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Everything posted by Psychobabble

  1. Is there a difference between the ATI Radeon 9600s?

    Thanks once again, MadJeff! I'll go for the 9800 if I can fit it into the budget. Also, I've noticed from the other posts that NVIDIA card users seem to be very loyal to that brand of card, in that they say there's a lot of updates and such for that card. Any opinions?
  2. I'm sorry if this question has been addressed before, I'm new to this forum. I'm building a new computer with the sole purpose of being able to play LOMAC when it comes out. It will be a Pentium 4 3.0GHz if I can afford it, or a Pentium 4 2.4Ghz if I run out of cash. I was wondering if someone who has the beta version (or Carl) could tell me if I should get a Radeon card (ATI 9800 or Sapphire 9600) or a NVIDIA card to play this, in terms of what would work best with the least amount of bugs to work out. I'm not that knowledgable about computers, I have my brother fix it for me.
  3. Thanks, MadJeff. Great site, BTW. I've been monitoring it since SFP1 came out and I check it every time I'm on the net. Keep up the great work!
  4. Snapple, Thanks for the advice. I was planning on a 128mb card either way. I just want a card that I won't have to tweak too much to get the game to run. Maybe my experience with getting Falcon 4.0 to work has been giving me flashbacks, but I know that game was full of bugs. I just want the game to run without having to wait for someone to come over and fix it for hours before I can play it. The anticipation of playing this game since the cancellation of Jane's A10 and the first announcement of LOMAC having the A10 is killing me, it seems to be dragging forever. I just want to fly :D

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