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Everything posted by MAKO69

  1. I wasn't pokin fun at yours I was comenting on the origonal. I love the sleeve, its about 8 inches to long. Yours does it justice
  2. Lets Go Pistons......

    Go celtics
  3. What the F@#% is that thing a, goi duk clam on the right side of the pit. I would cut that damn thing off.
  4. Anyone Seen This?

    As long as they got the F-4 & F-18 I'll be happy, I'm sure it will be an arcade type "SIM"
  5. Any1 try it yet coments welcome
  6. I get spuratic saves, sometimes it will save and sometime not, in campaingn mode SHP1 Merc. missions have dif aircraft, you upgrade your plane they stay flying the F-100.
  7. Plane lands on top of another

    This was an un towered airport. Which means pilots anounce themselves and thier intentions, can be very confusing on a busy day.
  8. Is there an E.T.A. when this rig will be released? Great stuff, and to add about redundant projects the more the merrier. I love em all. You guys and gals that build these things, redundant or not or a one off are all spectacular. I like to see the suttle diff. its almost like a brush stroke on canvas, diffrent but just as creative.
  9. You going to release this very cool.
  10. How bout the early straight winged mock up that was cool looking too. The missles were on retractable pylons in the mock up. And the air intakes were curved into the top part of the intake.
  11. Try inclement weather at night, that brings visibility down to nil.
  12. Also with most of these newer fly by wire systems, the computers will not allow the airframe to be over stressed by pilot input. One more possible reason that the canards could have been pointed down, as pointed out by skippybing.
  13. Iran's latest....

    Yeah thay call them Northrop F-5 Tigers
  14. How do you get aircraft to work like the F-18 f-14 and so on.
  15. Does anyone know of an AF-1 Fightinghawk that is complete, or a skin for an A-4F Skyhawk?
  16. The MFD is big will it be mutiplexed, as to break it down to 1,2,3,4 etc boxes w/info, similar to picture in picture or split screen TV? Love the Idea of the old gauges, great to have backup incase of battle damage. Love the mirrors, looks very F1'ish. Can't wait to see her up and running.
  17. F-22 ADF (Euro figther 2000 same game engine) came out about 8-9 years ago great game it was actually based off the software that the actual sims for the test pilots. It is a great game. It was fun it had all typs of missions. you could set up the MFDs anyway you wanted them. You could change your own waypoints the list goes on. So many things. The grafics were steller too. For a game that is 10 years old it looks just as good as sfp1, and wov. I recomend. Go to www.cdaccess.com.
  18. Yup that what it be, i want to say it got squashed by the UK Gov., becuase they were spending big Pounds on it and with the F-111 and F-4 Phantoms coming up for foreign sales it was seen to be a waist. Let us Yanks pay for the development of an aircraft with similer capabilites.
  19. Those planes are huge they may look like a B-1B but it is a lot bigger.
  20. Looking for Brazilian Navy skins for the A-4F and F-18 saw them on a youtube video. they are out there.
  21. Hey thats great realestate across from the city there. Water front property.
  22. Don't forget to take that little pill marked incase of capture.
  23. Boom and Zoom in the virtual skaters half pipe in the sky

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