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Posts posted by VVanks

  1. Lol, I thought you were referring to Arsenal as in weaponry.


    Well, just shows how long I've been away from England (grew up there, beautiful country).


    I lived in Sheffield, and Sheffield Wednesday/United ain't doing too well. (Last time I checked they were last, and second last lol)


    Anyways, good to know there's another soccer (footy!) fan on the boards! :D

  2. VVanks, don't you just hate it when the marketing gurus do this?  It's like, "ok, so I'm paying extra to see what I just saw?"  Grrr...  Many times I've gone to the theatre to watch a comedy because of a couple of good trailers that I've previewed, only to find that the funniest jokes were the ones we already watched in the preview!


    Yep.  Definitely throwing down some hard-earned cash for this puppy... to complete the Extended Edition collection I have.

    Although some of my friends are waiting for the complete 3-set, uber-boxed, ultra-magnum, mondo-mega release to come out.  I presume that this ed. will have even more footage and interviews and director's blurbs, etc. etc.


    Yeah, I downloaded it to see if it was good. Instead, it showed me the coveted Mouth of Sauron, the Scene between Aragorn and the Palantir and Gandalf vs. the King of all Wraiths. I wanted to be amazed when I finally put that DVD into my player, and watch it for the first time. Now, I feel like I'm buying the ROTK:EE DVD for collection reasons. Couldn't they have made it like the Starwars teasers? Where they showed about 1 second of footage interlaced with a lot of fading in, fading out and coinciding with Darth Vader's breathing?


    Here's what I would've done:

    Low Drum Roll like the army of Sauron in ROTK


    Return of the King: Extended Edition

    Fade in:

    Gandalf and Merry on the horse, but don't show the Nazgul king.

    Fade out

    Fade in:

    Frodo and Sam

    Fade out

    Fade in:

    Aragorn and the palantir but nothing afterwards

    Fade out

    Fade in:

    The mouth of sauron standing far away so it's out of focus.

    Fade out

    And flash Sauron's One eye

    End title;

    Coming December


    and with the Bam bum, bam bum LOTR music from the Fellowship of the Rings when Sauron first appears.

  3. hello all, im looking to join a lomac squadron so id like to know which ones you guys are in. or which ones you would recommend, im not an excellent pilot (yet) and i cant devote alot of time to it because of work. also, tell me about your experiences with squadrons, did you have alot of fun? was it to much hassle? lemme know!


    I'm in the 23rd Ticats. The link to our squadron website is below in my sig.

  4. HEY you're legal!!!!!! happy birthday!

    MadJeff wrote:

    Oh yeah? kinda remember :blink:  when I turn 18 (again)I'll let ya know how it feels! :cool:


    Wee thanks!


    I was having 2 consequetive birthday parties last night and I slept till 11 this morning so a)I'm still tired, and b) I'm a little late acknowledging this.


    But thanks anyways. It's always good to know that people from all over the world, even some you've never see or talked to, knows when your birthday is. :lol: (and to my friends who thought my birthday was September 9th, booo! :P)


    Anyways, it was fun. I work at the swimming pool, so I got thrown into the pool with all my clothes on, and then punched 19 times by all the guards there. What fun people eh? My arm is still sore *ouch* :no:


    And i played Starcraft till 4AM while ODing on caffeine.


    What a fun day.

  5. I gotta agree with VVanks on this one, now that the links are white, and the front page and forums match, it's looking pretty sharp.  :good:  Although, I wouldn't be myself if I didn't find something to complain about :tomato: It's kinda awkward having all the links (on the main page... News, Articles, Forums, etc) on the far right, if you could just move that over to the left again, it would be perfect  :king:


    Yeah, I think I commented on that too (we think alike).


    Anyways, new logo is up, hopefully MJ can update it soon.

  6. Okay, been perusing through the website and noticed some graphics problems.


    1) The logo doesn't stretch all the way (my bad) so I've devised a plan. Could you make the background of the table cell behind the logo a picture? (or make the entire logo a background picture? and just put a empty space in the table cell) Just like the Forum logo, I can supply you with a picture where it goes on indefinetly and then blends into to the background color.


    2) The metallic grey/white gradient at the top (and bottom i presume) of the page get screwed up when you view the image gallery etc. So maybe you could make the background of those cells the same color as the edge colors (probably grey) so people don't notice, and make the gradient centered all the time? (should be able to do this in the style sheets)


    Okay, that's all I've noticed. If you need any help MadJeff, don't hesitate to gimme a holler. My MSN is wynhou@hotmail.com if you use MSN Messenger.


    Great job on the website, it looks cooler than ever. (Maybe we can add more Biohazcentral elements to it. It has a sort of template kind of feel to it)

  7. I was planning on converting the old color/layout, but these colors are starting to grow on me. I still want to add some orange, but what do you guys think?


    IMO, the new colors are good, but not great. The old colors reflected on this unique website. THe new ones make it more generic. Maybe a mix of the two? I'm sure we can figure something out.

  8. "Hackers tend to dress in bright, day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes."


    That describes the weird people.


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