.'01 Vette on the better days. A-4 Scooter all variants, F-4 Phantom all variants, A-1 Skyraider, F-18 Hornet/Superbug I like dogfighting w/older jets US AV8A/B-UK Harrier, F-104, F-100 those planes will turn and bight you "HARD" if you pull and whip them to much.
  10. Roger that BINGO BANGO BONGO, Bongo hit the nail on the head. I have said this before, I love all the Modders and their work. I look at the planes and modded planes as works of art. Thats what they are. I have been messing around with some planes myself, extremly fugly stuff flying around my computer I wish I had the skill of any1 of the modders in here. later be safe all P.S. Spinners love the Brazilian Navy F-18 Superbug keep them coming guys and gals
  11. New England RC Jet Rally

    For all the Jet and RC Jet fans
  12. Georgia moves against separatists

    The Russians are the ones dropping Bombs right (on "thier" people), both sides are in the wrong the Georgian Army shoudn't have fired upon the Russian "Peace" Keeping force which probably should not have been there. The Russians were not in their own country they were asked to leave. Georgians saw them as an invading force. The Georgains have withdrawn per order of the UN. The Russians are still in Georgian Territory. They should pull out also, and find a more diplomatic soloution.
  13. Georgia moves against separatists

    lindr2 what was the Russian army doing in Georgia an independant and sovergn nation.
  14. Does anyone know if Australia and or New Zealand assisted or wanted to assist G.B. and was not allowed, or were they nuetral in this as well like the U.S.?
  15. Falklands Islands Conflict

    Know what you mean
  16. I thought the flameout was due to her adding to much power to soon it was an F-14A which had the Pratt & Whitney TF30 which didn't like sudden movements of the throttle forward, which could cause flameouts. As I recall the LSO were asking here to add power on approach she was below glidepath.
  17. Georgia moves against separatists

    After Georga moves on seperatists Russia invaded, Georga is trying to join NATO. Heavy fighting is reported between Russian and Georgian military elements.
  18. The F-18 Supers are limited by the flight computer not sure what it is and how long it will sustain the G load. It wont let the pilot hurt the aircraft, the f-22 has the same govener to limit stress on the airframe and prolong the life of the plane.

  20. Falklands Islands Conflict

    Dude where were you this was a month ago
  21. Carrier Fire

    Fires happened a lot 1 cruise I remember we had like 20 fires in 5 months.
  22. Plane crashes in Haifa, 3 killed.

    atleast 8 Firefighters killed S. California in helicopter crash this morning.
  23. Why no more Tomcats?

    The prowler had 4 of us the growler has 2 times, change makes people go away. money money money the allmighty dollar do more for less, planes and men.
  24. Warhammer 40K

    This guy is saysing us
  25. What Did You See Today?

    I saw a Cessna Citation Jet fly over my sation today, about 300knots. The guys asked me how do you know what that was. I said it used to be my job to know that was.

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