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About Moofles

  1. Lloyd C.II

    Great job.
  2. rather odd smoke problem

    well i have put other peoples effects in there and i belive i still get it, will try it buy addign starrys. I dont have FE-gold, just simple FE-2, would really appriciate it if someone could point me the the emitter line that is causing this so i could manually edit it.
  3. rather odd smoke problem

    Yes i have added a 3rd parts effect, belive its either starrys or lantons.
  4. hello all, ihave a decently modded FE2 install and i have a slight problem, when ever i hit a plane with some decent hits i get some very nice black/grey smoke emitting from it, this is not the problem, what the problem is that intermingled with this nice smoke is some green smoke, how on earth do i get rid of this. Im pretty sure the solution is in the particle ini, but i am not sure which emitter it is, and what one i need to change, any help would be great as this is a massive immersion killer. Cheers. Moof this is a quick and dirty pic, actually i usually have uch blacker smoke, so it seems i have this damned green form most of my damge smokes now. please, somebody help a poor soul out
  5. legendary, cheers all, i changed the unit to RAF, then i looked into the weapons data for the sidewinder, and yes the sidewinder is available in 1956, but to er on the side of caution i droped it to 1955 with the export also 1956 i dropped that too to 1955, and bingo, we have a RAF F-40 sabre fighting in the suez canal, cheers all for the help.
  6. i tick all the box;s on your above list bud, i should mention if i have not already that i am trying to add it to the SEUZ canal campaign, its been extracted using the cat extractor, and when i try to add it to RAF, Canada etc i can select the aircraft but just cannot arm it, to see if it was my aircraft i just added it to Europe 1956 campaign and its working perfectly, so its not a aircraft issue, i am proper stumped by this as myself and my bud ghave been trying everything we can to get this to work with no joy.
  7. I have those sort of weapon params in the campaign data file and yet still nothing, itsnotlike i can add any other weapons, it seems i am unable to add any form of weapons or drop tanks, very confused.
  8. Hey all, again sorry for all the questions but i once again have a little problem, i have succesfully added teh F-86-f40 to the suez crisis campaign, flying as either RCAF or RAF, my problem is thus though, when i select my aircraft i get the correct missions but i am unable to select a loadout, cannot air sidewinders (aim-9b) or any droptanks, when i try the same style mission in single mission, i can add the two formentioned loadouts, in both cases the year set is set to 1956, so i should have the AIM-9b, so.....any ideas why i am unable to select the loadouts in the campaign. i have SF2 V/E/I exp1/exp2/may 11 update, all merged. cheers. Moof.
  9. Hello all, ive searched and searched and i just cannot find the solution to my problem. I have all the titles of SF2 in a merged install, and all the patches including the most recent may update. my problem is thus, i am trying to add soviet aircraft to the europe campaign, i have succesfully extracted the campaign ini and data file, added the A-6 to the campaign and it works perfectly, now when i try to replicate it using the soviets, i can add the aircraft, and the squadrons, but when i select the aircraft it gives me missions that the aircraft is not desinged to do even though i have changed the mission paras to only be say intercept and escort. so my question is thus, can some one please just lay it out on how to add playable soviet aircraft to campaigns (would like to play europe campaigns from the soviet side) as stated i can do it perfectly fine with allied aircraft, just soviet is causing some serious issues, wrong missions params, unable to change airbase, and missions against my own side. any help please. badly needed. cheers.
  10. anybody have an answer for this, as i am having exactly the same problem. i tried changing unit and what not, but it seems that i still get strike or ground attack missions, coupled with not being able to change me home base, and also the strike missions and sead missions are also directed at my own airfields. please, anybody.
  11. Fixed it, seems i had a conflict with some weapons mods, just ''x'' out the weapons folder and its all grovy, will just re-install the weapons mods i had and it should be back to normal.
  12. actually my problem is far worse then i realised, it seems i am missing ALL droptanks for my planes. Any ideas. I deleted my mods folder, loaded the game up (with the may patch) and i had drop tanks, re-added my mods folder and now i no longer have drop tanks, i know for a fact i had them before the patch.
  13. Hello all, for some strange reason after the latest may 2011 patch i seem to be missing my droptanks on the F-105 series, im not sure if they were missing before hand, but i just loaded it up and sadly they are missing now, any ideas to point me in the right direction, any help would be ace, cheers all. Moof.
  14. its italeris 1/72 F-100, aftermarket are...the cockpit is Aires, the pilot is pavla, the decals are xtradecals, and the ordinance is hasegawas. Painted using a good old fashioned brush using humbrol enamels.

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