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Posts posted by Chutedangle

  1. I have downloaded Wrench's F-86F plane and added to the folders involved.

    Everything seems to be working but there are no engine sounds of any kind.

    What am I screwing up? If there is something to screw up I will find it. :blink:

    The read me says to have the KAW update loaded, but I now see that there

    are two versions of said update. Could it be I have the wrong one?


    Any help would be a great help.


  2. Gentlemen,

    I extracted the InstantAction INI and changed the map and the plane.

    It starts to load and then hangs at 30%, everytime.

    I feel it might be the name of the plane. Which do I type into the INI.?

    The folder in objects (airplane) says MustangIII but when choosing in

    the game it calls it Mustang MK.III. Does that make a difference?

    Also Must I change all the planes in INI. to planes I actually have loaded

    in the game? If so, how do I know which "size" to use for each plane?


    Sorry for being so stupid, but I am close, I can feel it. :blind:

  3. I am looking for a world war two flight sim that is reasonable to play.

    I tried IL-2 1946, but it seemed to require more time fooling around

    and not so much time playing.


    Anybody have any idea what might fit as a decent game?


    I posted this here because I wasn't sure where it should go.



  4. They were working fine.

    I am using JoyControl for the Hotas settings and had everything setup nicely.

    Now today the rudders suddenly don't work. Windows says the device is working.

    Everything else works fine. Beginning to wonder if this game is worth the headaches?


    Any help would be welcome.

    I have deleted Joycontrol and reinstalled, switched the peddles from a hub to a direct

    USB input, nothing.


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