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Posts posted by bigal1

  1. Thanks for that Fubar but no joy i'm afraid although without the problem it would have looked great :( . I was able to test on an almost identical machine ( same graphics card included ) but this machine was running windows 7 not xp , i thought maybe it was a shader problem on xp but i was wrong the machine on windows 7 suffered from the same lines and bad antialasing in the distance as my pc did so now i'm more thinking it could be something to do with my type of graphics card .

  2. I'm running SF2 europe , WOE , WOI , WOV , SFP1 all on windows XP pro , the problem happens on all games at stock level or modded but seems to show up more in the later games . After inspecting it further i've found that the anti alasing seems to be off in the distance but fine on aircraft and close in things ,can see this happening on the land and im guessing maybe thats the water problem aswell . As the view becomes closer the anti alasing looks fine this is more visable on rivers from a distance , all the edges will look very blocky but as you approach the area they will smooth out ? . Have tried all setting for my graphics card and all setting in game options but none have had an effect although turning water detail to medium stopped the over glare from the water but still the anti alasing problem visable . My current computer build is quite recent but this problem was visable on my older machine but not on the pc i had before that , wish i had another graphics card to test as that is the only component which has been used in both my current machine and the 1 before it . All other games have been working great which was also same for my last computer so i'm thinking its something todo with my gtx260 and TK products for some reason :dntknw:

  3. Hi all , so i have this problem with water textures or something connected with water maybe reflections and have had it for a long time but always lived with it by lowering water quality to rock bottom . In the video you will see the strange fizzle to the water at certain angles and also the very high reflection / glare , i'm not too sure when i started to see this problem but i've had 2 computers both have suffered from the same problem and the only part used in both machines is the graphics card so i'm thinking maybe ann issue with that ? the graph card is a gtx260 and all other games seem fine with water textures and reflections , this problem occurs no matter if i use full stock game or modded terrains any help advice would be great as this is a long time issue for me which is a right pain in the ass .



  4. After checking a few things i've managed to find a solution it seems . I cross checked the data ini files from my germany and israel terrains because the problem only happen on the germany terrain , i found a section of code in the israel terrain ini which was not present in the germany one so decided to copy it over and it worked great . I am now able to have very far horizon set with no strange shadows/clipping so in case anyone else finds themselfs in the same position i'll post the data i added to my germany data ini .
























  5. Hi all , first of all i want to say a big thanks to the Desert Storm team for a superb job they have all done with this mod . Ok onto my problem which could just be settings on my pc but tbh i'm not sure , No matter which terrain i use i always get the water shimmering problem if i have the latest patch installed and it only starts when i get to about 20,000 ft . All the fix's for this suggested by people here have not had any effect and i have also tested a lot with different settings still with no luck , with the desert storm mod out now i thought i would have another attempt at sorting this but still find myself stumped lol . If anyone has any more suggestions i would greatly appreciate hearing them , My system uses evga 8800 graphics , 2 gig memory with an x2 processor running on win xp pro .


    Thanks .

  6. Problem still exists for stock ShelterA object. YAP have an alternative hangar that solves this problem, and there are some in the downloads /Object Mods/ section which you could experiment with.


    Regards, comrpnt.


    Thanks for the info, in the end i decided to remake hanger3 ( always wanted the large hanger as a starting point ) so i opened up the doors and added some light fittings inside then sorted out the collision problem . So far everything seems fine have set middle of hanger3 as starting position in custom mission and all works great , the collision box is still present on the hanger found out when i powered up a bit too much and went through the rear wall of the hanger lol .







  7. Hi all , just wanted to let everybody know i have updated the Bloodhound missile and it should be ready for download as soon as it has been approved .

    These changes allow the extra boosters to be ejected after they have been used up , an improved data .ini ( as per real world specs ) and also a slight model change .

    I would like to say a big thanks to winterhunter for helping out with these updates :good: .

  8. bloodhound missile update

    This is an update to the Bloodhound missile which allows the extra boosters to be ejected after use and also a much improved ( real world specs ) data .ini , there is also a minor model change aswell .

    I would like to say a big thanks to winterhunter for his help with these updates .


  9. Now that's a Bear killer!


    Yup can confirm they like to kill bears :yes:










    One problem i have with it at the moment is getting mulitple boosters ( booster positions ) for the 7 engines this beast has . In the missile ini i have tried to define multi booster but upto now only seem to get 1 showing . So far i used BoosterPosition001 , BoosterPosition002 etc etc and also tried BoosterPosition1 etc etc but no joy . Does anyone know if it is possible to have multi booster positions set in the missile .ini , also was wondering what units the max range and seeker max settings are in , thanks .


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