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About Tenom1

  1. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Given that S. Korea maintains a well drilled, trained, supplied, and equipped military, probably little to none. I'm unaware of the missiles used by the ROKAF but it undoubtedly possesses bvr capability, something I believe the MiG-23 is not capable of, at least in North Korean hands. Coupled with superior training and the F-16 and F-15 outclassing the MiG-23 in almost all areas: MiG-23 = lose
  2. War in Korea closer than we thought

    The North's only bargaining chip is its constant teasing with its military. If tensions escalate then destroy their capacity to make war and be done with it. No occupation, no nation rebuilding, just destruction of the opposing force.
  3. War in Korea closer than we thought

    You cannot reason with the irrational. You cannot forever appease those thirsty for power. You can not let the transgressions of aggressors go unpunished. You can not turn a blind eye. And if you let them get away with it all they will do it again and again and again. As they already have and will continue to do.
  4. Battle: Los Angeles

    Oh I was talking more about this: check out the alien ships flying close to the ground.
  5. Battle: Los Angeles

    Was that directed at my comment or does it have something to do with Footfall?
  6. Battle: Los Angeles

    Anyone else notice that the alien weapon effects look like flare bursts?
  7. Good job btw! Though I do feel cheap using cruise missiles
  8. No afterburner in SFP1. Is there a sound mod that should be used with it?
  9. "Did you install weapons pack 2.52 Tenom?" "Yes...wait...no." "Good job."
  10. Shouldn't the canards be movable or is that a limitation of the engine?
  11. Arghhh not showing up for lindr2's Su-35 (Su-27M) either. My install doesn't like Sukhois
  12. Operation Red Flag

    Hey all don't know if this is a repost but I figure it couldn't hurt. Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag in HD over at YouTube: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=BVXLY-u-SdA
  13. Thanks for all the answers so far. Along what ST0RM was saying though I'm also interested in how the two are deployed in real life and what the parameters are that dictate when they are deployed on missions. Besides the mention of the SHARP pod I'm still picturing a mission planner going "Alright let's see here, E, E, F, E, E, E, F, E, wait no F, E, E, F, E."
  14. Looked at the service dates and i'm testing in 1992. AA-11s showing up with Mig-29 but not for the Su-27 . I'll compare the data.ini's for the two tomorrow. The Marcfighter Su-27 is from 2007 so there's probably some things that need updating i'm guessing.
  15. Sorry: Using SFP1 Oct' 08 patch with Mirage Factor 1/25/09 weapons pack.

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