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Everything posted by hrc

  1. img00004

    From the album SFV2

  2. I don't understand the difference between them. I understand that US bombs have both types of fuzes in them and they can even be selected by pilot in flight.
  3. Specifically, in F-16 pilot can choose nose, tail and nose-tail fuze settings for Mk series of bombs. What would nose-tail setting then be? Both fuses armed I guess?
  4. Post random things thread

    A Catholic nun was sitting on a train opposite a Muslim man who was wearing a turban eating fresh shrimp. Every time he ate one he spat the tail in her direction, requiring her to deflect it. Eventually she had enough and pulled the Emergency Cord. The Muslim looked at her and said, "You'll get fined $250 for doing that, you stupid catholic bitch." She laughed and said, "When I cry 'rape' and they smell your fingers, you'll get 10 years, you towel-headed camel-humper."
  5. Hm, not likely to get my A#$ arrested in Chu Lai any time soon. :) Thanks!
  6. Where is the .ini file that has bomb ripple interval values for certain aircraft placed? Or from which folder it has to be extracted?
  7. Some stock planes don't have cockpit .ini in their mod folder. It is archived somewhere in install among tons of objectdata .CAT. Right?
  8. Linebacker II lasted 11 days. 12 fighter bombers and 16 B-52 were shot down, which on average spells 1 fighter-bomber and 1.5 B-52 lost per day. These are most modest US losses reports.Even those are huge losses, on average bigger than any other air operation of the kind in Vietnam war. Besides, it was a brutal and unnecessary bombing campaign by criminally insane Kissinger in a desperate bid to try to change the course of the war and to save the puppet regime in Saigon that was breathing through it's last straw, because US didn't know how to fight Vietnamese in any other way but by carpet bombing N. Vietnam's basic population infrastructure and downtown of Hanoi. At the end Linebacker amounted for nothing in long term for US and Saigon's interests but only left over 1600 dead civilians and enormous damage to civilian life and infrastructure. Even if you read US written Wikipedia summary of Linebacker II it says that result was indecisive. In non bias view, it was a failure.
  9. I cannot extract WOI's .cat files with Sf-Wo extractor. I get this error: "PowerBuilder Apllication Execution error (R0039), apllication terminated. Error acessing external object property filename"
  10. 29's pilots also need combat experience. Why not fly them?
  11. A revolution 57 years ago.

    Great pics. Today Europe needs another revolution. Revolution of ideas.
  12. Hey Gepard, what should the install base for your mod be? (SF1, WO*)?
  13. Some opinions needed

    Maybe the metal was bent inside after the explosion 'cause of the vacuum effect that is created in the middle of the explosion that happened from Kursk's own fish . Who knows. Russian official story is that Kursk's torpedo propellant induced explosion. If Americans had the slightest thing to do with Kursk's tragedy I assume the Russians would be blowing that horn big time. Jut saying...
  14. House, Senate pass bill to re-open govt.

    Good short term news for the people. But the debt ceiling can has been kicked down the road till february and new 700$B will be borrowed. Ultimately, the debt ceiling won't be the problem for the US (congress can suspend the debt ceiling if they want) , but the problem will be the lending ceiling (when lenders stop to borrow, congress can't raise that), when dollar denominated inflation surpases the interest rate earned on US IOU's ... i.e. when rich creditor nations and private lenders stop investing in US treasury bond and start in something else (other currencies, gold, oil, food).
  15. Something for the Girlfriend this Xmas perhaps

    First I thought it was a joke but then I realised it is a real product. Amazing s#*t they won't come up with. Humans are now supposed to be ashamed that they digest food and dispose of it?! :))) I've got a better solution from keeping the smell of one's dung "enriching" the surrounding air: It doesn't matter if you're releasing your weight in one shot or in multiple bursts; the moment the brown squooshy matter detaches from your entity, semi flush the toilet (keep your hand on that flusher as you would keep it on the red buzzer on a quiz show, you gotta be fast, the key is not to flush the toilet all the way because you'll have to wait for the refill, and will have to flush it more again so people outside could think that you are being attacked by some kind of a toilet monster, just flush it enough that the thing you came to dispose of in the first place sinks under the water level). Depending on the number of shots you have, repeat accordingly. After all the negative energy is out of your system, go for a proper toilet flush. With little practice, no smell guaranteed. It works great at home, at parties, at work, school and funerals. and the best part: It is absolutely free. And remember, do not leave skidmarks. Those are worst than the smell! Happy shooting!!
  16. Balkans Theatre for BMS

    http://www.eurovirtualforces.it/ But it is said that frame rate drop is considerable. So I'll wait a little and see how it turns out for others.
  17. Balkans Theatre for BMS

    Beautiful! Starting to download.
  18. Lower the radar frequency more visible the stealth is. It is said that below 2GHz nothing is invisible to radar. The problem with low frequency is that the environment is filled with them and environment is kind of a natural jammer, plus measuring distance is very difficult with low frequencies but that can be solved with improvements in receivers computer technology. Many Russian and Chinese radars are modified for low freq. and can detect stealth planes like mid powered radars (main reason why F-117 was retired). So physical stealth can be defeated with development in radar technology. Best stealth lies with radar absorbent materials. But like with any weapon system and it's counter measure, it is a never ending race between the two, so it's impossible for us laymens to say that radar will become obsolete. Dogfight, and especially aerial gunnery was thought to be a thing of a past when radar and IR guided missiles entered the scene in 50's. But again, it was proven wrong starting with Vietnam war.
  19. Good choice! I have x-52 pro. Bte. what is the difference between regular and pro?
  20. Some bombs are not showing under the plane when mission is loaded. It happens with M-117 and M-118 bombs and M-35.36 incendiary cluster under the center loading point of F-105 and F-4. These bombs are selectable and shown loaded under the plane in the loadout menu before the mission, but when the mission loads they are not under the planes center point. Not just that they are not there as being invisible, they are also unselectable, meaning that they aren't loaded at all. It happens in SF2V with eburgers A-G exp mod. Any clue? I have fully merged inst. May 2013 patch.
  21. This is how f-105D data.ini looks like (centerline section): [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,-0.48,-0.76 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-4.0,0.0 MissileRollAngle=0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=2100 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,TER,MER,FT AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon_center PylonMass=57.15 PylonDragArea=0.03 FuelTankName=Tank650_F105 FuelTankNodeName=droptank650 With F-105G everything works fine. So I replaced F-105D centerline station lines with F-105G's one. Again nothing...
  22. Yes I can (F-105s) Ravenclaw weapons pack doesn't have the ordnance that is not showing in my case... I also see F-100D won't carry M-35/36 incendiary on center weapon station, but will under the wings...
  23. I've checked it. Everything seems fine. But it's not that the game doesn't recognize the M117 bomb for instance. Single M117's are loaded on outer pylons of F-105 but six M117 won't load on center pylon. Thanks anyay.

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