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Everything posted by thodouras95

  1. Women in Combat Units

    I may be wrong, but in my eyes, all you've gotta do is "harden the f*ck up".Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I don't think you're as strict as you were in, e.g. Vietnam nowadays.To that, you may add the "golden opportunity job" and overpromotion of joining the us armed forces.In my eyes, that's just picking up anyone who wants a decent-paying job (possibly with some action too) in the public sector.And not all of these people are suit for the military. Pretty much the same goes for rape.If you pick up anyone, it's not that hard to find a pervert or two among them. When did the things that you describe take place?
  2. Best movie of 2012?

    Good movie in 2012..unheard of to me...At least the BS I had the misofrtune to watch weren't anywhere near my good movie standards.
  3. I've seen this on YouTube, and 1 other forum.Lots of posts, lots of comments, this one has by far the best replies.Anywhere else it was a nightmare, especially on YouTube.I saw Greeks actually being superior to their foreign counterparts (in terms of replies, since most people acted as if our police force is a bunch of spongebobs that abused their powers to arrest two nice fellows in the land of bankruptcy), and many videos presented the facts in their own way, which is mentioned in the parenthesis you just read... FINALLY, someone who got it right! whoops, just saw this is kind of old, sorry bou the bump :)
  4. "unexpected"?I'd expect the greatest military force in the world to be better prepared for such a drill...and even if they failed, again I'm pretty sure they'd do their best to keep the results safe under the "classified" label.The USAF would certainly know what they were dealing with, since you can find that stuff all over the net.An Eagle or two may have fallen to bad luck.But Raptors, hell no. Normally yes.Whether the personnel involved couldn't keep their mouths shut is hard to know, since no matter what they say, their sayings are not officially confirmed, and in turn their word eventually becomes nothing but a rumour. Exactly.The MiGs would probably be rendered useless before they could even get within launch range. 100th post, yeayyy
  5. "Among many fourth generations attributes added to the IAF MiG-21Bison design, the incorporation of HMS (Helmet Mounted Sight) and high-off-boresight R-73RDM2 NBVR/WVR (Near Beyond Visual Range/Within Visual Range) AAMs (Air-to-Air Missiles)" This sentence alone is enough to turn any plane to a superfighter.But this: "had the capability of destroying even fifth-generation fighters alike F/A-22 Raptor" Unless it's raining that day, detecting a F-22, and let alone destroying it is impossible.The whole Bison formation will be on its way to the ground well before the slightest estimation of the Raptors' current position.
  6. Merry Christmas everyone

    Merry Christmas everybody!
  7. No.NO WAY.No f*cking way this is real! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM85VwWWwu8
  8. Canada formally scraps F-35 deal

    By the time Canada engages in serious aerial combat in the future, the F-35 will already be outdated.Super Hornet ftw.
  9. Cmon, al these Decembers have passed ever since CombatACE opened, and there isn't a single person that has made a flyable santa sleigh????
  10. Sometimes the Hawkeye calls for bogeys 50nm out (always 50, as if they can't spell any other number), and, if I'm not wrong, sometimes they're either closer or futher out.But never 50nm.
  11. 1.Which book would that be?Always interested in a Tomcat read. 2.Happened to me just today.But the King-of-Trolls wingman survived.I lost one of my wings, he just got a little banged up.
  12. BLACK MAGIC!!! Have you made any file edits?Or do you play with an option or two set to "normal", etc?
  13. AIM-54C, launch at 50-100km, NO FREAKIN WAY it's gonna get all 6 rounds tracking.Altitude ~5000-10000km.
  14. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    It can happen, if someone shows some interest (but that's unlikely, so...)
  15. No way to get 'em all to track simultaneously.At best, one will be one its way to the desert floor. Well, sometime ago I saw this ( http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_217.shtml ), where a Tomcat seems to have scored a Mirage with a -C Phoenix, and it sort of surprised me.The kill remains unconfirmed, though, and I haven't read anything about any such kill since.Regarding the Foxbat, then, if I remember correctly, the missile was fired close to its max range.All the MiG had to do was turn around and get to full ab. Now, about the Iranians, well what can I say, they're flying now, and they have no missiles to show around any more, so I guess they were somehow used...
  16. I once took out 4/6 Mirage 2000s.But that's just about it.Other than that, I rarely hit modern fighters, regardless of how up-to-date the AIM-54s I have are.I've never had a full Phoenix salvo track at the same time, let alone hit something.
  17. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    TBH, I prefer a new regime that is somewhere in between.I don't want a ruthless dictator, but I don't like a new Iran/Pakistan/X theocratic nation either.
  18. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    I can't help but wonder what they are waiting for.I hear everywhere that the only reason they don't go in is Russia and China.But it can't be.Few nations have ethical standards that would prevent them from arming such terrorits, but NONE would ever them.Not like that.It's got to be something more.It's got to be something more that prevents them from attacking another Hitler-like being.
  19. I can actually imagine this on every single aircraft I know, and it looks damn good.
  20. I once tried to break away from the formation a little bit too fast, and crashed on my wingman.Another time, I ordered my wingman to attack a ball-busting fresco I was chasing, he went for guns, and got me instead. But the most epic weird story of all is sadly the one I remember the least.I was flying in SF2I, F-4E (I think), and entered a fight with a Fishbed/Fresco (can't remembet) flight.I made my way to one MiG's rear (somewhere between 6-8 o clock, I think), got a tone from my Sidewinder (which must have been a rear-aspect, non-lead-pursuit model), and Fox 2'ed.The MiG, IIRC, was pretty close to the AIM-9's max range, so, thinking the shot was bad, and seeing the MiG turning to avoid the missile and try to get its nose on me, I switched to the Vulcan.The MiG had already turned onto me head-on (I couldn't really follow it in the turn, I was low on speed), and I was trying to get my pipper on it, when all of a sudden, with no warning, I see a mini-smoke trail headed straight for the MiG's 6!Next thing I remember, one bandit is going down in flames, and my wingman (or someone from the flight) is congratulating me for the kill. Other than that, I do recall a couple of low altitude bombing runs where I got damaged/destroyed by my own bombs...
  21. Well, I always make it back to base, sometimes with near-empty tanks, but I still do.Anyway, I think that tiopilotos's post says everything you need to know.Fly in altitudes that don't have a great impact on your speed, don't use a lot of power unless you need it/are going to need it in the next minutes, and, well, drop tanks.
  22. Ace Combart Reach PC 2013

    Never really liked Ace Combat, always thought it was way too arcade even for me.Anyway, those of you who like it, have fun.

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