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Everything posted by Nengajyou

  1. Yamato Museum

    Good photo  よくできました♪ ◎
  2. Fuji AH-1S Cobra Over Japan.SF2

    Great work !! A R I G A T O U G O Z A I M A S U !!!!
  3. F-4E AUP

    Great work!!!!!!???Please!Please!!?Next JASDF F-4EJ Kai !!!!!
  4. H&MS-12 MCAS Iwakuni Japan 1986 Summer
  5. Pacific Power ! Thank You dels & Ace888
  6. Mitsubishi F-2A Viper Zero Ver 1.0 for SF2

    Great Work!!!! Thank you! Thank you!!!
  8. I very sorry Please wait a little more
  9. I am sorry I cannot speak English. The color of radar nose also has the lighter grey which is random and changes. A friend's White Boy Samurai will Upload later.
  10. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. New F-4EJ and F-4EJ Kai skin pack release Thank you White boy SAMURAI !!
  12. Hello all I want to install AAQ-14 in F-2A. Pylon is not displayed though the installed place was able to be specified. Please lend wisdom. I hardly understand English. I contribute it using an interpreter I am sorry in poor English
  13. Hi,Whiteboysamurai Thank you for the answer. It would be greatly appreciated if the change part could be taught if it is good. 日本の方がいらっしゃってよかった。 早速ですがData.iniの改変部を教えて頂ければ幸いです。 (英語サイトで日本語使うのはマナー違反ですが・・・・)
  14. Hello all I use Windows7 WOE can operate normally, but Weapon Editer does not operate well I set Weapon Editer with a compatible mode in Win98 and can open, but "OPEN" does not do motion Will there be the solution? I contribute it using an interpreter I am sorry in poor English
  15. Thank You Kevin!! A R I G A T O U G O Z A I M A S U!! (thank You!!)

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