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Posts posted by Baz_GFA

  1. Colorado is a death penalty state, and the defense will have a hard time proving insanity. According to news sources they are digging up alot of evidence showing months of detailed planning.

  2. It's called murder and there are laws against it. This guy is disturbed. Nothing more.


    They are trying to label everything as terrorism. I don't want to give away any more of our freedoms for safety.


    What's next, TSA gropers in the theaters?


    Don't be afraid people, go to the movies.


    From DOJ:



    The proportion of homicide incidents involving two victims has increased slightly from 2.7% in 1980 to 3.7% in 2008.



    Homicide incidents involving three or more victims have also increased during this same period, but have remained less than 1% of all homicides each year.


    Multiple victim homicides are so small as to be almost insignificant:



    - 3.7% involved two victims



    - 0.5% involved three victims



    - 0.2% involved four victims



    - 0.1% involved five or more victims.


    Moreover, the homicide rate in the United States has declined sharply in recent years – from 9.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1992 to 4.8 homicides per 100,000 in 2010.

  3. Want to hear some sad bulls**t? I asked my kids when they got home from school if any of thier teachers had anything special to say about today. They all said NO. So I went ahead and talked to them about D-Day and the sacrifices of our and allied troops.

  4. Hey Mr. Mudd. Got my TrackIR 2 with hat in the mail today. Tried it out a couple times in LOMAC. It does have some small issues until a patch comes out (LOMAC). Mouse emulation mode seems FUBAR for now, but enhanced mode seems to be working fine.

    The feeling of being there is greatly enhanced, and I have a hat switch freed up for other things.

    Overall, I think it's sweet, sorry I waited so long to give it a try.

  5. Hey kids :P


    After reading alot of good things about this little gadget, think I'm gonna jump on the band wagon and order a T IR2. I have a hard time following targets with just my hat switch.


    It 's gonna take some getting used to I'm sure, cuz I'm the type that cranks my head to the side while turning hard.

  6. I played it most of the day. I'm at work now, lol, my patients are sleeping comfortably, shhh, don't wake them. It was pretty smooth overall even with everything maxed out, 4x AA, 4x Aniso. I did turn off the engine heat blur thing ( I hate it). The flight models and 3D models are what I expected, the terrain is disappointing, not much of an improvement over Flanker 2.51.


    XP Pro

    XP 2800+

    ASUS A7N8X Deluxe

    1.5 GB PC2700 DDR

    9700 Pro Cat 3.7's



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