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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. Emergency 4 / 911:Responders

    I live it I don't need to play the game. I wish I could have stayed in the military, but I got hurt. Life plays games w/your life for a reason. I never would have met the Boss (Darth Michelle) and had my kids, if I didn't get hurt on liberty. I got a new knee its almost as good as the old 1. Things work there way out. Now I work in public safety its almost as gratifying as being in a Prowler, almost . If you asked me 12 years ago I would be doing this I would have said G.F...Y....... (use your imagination) now im thrilled it happened.
  2. why don't belive in Iran?

    Be careful they have F-4 Phantoms
  3. TOP GUN refrence.quote name='Rambler 1-1' date='Aug 5 2008, 09:36 PM' post='181797'] Cougar?
  4. Just discovered a plane I didn't know

    I see the french influence. its still a phony it never made it past the drawing board.
  5. Just discovered a plane I didn't know

    Looks phony to me
  6. I need my school books to walk down the hall again.
  7. Why no more Tomcats?

    in times of cost cutting the backseater is going away. With element of surprise of stealth even more so.
  8. Why no more Tomcats?

    why would you need a a backseater the tomcat had a backseater to operate the complex radar and weapon systems all that stuff have been simplified.
  9. Good thing im not in high school anymore I would deffinetly need my school books to walk down the hall after this visual.
  10. Just poped the top off a wobly pop, cheers to a special lady on her 70th.
  11. Warhammer 40K

    I played in high school, Col., and when i first got out of the military. I may get back into it just because all the guys from the old neighborhood still do it. A local comic shop has some 2000 square feet of table tops w/ different terrains, fortreses. It was like 10 bucks a night got you a cup for the keg and all the pizza you could eat. You could bring your own miniatures.
  12. 11 NOV 1998 Blue Angel arrested and catapulted off the Harry S. Truman.
  13. There ya go spinners hit it on the head exactly.
  14. I would feel bad for the moderators that would be tuff to police, I do like the theme. I also enjoy the lesser quality pics. I must say that people do doctor them up with photo shop or other applications a little which isn't true to the game.
  15. Why no more Tomcats?

    The mid to late 70's right thats about 25-30 years thats pretty long for 1st gen stealth
  16. Why no more Tomcats?

    We are beating a dead horse again it comes down to the ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR, Time is money. Same stuff when the F-18A,C replaced the A-4,A-6, A-7, F-4, soon the best plane eva the EA-6, and the list just gets longer. Tomcat had average 14 man-hours maint. for 1 hour flight time compared to average of 4 man-hours maint. 1 hour flight time on superbug. Do the math it makes sense the F-18 family may not be the "BEST" Interceptor, the "BEST" Dogfighter, the "BEST" Air to ground strike plane, but w/training it does all of the above extremely reliable and well. With all the modern asistance from intel satilites, AWACS, and AEGIS The F-18 Family is very well supported which is probably some of the best on the "GOOD" guys side. I would put my faith in her and her Amazonian big sisters (superbugs) to do the job. And a small reminder the F-18 SuperHornet is a stop gap which is taking on many jobs. Just to list 2 the retired Tomcat's and the failed A-12's till the Navy's JSF comes online ........someday. Later be safe
  17. Latest On My Kid

    He will have vet status that will help w/ State Police, Dept. of Corrections, Sheriff Offices, City and County Fire Dept. when he decides to get out. tell him to take all the test when he's a short timer, most states allow you to take them 1 year out from ETS. He could walk into a state trooper job 70K+ a year In Mass if you arn't making 100K your first year you are lazy.
  18. Any Race Fanes out there?

    I am a big sports fanUS pro & coll.football, basketball ball, baseball, I also follow racing. Was wondering if any1 else was. I like F1, Yehaw NASCAR (love it when they go road coarse racing putting those rigs up on 2 wheels), V8 Supercars, ARCA REMAX series, Rally, I miss the Champ Car, and love the RED BULL air racing. What do you gals and guys like and who you rootin for.
  19. Any Race Fanes out there?

    Sweet ride, looks like a fun passtime.
  20. USS Cabot question

    I think the most I would want to land on the Dedalo would be an A-4, props would be great but I think it will be cool regardless what he does.
  21. USS Cabot question

    I dont think Stratos should be discouraged from doing this mod and campaign.
  22. USS Cabot question

    Its a game, its a what if, I think you should do it. It would be fun run with it
  23. Any Race Fanes out there?

    Very true about nascar, I too enjoyu sports car racing, you see the Corvette team bump each other on the way out of the pits at mid ohio today.

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